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Thread: Big Transformer Trev's articles and reviews

  1. #211
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog: Just when everyone thought that Cyberverse was over, it’s managed to get in one last gasp of life. Dinobots Unite has just aired on Youtube - a special where Grimlock finally gets all of his Dino-buddies together – both on screen and in their combined mode – Volcanicus.

    As such it means new toys to go with the associated media, and who doesn’t love getting more Dinobots eh? So I was very keen to pick up Swoop (with Bumblebee), Warrior-Class Snarl and Ultra-Class Sludge.

    READ Toys review - Cyberverse Dinobots HERE


  2. #212
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog: Oh Skids you poor dear you - always overlooked. Skids remains to this day perhaps the least well known and recognizable of the Autobots from the 84/85 G1 cartoon. With very brief and unmemorable appearances in only 2 episodes, even the likes of Grapple and Huffer have proven more popular and its only hardcore G1 & Comic enthusiasts who really know who Skids is. Skids appeared in the Movieverse as well but, besides a similar alt-mode, had nothing in common with his G1 counterpart and is a distorted version of the character everyone would like to forget.

    However Skids has managed to do something that Hoist, Trailbreaker and even Jazz have not – he’s got himself a Masterpiece toy! So let’s have a squiz at the new MP Skids.

    READ Toy Review - Masterpiece Skids HERE


  3. #213
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Since I received a big donation of Rescue Bots, thought I would do up a little gallery of the various RB toys we've gotten over the years

    View Rescue Bots Toys Gallery Here


  4. #214
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog: It seems like only yesterday fans were swooning over finally getting an updated set of Stunticons in the Combiner Wars and Unite Warriors toy lines. Fan favorites, the Stunticons were the second ever combiner group to be introduced in the G1 Transformers cartoon and their rebellious attitude and sweet alt-modes gave the Autobots a run for their money on the roads. This has lead to them appearing in multiple toylines, from KRE-O to Bot Shots to even Robots in Disguise.

    Well the Stunticons are back again – well – two of them anyway, with more along later in the year. Drag Strip was released several months ago and Motormaster – the latest Commander Class figure – has just hit stores here in Australia. So without further ado, lets have a look at Legacy Motormaster & Drag Strip!

    READ Toys Review - Legacy Stunticons HERE


  5. #215
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog: This question comes from Steve in Campbelltown:

    ‘What is the worst figure in your collection and why should we all own it?’

    Well Steve, given I’m at the 4500 mark for the amount of Transformer action figures I own, there are a fair few contenders for the mantle of Worst. So lets narrow it down to Transformer figures that actually transform and go from there:

    READ Ask Trev - Your worst figure, why should I still buy it? HERE


  6. #216
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog: Since pictures of the The Transformatorium have begun to circulate on various social media around the globe, I get asked a lot of questions. Much of the time, these are questions I have been asked many times before.

    So to address this, I put the call out on FB and Twitter for people to put forth their queries that I could answer in a Frequently Asked Questions blog, so in the future I could quickly direct people to it rather than type out the same answers yet again. Don’t get me wrong, I love people taking an interest! This will simply be a bit of a time-saver all round

    READ The Transformatorium - most popular FAQ's HERE


  7. #217
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog: And so it begins, the great cataloging for my personal and ever expanding Transformers Collection!

    And what better place to start than where the whole shebang kicked off – G1! Listed sequentially, and with accompanying photographs, here is the G1 Autobot toys I have amassed over the last 35+ years.

    VIEW Transformers Collection - Generation One Autobots HERE

    P.S: I know that in the past the way people count their collections has been a source of contention on this site. If you check out my collection and I catalog mine different than you do, just chill and roll with it

  8. #218
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog: And so it begins, the great cataloging for my personal and ever expanding Transformers Collection!

    A few weeks ago I finished my audit of my Generation One Autobots. Now its time for the next two groups!

    VIEW Transformers Collection - Generation One Decepticons HERE

    VIEW Transformers Collection - Rescue Bots HERE

    P.S: I know that in the past the way people count their collections has been a source of contention on this site. If you check out my collection and I catalog mine different than you do, just chill and roll with it

  9. #219
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog: And so it begins, the great cataloging for my personal and ever expanding Transformers Collection!

    A few weeks ago I finished my audit of my Generation One Decepticons, now its time for the next two groups!

    VIEW Transformers Collection - G2 HERE

    VIEW Transformers Collection - BW/BM/MW HERE


  10. #220
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog: This question comes from Katrina in Sydney:

    Pipes and Huffer have the same alt mode but different robot modes. Which is your favourite?

    It’s true that most of the 1986 Autobot Mini-Vehicles are just slight retools of their 1984 counterparts. However Huffer and Pipes are the exception. As well as a new colour scheme and face sculpt, the Transformation from Robot Mode from Vehicular mode was slightly changed. Instead of the cab of the truck becoming a hood as it did with Huffer, it became a backpack for Pipes.

    But are their alt-modes really the same?

    READ Ask Trev: Pipes vs Huffer HERE


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