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Thread: TFA/Animated Comments thread

  1. #201
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    Quote Originally Posted by iceburn View Post
    Fantastic Four - Johnny Storm
    Marvel Crossover
    Ah, I see. Another reason why I'm ignoring that toyline.

  2. #202
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Batemans Bay


    ep 1,2 and 3 are out of season 3 have aired and it is called transwarped.(wink wink)

  3. #203
    Join Date
    1st Mar 2009


    I recently purchased a bootlegged DVD of season 1 and 2 of Animated and to my suprise I really enjoy it.

    I have to admit, after seeing the initial pics, I didn't like the animation style but it is so well written and actually quite enjoyable. I could never really get past only a handfull of the Unicron Trilogy episodes but TFA is way better

    Which brings me to this. I was hoping I wouldn't be starting a new TF toyline. I only collect Universe/Classics but I just don't seem to be able to resist getting into the TFA toyline

    I want to start off my collection but I'm not quite sure on who to get so I am after some suggestions. After reading this thread there seems to be a lot of QC issues so I don't want to be disappointed after I open the package

    So far I am thinking of starting with Stealth Lockdown (I've read there is problems with his wrists?) and maybe Grimlock. Is this a good start? Is there any others which are highly recommended?

  4. #204
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    Quote Originally Posted by Raider View Post
    Is there any others which are highly recommended?
    If you can track them down, go and get yourself a Cybertron Prime and Ratchet (both deluxes) I'd also suggest Prowl, but wait and get the Samurai version. Activator Bumblebee is a must buy, but good luck finding him.

    Voyager Bulkhead does not disappoint either, but you may prefer the leader class figure. Leader Megatron is a solid figure.

    Of the newer figures, Jazz, Sentinel Prime and Oil Slick are all must haves IMO. Blurr, Wasp, Swindle and Wreck-Gar are all on my want list, but I cannot comment on them as I as yet do not have them. Depending on your love of other character, Snarl, Swoop, Black Arachnia, Lockdown and Soundwave are all decent buys.

    While you may get a QC issue with Voyager Lugnut (of my two, one has the QC problem with the cockpit, the other does not), he is more than worth getting, one of the best figures to be released in any line from the past 5 years.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  5. #205
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    Quote Originally Posted by Raider View Post
    So far I am thinking of starting with Stealth Lockdown (I've read there is problems with his wrists?)
    I would not start with Stealth Lockdown! (Unless you just want it for the Legends Optimus and Bumblebee). The clear plastic on Stealth Lockdown is completely inappropriate for the mould and so it's unlikely that it will even Transform cleanly into vehicle mode (and once it's there it will probably be jammed together and hard to prise apart.) Original Lockdown is a great toy, however. I completely agree with all Trunks's above comments and would also add the Starscream/Skywarp/Sunstorm mould as well as Ultra Magnus to the list as other good Animated Toys.

  6. #206
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast


    Quote Originally Posted by Raider View Post
    I want to start off my collection but I'm not quite sure on who to get so I am after some suggestions. After reading this thread there seems to be a lot of QC issues so I don't want to be disappointed after I open the package
    I agree with all of Trunks assessments (I'm very partial to Voyager Bulkhead, but those who care about scale should avoid), and Sky Shadow's recommendation to avoid Stealth Lockdown.

    Why don't you give us an idea of what figures in other lines you DO like and why, as opinions are always so subjective. If we get an idea of your tastes, we can probably make better recommendations.

  7. #207
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    Activator Bumblebee is a must buy, but good luck finding him.
    Today I found Animated Shockwave and he actually comes with Activators Bumblebee (in yellow - not the less-loved white version). Both are great toys - Shockwave/Longarm Prime is ingenious and heaps of fun - each mode has all sorts of subtle changes and takes a lot of thought to get right (particularly since he's packaged in Shockwave mode and the instructions start in tank mode and miss out several steps - already I've found that Shockwave's spine bends backwards and forwards and his neck pulls all the way in and out - neither of which are documented.) Longarm is so cute and Shockwave is imperious - everything that's long in Shockwave is (ironically) short in Longarm. The legs in tank and crane modes were the toughest bit to get right, but once they are, the vehicle modes are suitably solid. For me, everything that was wrong about Animated Blitzwing is right about Shockwave. I'm adding him to my Animated recommendations.
    Last edited by Sky Shadow; 19th March 2009 at 03:41 PM.

  8. #208
    Join Date
    19th Dec 2008


    So far I've got Swindle, Blitzwing, Starscream (voyager), Lugnut, Sentinel Prime, Jazz, and Ratchet, and plan on getting most of the more recent/upcoming characters.
    I highly recommend Jazz, Sentinel, and Lugnut, especially Jazz and Lugnut. Ratchet's pretty good, but not quite up there with Jazz etc - I really like the character so well worth it for me, but maybe check out someone else's before you buy. Starscream is great in robot mode but a bit of a let-down in fighter mode, and Blitzwing is a bit of a let-down in general. Swindle's alright, again, try before you buy.

  9. #209
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    28th Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast


    Quote Originally Posted by Sky Shadow View Post
    Today I found Animated Shockwave and he actually comes with Activators Bumblebee (in yellow - not the less-loved white version). Both are great toys - Shockwave/Longarm Prime is ingenious and heaps of fun - each mode has all sorts of subtle changes and takes a lot of thought to get right (particularly since he's packaged in Shockwave mode and the instructions start in tank mode and miss out several steps - already I've found that Shockwave's spine bends backwards and forwards and his neck pulls all the way in and out - neither of which are documented.) Longarm is so cute and Shockwave is imperious - everything that's long in Shockwave is (ironically) short in Longarm. The legs in tank and crane modes were the toughest bit to get right, but once they are, the vehicle modes are suitably solid. For me, everything that was wrong about Animated Blitzwing is right about Shockwave. I'm adding him to my Animated recommendations.
    Yes, Shockwave definitely rules. While I have all the neck movement, what do you mean by spine movement?

  10. #210
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    Quote Originally Posted by jaydisc View Post
    Yes, Shockwave definitely rules. While I have all the neck movement, what do you mean by spine movement?
    When you turn him from Longarm to Shockwave his entire hips, belly and crotch section can click forward. You see the two stripes on either side just under his ribcage? When you click that section forward, the stripes go up into the ribcage. It's like some sort of latin thrusting dance move and gives Shockwave a different posture to Longarm. Try it - if my descriptions don't make sense I'll see if someone's put up pictures on the Internet...

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