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Thread: Big Angry Trev's Website - articles of interest (Non-TF)

  1. #111
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog: Is there any parent out there who doesn’t have trouble getting their kids to eat healthy? Or getting them to eat everything on their plate?

    Well, while dinner times might still be an onerous chore for their mother and I, I have at least figured out a way to get them to eat their lunch with nary a complaint every single day. No, I haven’t given in and let them have junk food, I have discovered the Power of the Platter!

  2. #112
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog: To wear the Baggy Green is a dream that even the most sporting inept of young men dream of. Even I did. I was on the school team in Primary School, though my lack of coordination combined with an inherent fear that a speeding ball was going to remove my head guaranteed I was perpetually the worst on the team. But even I dreamed of playing for Australia, smacking 6’s out of the park all over the world for the glory of my team and my country. We hold our test cricketers in esteem with a level that no other sport receives in our great brown land. We pin on them so many of our hopes, our dreams and our national pride.

    Yesterday that all came crashing down.

    You b*stard!

  3. #113
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog: One week I am taking a plunge, a huge plunge. I am going (with a fellow Ozformer) skydiving.

    To be honest, the idea is scaring the hell out of me! But, with that idiotic male mindset, I fear backing out and not being able to look myself in the mirror more than taking the dive.

    So, in prelude to my skydiving endeavor next week (and if something goes wrong, thanks for reading folks!) enjoy the below video of Big Angry Trev Bungy Jumping.

  4. #114
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog: Fear – a permanent part of every parent’s life.

    Of course, that main fear, that overriding fear, that fear that can knot your stomach like a cats-cradle is that something will happen to your kids. You enrol them in swimming lessons because you fear them drowning, you hold their hand when crossing the road because you fear them being hit by a car, you give them a big kiss and cuddle, not long after having to tell them off doing something naughty, because you fear that they will feel you don’t love them.

    But there is another fear, a fear that you seldom think of but is there all the same, you fear not being able to be there for them.

  5. #115
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Well, we did it! A fellow Ozformer and I dove and survived - it was incredible!

    WATCH Video: Big Angry Trev goes Skydiving! HERE

  6. #116
    Galvatran Guest


    That's fantastic. The facial expression immediately after jumping off the plane & upon opening the parachute is gold!

  7. #117
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Galvatran View Post
    That's fantastic. The facial expression immediately after jumping off the plane & upon opening the parachute is gold!
    Yeah you should see the frame-by-frame shots, I go from terrified to ecstatic

    Excerpt from Blog: This ‘Ask Trev’ question comes from Shannon in Pendle Hill:

    ‘What activities are there for someone housebound with a fractured ankle?’

    The answer most guys will give you is ‘That’s easy – play video games and masturbate!’ but I’m assuming that after several weeks at home already those two activities have been well and truly exhausted, so i’m going a different tact and that is house exploration. The majority of houses are set up in such a way that everything you use the most is stored at chest height, making for easy access. Things you never use are stored in the back of the tops of wardrobes and things you use only occasionally are stored on the bottom shelves so that you don’t have to bend down too often. It is that level you are working at now Shannon, so time to get creative with what is in reach!

  8. #118
    Join Date
    18th Jun 2012
    St Clair


    Dr Trev to the rescue as always !
    Dapto Dog for 2017

  9. #119
    Galvatran Guest


    The photo of a hot blonde chick is going to cause the meltdown of the website by the nerdom fanbase. Who is she? We gotta know.

  10. #120
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Starscream77 View Post
    Dr Trev to the rescue as always !
    Some doctor - I initally got the wrong body part

    Quote Originally Posted by Galvatran View Post
    The photo of a hot blonde chick is going to cause the meltdown of the website by the nerdom fanbase. Who is she? We gotta know.
    That was my sainted grandmother and I'll thank you to stop ogling her!

    Excerpt from Blog: Today we have two questions, both from Greg in Bendigo:

    Q1: Where do babies come from?
    Q2: Where's Wally?

    The answers to both are surprisingly macabre

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