Latest gallery of my personal collection. This time it’s Generations 2011/12 & FOC
Latest gallery of my personal collection. This time it’s Generations 2011/12 & FOC
Got sent a surprise gift from Hasbro 😃
With the announcement in the Age of Primes trailer that ‘Every Transformers Bot can be traced back to one of the Original 13’ it means for the mythos going forward that all Cybertronians are descended from one of the 13 Primes. We look at what that may mean for the lore as well as which bots and groups may be descendants of which Prime.
Updated for 2024 - all NINE Transformers movies ranked from worst to best!
Latest in my photo catalogs of my personal collection. This time- Thrilling 30!
Tomorrow around 1pm AEST I’ll be interviewed on the ‘Children of Primus’ YT channel - a Canadian/American TF chat.
It will be live streaming here:
The interview was really fun! You can find it here:
The next in my series of photo catalogs of my personal #Transformers collection. This time it’s Combiner Wars & Unite Warriors - the toyline that brought so many classic combiner teams back to toy shelves 🤖