I have the following Black Library 40K novels and some miniatures for sale

Space Wolves -
Space Wolf
Ragnars Claw
Grey Hunter
Wolf Blade
Sons of Fenris
Wolfs Honour

Inquisitor Grynner -
Scourge the Heretic
Innocence Proves Nothing

Deathwatch -
Warrior Brood
Warrior Coven

Rogue Trader -
Rogue Star
Star of Damocles

Bastion Wars -
Emperors Mercy
Flesh and Iron
Blood Gorgons

Individual Novels -
Fifteen Hours
Death World
Rebel Winter
Desert Raiders
Ice Guard
Redemption Corps
Imperial Glory

All above books are $4 each or 3 for $10. I will not split up the series (eg Space Wolves) so must be bought as a set.
Most books have only been read once, a couple of them a second time, and are in (generally) good condition.

Miniatures -

The White Dwarf $10

Empire Soldiers Handgunners Arms (13 sets) $5

Space Marine Terminator $5

Plastic Cold Ones x4 $15

Movement Trays x3 $3