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Thread: Transformers Room Construction - any tips?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Well it's a full 3 years later and at a completely different address (and in a different State) but the Transformatorium is finally happening!

    At our old place it was going to be an extension of the main house, but we could never get builders who were available, but its a good thing it didn't get built since we moved anyway. Now instead of being attached to the main house its going to be its own separate building. Signed with the shed designers and builders yesterday. Here is a rough mock-up I've done of what we are building (the real plans have our address all over them so obviously not posting them in a public forum):

    EDIT: I drew that wrong. It is actually 11.5m long, not 8.5m. So those car spaces are 3m wide and 5m long, not 3x3. So the building is longer than wider, as opposed to how I drew it

    So yeah, the shed will comprise a 3-vehicle sealed & covered carport with a rollerdoor leading into a storage room. The main room will be for my collection with a glass sliding door but no other entries or windows, and will be putting a curtain over the glass door. Between that and the insulation it should provide enough protection from varying temperatures for my collection to be safe.

    Hopefully within 4 months this will be built. Of course then will have to get electricity hooked up and start to build shelving, as well as a big table in the centre to play on.

    So yay - after near a decade I will finally get to get my entire collection out of storage

    So now I no longer require any tips on the construction, but if anyone has any on how to build cheap yet strong shelving yell out as there is no way I can afford to do all glass cabinets. Also I'll have to think about lighting, since all natural light will be blocked out.
    Last edited by BigTransformerTrev; 7th May 2019 at 08:14 PM.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    13th Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    But if anyone has any on how to build cheap yet strong shelving yell out as there is no way I can afford to do all glass cabinets.
    I hear cinder blocks and pine wood boards are pretty cheap...

    But in all honesty - congratulations! Very exciting news to hear that the dream hobby room is finally taking shape.

    If you're looking at flatpacks, I think more than a few of us have at least of few of the Billy bookcases that Ikea produce. They're a pretty sturdy and reasonable storage shelf.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2014


    Wow congrats Trev, that is very exciting that it is finally coming together. Once the concrete gets poured it should progress pretty quickly. Look forward to seeing the photos with your collection once it's all set up!

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim Prime View Post
    I hear cinder blocks and pine wood boards are pretty cheap...
    Heh - the shelves I had for all my VHS tapes in my loungeroom at Uni were constructed from those exact same materials. And in true Simpsons fashion I had swiped them from a construction site

    Quote Originally Posted by DaptoDog View Post
    Wow congrats Trev, that is very exciting that it is finally coming together. Once the concrete gets poured it should progress pretty quickly. Look forward to seeing the photos with your collection once it's all set up!
    Cheers mate, I'm really looking forward to getting this underway

  5. #35
    KELPIE is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    That's awesome mate, hope it all goes well and according to plan.

    Being external like that will you have proper insulation?

    The stuff I have stored in the garage, I'm always worried about the extreme heat in summer and the cold in winter

  6. #36
    Join Date
    30th May 2011


    Looks great BTT, excellent size too. My personal preference for shelves is DIY custom, it allows more flexibility with varying sizes and styles of bots, using pine for frames, rails that are easily adjusted with the movable brackets, glass shelving and glass sliding doors. The main expense comes with the shelves, which on average for me have cost around $35 each, then the sliding doors which get into the $1000's. You can stage it too, so do one wall well planned that will take a lot of toys then have temporary shelves which don't cost too much (K-mart ones maybe) so that later down the track its not a big deal to change them over with the cabinet style.
    I have been lucky with two of my main shelves in that one was from gumtree and fitted one wall perfectly, I think I got it for $120 and they even helped me get it to my house, that easily would have been $3000 brand new, the other cabinet was from a store closing down for $100. With the rails I connect them directly to my wall, the cabinet does not have a back piece, this allows for the rails to take a lot more weight.
    I still function.....................while killing threads. ;-)

  7. #37
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    2nd Jun 2011


    Just found out we are probably going to be up for an extra couple of grand to get the ground levelled out and concrete braces put in around the side, since the land where the back of the shed will be is almost a full meter lower than where the front of the carport will be

    Quote Originally Posted by KELPIE View Post
    That's awesome mate, hope it all goes well and according to plan.

    Being external like that will you have proper insulation?

    The stuff I have stored in the garage, I'm always worried about the extreme heat in summer and the cold in winter
    Yeah the shed will be insulated. The shed at our old farm where the TF's were stored was not insulated and it often reached the mid 40's in Summer, but since the figures were in boxes within boxes they were OK. At our new place the problem is cold, in the winter it sometimes reaches -7 here So insulation is essential.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jetfire in the sky View Post
    Looks great BTT, excellent size too. My personal preference for shelves is DIY custom, it allows more flexibility with varying sizes and styles of bots, using pine for frames, rails that are easily adjusted with the movable brackets, glass shelving and glass sliding doors. The main expense comes with the shelves, which on average for me have cost around $35 each, then the sliding doors which get into the $1000's. You can stage it too, so do one wall well planned that will take a lot of toys then have temporary shelves which don't cost too much (K-mart ones maybe) so that later down the track its not a big deal to change them over with the cabinet style.
    I have been lucky with two of my main shelves in that one was from gumtree and fitted one wall perfectly, I think I got it for $120 and they even helped me get it to my house, that easily would have been $3000 brand new, the other cabinet was from a store closing down for $100. With the rails I connect them directly to my wall, the cabinet does not have a back piece, this allows for the rails to take a lot more weight.
    The idea is that I build fairly cheap shelving to begin with, then as the years progress replace them peacemeal with better glass ones as and when I can afford it.

    I'm intrigued by the idea of adjustable shelves with rails though - that's a really good idea I hadn't thought of! Got any pics or links to the kind of shelving you describe?

  8. #38
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post

    I'm intrigued by the idea of adjustable shelves with rails though - that's a really good idea I hadn't thought of! Got any pics or links to the kind of shelving you describe?
    I don't know how close to a Bunnings you live, but these are what I have:
    Rails & Brackets.
    If the room is closed off most of the time, then you shouldn't need glass fronts.

  9. #39
    KELPIE is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    2nd Jan 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    Just found out we are probably going to be up for an extra couple of grand to get the ground levelled out and concrete braces put in around the side, since the land where the back of the shed will be is almost a full meter lower than where the front of the carport will be

    Could you do like a split level or something? Or would that make it even more expensive

    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    Yeah the shed will be insulated. The shed at our old farm where the TF's were stored was not insulated and it often reached the mid 40's in Summer, but since the figures were in boxes within boxes they were OK. At our new place the problem is cold, in the winter it sometimes reaches -7 here So insulation is essential.
    Thumbs up!

  10. #40
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Couple of little updates:

    *The High School library is replacing all their shelving and said all their old shelving was 'free to a good home'. Sadly when I contacted them they told me curtly it was for other classrooms only. Don't know why they worded their email the way they did then as I reread it and it was very misleading.

    *The lot that were going to do the earthworks for us have fallen through which is frustrating as we need it done sooner rather than later and there are not that many companies out here. So desperately ringing round to see if we can get someone else ASAP.

    *We can get away with just getting the drop on once side concreted, so it should be an extra $1500 rather than $4500

    *Shed is looking like being constructed and ready to be delivered by July 8.

    *Have an electrician ready to go, just need to figure out what kind of lighting the room will need and if I will want any power points.

    So it's happening, despite the odd hitch here and there

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