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Thread: Big Angry Trev's Website - articles of interest (Non-TF)

  1. #91
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Meaty Goodness!

    Available at the Commercial Hotel in Swan Hill, this burger comes in at the cost of $23 so I was expecting that it would be substantial (I’m guessing BAB stands for Big Arse Burger) and was not disappointed.

    Read Meat Review - The BAB Burger HERE

  2. #92
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Random Rants!

    Excerpt from Blog: Living on a farmlet in the middle of nowhere, one relies heavily on the internet to keep tabs on what is happening in the outside world. Only one problem with that, as you gaze into the outside world…

    …it gazes right back.

    Apparently I have become the focus of quite a few women in the area. Quite a few, ahem, very forward women. Women who seem to have some serious cravings that they think only I can take care of. It seems every time I log onto a Transformers site, a movie reviews board or read some comics online these messages magically appear, like these ladies somehow knew I was going to be checking out the latest TF5 news and were lurking on the site waiting for me to put in a showing.

  3. #93
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Meaty Goodness!

    Excerpt from Blog: I am a total fan of combining meats. Despite my rather disastrous ’14 meats stew’ I tried to make a decade ago, I persevere with trying different combos to see what fleshes of what animals will complement each other on the palette.

    Given this carnivorous mindset, I was therefore very happy in my wanderings to come across the E-I-E-I-O Burger.

    Old McDonald had a farm - and slaughtered all the animals for this burger!


  4. #94
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Hobby Farming

    My dear former farm,

    Though I have left you, I want to thank you for all you did for me over the past 6 years.

  5. #95
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Two blog posts that admittedly seem to be at odds with each other

    Who doesn’t love a big roast eh? Well, vegetarians I guess, and people with eating disorders, those in a coma etc… well, lots of people. But lots more people love a roast, especially in winter!

    So here is a simple recipe for Roast Lamb with Vegetables that is certain to fill your tum. All the ingredients will be seasoned in various themes of yummy goodness but I’ve even made that easy too. Just follow the below instructions below and eat hearty!

    This question comes from Anonymous in Aberdeen:

    ‘Hey Big Angry Trev, I see all over the internet you showing off how you’ve been losing all this weight! Well how about ya share the secret how with the rest of us eh? Or is it all bullshit and you’ve had a bunch of airbrushed photos done like all the other celebrities – thought you were better than that man’

    Well, this reads more of an accusation than a question but I guess what this person is asking is ‘How have I been losing weight?’ It’s true, I’ve been losing nearly a kilo a day recently. So how have I done it?

  6. #96
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog: Here on our new farm I’ve decided we are going to be weed free and to that end I am installing no-dig gardens. The whole idea of a no-dig garden is exactly how it sounds – no digging! No digging plots in the soil to plant in and no digging endless weeds out over the years.

    Though time consuming, no-dig gardens are simple to create and they save a lot more time in the long run as well as providing a nutrient rich patch ready for planting. I have outlined the step-by-step process I went through below.

  7. #97
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog: A bit over a year ago I did my first review of The Kings Hotel in Bathurst and lauded both the quality and most definitely the quantity of their meaty meals. In particular The Cajun Surf & Turf, Rack of Pork Ribs and my personal favorite The Kings Kilo Steak!

    Well here we are again and we are going to look at 3 more offerings, this time of the more subdued kind but still all impressive beef steaks in their own right – The 300gm Rump, the 350gm Sirloin and the 400gm T-Bone.

  8. #98
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default meaty Goodness!

    Excerpt from Blog: Ok, let me clarify something from the outset:

    Rump & Ribs in Rylstone is a review of the food available at The Globe – a restaurant on the main street. It is NOT to make fun of that couple that just moved in on Piper street. You know the ones, the Spratts? Where the woman has a bulbous arse and the bloke is painfully thin? This is not about them. And shame on you for assuming it was and body shaming them, not cool! Comments along the lines that he looks like the lovechild of a skeleton and a xylophone and she looks like someone shoved an air compressor nozzle up her datehole and set it to ‘mega inflate’ are juvenile, unkind and all such commentary will be deleted from this blog.

    Ahem. Anyway…

  9. #99
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog: The Postal Vote is almost upon us and you can’t turn on a radio or television without almost immediately being subjected to discussions of it. Don’t even think of going on the internet, let alone social media, as everyone screams their two cents in unadulterated rage at the other side.

    Now me, I’m going to take a different tact. I’ve got a message for two of the most vocal groups against gay marriage – those groups being Ocker Aussie Blokes and Christians. I’m not going to try to convince you to vote for gay marriage – I know you are not going to – there is no point me yelling at you. My message is why you shouldn’t be afraid of gay marriage. Because guess what? Even if it doesn’t happen this time around, eventually it will happen so you had better get comfortable with the concept.

    READ The Postal Vote: be ye not afraid! HERE

    Last edited by BigTransformerTrev; 26th August 2017 at 07:31 PM. Reason: Said 'plebiscite' instead of postal vote

  10. #100
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    After 16 years of teaching, Big Angry Trev has retired to his country estate up in the mountains to embark on a career of plant propagation. Only one problem with that…

    … his wife has gone back to work full time which means he needs to care for the house as well as their two small children.

    This is the first of many tales about his new career as a househusband.

    READ Househusband Tales #1 - Pampering Poorly Perfected HERE

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