Quote Originally Posted by Gofigure View Post
I love the fact that the film elicited this amount of thought and discussion. It's terrific.
Don't you wish that we could have a similar level discussion about the Transformers films?!? I really, really wish that we could. Transformers honestly deserves a better film franchise than what we've currently gotten from Bay. I don't accept the excuse that, "It's only Transformers." Marvel, Beast Wars and IDW (and possibly the upcoming IDW-inspired TV series) have demonstrated that Transformers can be better.

Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Zed View Post
The Resistance is still a little bit racists to aliens, sure they let Akbar and Nien Numn and co who helped the Rebellion join, but they never seem to let members of Greedo, Nute Gunray or the other "bad guy" alien races join, surely not all those green guys are jerks with slow trigger fingers.
That's a good point and ties in with what educators refer to as the Hidden Curriculum in fiction where certain races are portrayed as good and others as evil. Going by the films, one might deduce that all Mon Calamari are good and all Rodians are evil. However, the Expanded Universe does mix things up more and shows us good and evil characters across different races. This includes the still canonical Clone Wars TV series, which gave us heroic Rodians such as Onaconda Farr and Bolla Ropal, as well as innocents such as Rotta the Hutt and Mama the Hutt, Borkus (a Sullustan) etc.). The Original Trilogy showed us both an evil Twi'lek (Bib Fortuna) and innocent Twi'leks (Oola, Lyn Me), and the Sequels* gave us the Jedi Twi'lek general, Aayla Secura) etc. It would be nice if sequels could show us more aliens among the Republic/Resistance ranks belonging to races that have previously only been represented by evil characters (e.g. Aqualish, Trandoshans etc.). The xenophobic recruitment policy of the First Order prevents the films from explicitly showing evil non-humans, although it is possible to see more self-centred and otherwise morally dubious aliens outside of the First Order (as we saw on Jakku), and yeah, they could include species that have previously only been seen as good guys in the films; e.g. Nautolans etc.)

I don't think that we're going to see a Hutt piloting an X-Wing anytime ever.

*Yes, I am aware that Aayla originated from the comics