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Thread: Big Angry Trev's Website - articles of interest (Non-TF)

  1. #41
    Join Date
    7th Mar 2012
    The Moon


    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    Excerpt: Well here we are again, the first Saturday of September. In Australia the first Sunday in September signals Fathers Day, a great day for men who are Dads. But if prodigy you have not, then there is also just as manly a day that comes before – WORLD BEARD DAY! A day where around the world men who have adorned their faces with the bristles of power and the whiskers of righteousness can come together and let their spirits soar!

    Article: The joy and dignity of being Bearded!


    At least Vader had the decency to hide his disfigurement behind a mask.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

  2. #42
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Trent View Post

    At least Vader had the decency to hide his disfigurement behind a mask.
    Hiding the lust as always

  3. #43
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Hobby Farming

    Excerpt: Ah the classic Scarecrow, truly a mainstay of peoples vegetable patches over the years. Scarer of birds and amuser of children. In the Wizard of Oz it was someone desperately in need of a Higher Education degree, in Worzel Gummidge’s case it was an inanimate pile of straw turned sentient being who was constantly trying to get his end away with a store manikin. The Scarecrow is a bit of fun that adds some colour to your vege patch but as most folks know it is generally highly ineffective at actually scaring birds. However today I am going to teach you Big Angry Trev’s secret to building a Scarecrow that actually works! And the good news is, it’s actually easier to make than the classic one!

    Article: How to build a Scarecrow


  4. #44
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Random Reviews

    Some movies make you laugh. Some movies move you to tears. Some movies dazzle you with fast paced action and brilliant special effects.

    And sometimes you come across that movie that makes you walk out of the cinema with your brain slowly dribbling out of your ear saying “What the bloody hell did I just watch?!?”

    If you like that kind of movie, then you will love Sausage Party.

    Movie Review: Sausage Party

  5. #45
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Meaty Goodness!

    Excerpt: I’ve had a love of German food since I visited the country many years ago. While the French might win on exquisite taste, the Germans win on cooking up succulent huge pieces of quadruped, wrapping it in cabbage or breadcrumbs and washing it down with a enough beer to sink a footy team. I had some brilliant feeds in Germany, so when I heard there was a food challenge to be had at the Hofbrauhaus German restaurant in Melbourne I simply couldn’t resist.

    The challenge: To eat a 1.5kg pork schnitzel, a bowl of chips and a liter of German Bier in 45 minutes. If you do it, your meal is free and you get a t-shirt. If not, it costs you 75 big ones!

    Tales of the Trev: Big Angry Trev vs the 1.5kg Pork Schnitzel!

  6. #46
    Join Date
    22nd Feb 2014


    Love German beer cafes and have been meaning to try that one. Looks like I'll be giving that the wide berth now.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Random Review

    Excerpt: Last week I once again had the privilege of watching the aging alternative icon live. This is the third time in the last 10 years I have been able to see Henry Rollins do his spoken word show in person. Rollins was his usual self. For an 8pm start he hit the stage at 8.05 (and I think the only reason he waited 5 minutes was for the latecomers to be seated) and as soon as he picked up the mike the mouth started going and didn’t stop for 2 ½ hours (good value for a 2 hour show eh!) with big dollops of sweat dropping from his left elbow illuminated in the spotlights. As usual he started off talking about some of the local issues, in particular how despite his extensive vocabulary he had to look up the word ‘plebiscite’

    Live Show Review: An Evening With Henry Rollins

  8. #48
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Ask Trev

    Dear Farmer Trev,
    Ok, so I got chooks.
    19 week old pullets. They are all New Hampshire cross breeds. One Australorp cross (proving to be the noisiest), a white leggorn X and a Rhode Island Red X. The tiniest (white leghorn cross) has already come on the lay but one of the others (or potentially her) is smashing up her eggs before I get to them. How do I stop this behaviour?

    Also – hen pecking – tiny has already started hen pecking the red. How do I address hen pecking if it gets really bad? Or is this the natural order of hens and there’s nothing I can do?

    Finally – Is there anything they really, really should not be fed or any tips for super happy hens?
    Thanks Big Farmer T.

    All chook questions answered HERE!

  9. #49
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Random Rants!

    Excerpt from blog: Listen up you little blood-sucking bastards!

    For my entire life you have harassed me without provocation. As a teenager you bit me, after the bubbling hormones within my skinny, acne-laced frame. In my 20’s you swarmed me, no doubt to get drunk considering my blood-alcohol content was always simmering at a .049 In self-defense I’ve swatted you, I’ve slapped you, I’ve squashed you and yet you’ve persisted. But much like war in parts of the middle-east, where blood feuds are passed down culturally from one generation to the next creating a never ending cycle of violence, in my 30’s you have set your descendants upon the path of carrying on your jihad against me. But not only have you done the unconscionable of corrupting your own kids beliefs, you have now done the unforgivable, the unthinkable, the most evil thing I could think of…

    You have declared war on my children!


  10. #50
    Megatran Guest


    I hear ya BTT. We went for a stroll late arvo & had to cut it short. My neck is covered in mossie hickies.

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