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Thread: Big Transformer Trev's articles and reviews

  1. #41
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Just when you think the Combiner Wars toyline is dead, they keep chugging along with even more obscure subgroups. This time they have given us a character that you may be unfamiliar with unless you watched the Japanese G1 cartoon series Victory back in the 1980’s. A group originally named Breastforce (no I’m not making that up and yes, you are allowed to giggle) has been reborn as the Destrons (the JP name for Decepticons in general) who combine into an almighty gestalt! So here we go, a big review for a name as long as some of the old Street Fighter games, Combiner Wars Liokaiser: Platinum Edition!


  2. #42
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Ah Inferno. So cool yet so overlooked. A gung-ho character that was either fighting fires or fighting Cons or dealing with his psychotic superior. Inferno is not considered a fan favourite by many, but I always loved the guy! The original toy was great with lots of features and was a good size for its era and he was a fun character on screen during Season 2 of the G1 cartoon (my personal favourite TF ep’s ever!) Now to appease the likes of me, Tak/Tom have brought us Masterpiece Inferno!

    See my full review of Masterpiece Inferno HERE

  3. #43
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default VIDEO

    Enjoy the subtle crooning this yuletide season of Big Angry Trev's 12 Days of Xmas!

    (don't worry - LOTS of TF references )

    Watch Big Angry Trev's 12 Days of Xmas HERE

  4. #44
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog:

    Official Press Release

    Offices of Big Transformer Trev, candidate for Ozformer Member of the Year

    My fellow Ozformer members,
    while I have been busy with other matters of state it seems the pro/con Trev debate has heated up in my absence. So let me now as your candidate address the issue that concern you, the public, whom I am here to serve.

    Read The big push for the Decagon HERE!

  5. #45
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog: Femmebots, the slang term for female Transformers, are becoming more commonplace but are still for the most part a rarity – you can count how many get released each year without taking off your socks. Rescue Bots has been the longest running single Transformers cartoon show in history and they have finally introduced a female Autobot into their admittedly rather small ensemble. Quickshadow is a very cool character, coming across as a highly competent, British-sounding spy. Being a sportscar that turns into a female robot makes Quickshadow sound like a James Bond wet dream come to life and for those of us that like to collect female Transformers sounded like a new toy to look forward to collecting.

    Unfortunately what we got is perhaps one of the worst quality Transformer toys we’ve had in years.

    Read my review of RESCUE BOTS QUICKSHADOW right HERE!

  6. #46
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog: For those not familiar with the Ozformers website, some of the guys on there and I had been running a joke campaign, parodying the US election, for me to become Member of the Year. Well I actually won! So to continue the parody here is my acceptance speech, very reminiscent of one spoken by a certain new world leader.

    Read Ozformers Member of the Year - Acceptance Speech HERE


  7. #47
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Toy Review

    Excerpt from Blog: Astrotrain – truly a mainstay of the Decepticons in fiction since he first turned up in the G1 cartoon waaay back in 1985. And why not – he is a Giant Robot that turns into a Space Shuttle and a Train! I’m sorry but things don’t get much cooler than that! Despite being immensely popular in the cartoon and there rarely having been a G1 comic in the last decade that hasn’t featured him extensively (always the troop transport aren’t ya, ya poor bugger! To think back in the cartoon you became god of a moon!) Astrotrain has received very few toys over the years. I suppose it’s not the easiest to design, a train and shuttle in one. But now we have one again and he is a Headmaster no less! So let’s get on with the review of the Legends series LG40 Astrotrain!

    Read my full review of LG40 Astrotrain HERE!

  8. #48
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Toy Review

    Excerpt from Blog: Brainstorm, a character that has gone from relative obscurity to a fan favorite in recent years, thanks mainly to the More than Meets the Eye comic series. Now gone from being a bit player in the short lived season 4 of the US he is everyone’s favorite amoral weapons designer. However the version we are looking at today is an homage to his much larger television outing in the Japanese Headmasters series. So without further ado, from the Legends series let’s have a look at LG39 Brainstorm.

    Read Toy Review - LG39 Brainstorm HERE

  9. #49
    Join Date
    17th Nov 2013
    Toowoomba, Queensland


    Loving your reviews (and site in general). Keep up the great work

  10. #50
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Toy Review

    Quote Originally Posted by lfpnrg View Post
    Loving your reviews (and site in general). Keep up the great work
    Cheers mate!

    Excerpt from Blog: Super Ginrai. Not just the Japanese version of Powermaster Optimus Prime but a character unto his own right. Finding himself to be not just an ordinary human but to be an actual Autobot Godmaster (how’s that for a bitchin subgroup name!) who could bond with a Transector in order to don the visage of legendary Autobot leader Optimus Prime and fight the evil Destrons…

    … or so the story goes. It may be a different character technically but in reality it’s pretty much the same damn toy. The G1 Super Ginrai and Powermaster Optimus had very few differences, even if one was a little Japanese dude obsessed with his big hair in a mech suit and the other was Optimus Prime on steroids.

    Here we are 30 years later and we have a similar thing happening. The (US) Titans Return toy is ‘Powermaster Optimus Prime’ whilst the retooled (JP) Legends version is ‘LG35 Super Ginrai’. Both toys have their pro’s and cons. Six months ago I reviewed the Optimus toy (which can be read HERE); today I’m going to give a quick overview of the Legends Super Ginrai version and then most importantly engage in a comparison. This way you, my loyal readers, will know which to shell out your hard-earned money on.

    Read Legends 'LG35 Super Ginrai' vs Titans Return 'Powermaster Optimus Prime' HERE

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