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Thread: Big Angry Trev's Website - articles of interest (Non-TF)

  1. #61
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default VIDEO

    And just when you thought my 'Spider kills Snake' story couldn't get any more coverage, it is featured on an evening news report!

    Watch the Spider kills Snake news report video HERE!


  2. #62
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog: Ah the internet, where everyone can agree on the big things like peace and love, but will get into blindingly hateful arguments over something like are Tiny Teddies considered a biscuit or a cookie.

    Since the picture I took of a Redback Spider feeding on a ‘Blind Snake’ went viral, there have been dozens of people arguing about species. Whilst everyone agrees it is a Redback spider and most people seem to agree with my assessment that it is a Blind Snake, lots of people have their own theories about what the Redback is actually feeding on, some arguing for different species of snake and some arguing that it is a completely different creature all together!

    Read Snake, Earthworm or Lizard? The debate heats up! HERE

  3. #63
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Meaty Goodness!

    Excerpt from Blog: One could reasonably expect that a place that names themselves ‘Cheeseworld’ would be capable of a decent Cheeseburger. Otherwise they have no business naming themselves as such – rather they should name themselves ‘Mediocreworld’ or ‘Processeddairyworld’ or something.

    Luckily for them, Cheeseworld won’t have to rename itself any time soon. This was a pretty damn tasty cheeseburger! In fact perhaps the best cheeseburger I have ever eaten!

    Read Meat Review - the Cheeseworld Cheeseburger HERE

  4. #64
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog: Multiverse theory states that if it is possible for a world to exist then somewhere it must exist. That there are many parallel universes to our own, consisting of worlds different than that on which we live.

    Consider Cheeseworld – a world comprised entirely of cheese. What would we find there? Would the moon indeed be made of cheese? Would the Earth be made out of a Hard Dry Jack for the various cheese creatures to walk and graze upon. Imagine if you will herds of majestic Goat and Yak cheeses grazing under the Peppercon cheddar trees by a flowing river of Runny Blue.

    Would people worship the great Gouda in the sky?

    Read Tourist Spot Review - Cheeseworld HERE

  5. #65
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Meaty Goodness!

    Excerpt from Blog: When it comes to cooking, various cultures seem to have the patents on different styles. The French have their light-on-the-stomach-yet-sinfully-rich cusine. The Germans are masters of wrapping up huge hunks of quadruped in cabbage and roasting the hell out of it. The Mexicans… well…. what you can usually say about Mexican food is that it’s fun to eat!

    I like Mexican food, having an almost Deadpool’esque love of the food. I’ve never actually been to Mexico so I’ve always had to deal with other countries interpretations of their food. All the Mexican restaurants I tried in Melbourne were distinctly average. In fact the only really good Mexican restaurant I’ve been to was in Edinburgh, Scotland. Since that was over a decade ago I’ve been really hankering to have good Mexican again, so was eager to try the food at Cactus Jam in Warrnambool.

    Read Meat Review - Cactus Jam in Warrnambool HERE

  6. #66
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Random Review

    Excerpt from Blog: When backpacking around Europe I visited many of the world’s great art galleries. I went to The National Gallery in London and saw Van Gogh’s Sunflowers. I went to the Louvre in Paris and saw the Mona Lisa. I went to the the Museo del Prado in Madrid and had my mind turned inside out by the works of Dali. Hell, I even went to a museum in Amsterdam which seemed to house all the concrete willy’s that had been knocked off all the Italian statues during the rise of Puritism. From great galleries to the gaudy, from museums to mausoleums I’ve seen it all. So who better to take you through the latest collection of artwork to be released for the public’s perusal –Deadpool: Drawing the Merc with a Mouth

    Read Art Book Review: Deadpool - Drawing the Merc with a Mouth HERE

  7. #67
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Raandom Rants

    Excerpt from Blog: Australia Day. A day to, in essence, celebrate Australia and being Australian. Seems pretty straight forward and for many years it has been. Get a day off work, have a BBQ and a beer. Catch up with a few mates – all very uncomplicated.

    But now we have the internet.

    Every year Australia Day seems to become more and more ‘obsessive, angry fragger on social media sh*tstorm day’. Don’t dare log on to Facebook or Twitter or anything else because this is what you will see:

    The Far Left: “It’s Invasion Day! It shouldn’t be held on January 26th! It’s a racist day! We should all feel shame for something we have 3rd hand knowledge of!”

    The Far Right: “If you don’t like Australia then f*ck off. If you don’t like our customs then f*ck off. If you don’t conform to our norms then f*ck off back to where you came from!”

    Why don't you all just calm the hell down ok?

    Read Remember when Australia Day was a relaxed event? HERE

  8. #68
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog: Goats. Sheep with brains. Reputations for being grumpy, smelly, eating tin cans and destroying any plants they get near. Why would anyone want a goat as a pet?

    Because, if raised correctly, they are intelligent, loving, playful and can become wonderful members of your family, that’s why!

    We have two female Boer Goats – Milly and Molly – twin sisters. And they are the nicest animals you could ever hope to meet! They follow us around like dogs, eat from our hand, give little kisses and licks and love to climb trees with the kids. In fact they are wonderful with the children as whenever we go for a walk they tend to pick a child each and shadow them, walking three or four feet behind, just like they are their hairy protectors.

    Of course, goats can be a lot of work and you need to have the right space set up for them. So here are some excellent tips for keeping goats as pets:

    Read Raising Goats as Pets HERE

  9. #69
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Hobby Farming

    Excerpt from Blog: Some of you may have read in the ‘Ask Trev’ section some tips I gave long-time reader Maddy in regards to caring for her new chickens. Some of these tips revolved around stopping her chickens getting mites.

    Well it shows that one must have constant vigilance as I had not recently enacted some of my own advice and two of my chickens got infested with mites. This combined with a 45+ degree day lead to the demise of one of our dear chookies.

    Since then I have been on the mite-attack! Getting rid of them and making sure they do not return. So today’s advice is on how to get rid of mites once you have them and how to do it without resorting to harmful chemicals. Everything you need you can make at home the permaculture way!

    Read Permaculture - treating mite infestations in chickens HERE

  10. #70
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog:

    Valentines Day. The cynical see it as a day invented by the greeting card companies. The sleazy see it as a day to prey on lonely, drunk, single people in bars. For those of us with partners it can often seem a bit of a chore, as if like Christmas we are supposed to drag our sorry butts out there yet again and rack our brains for something to give our significant other in order to fulfill this yearly obligation.

    But nay, these are all the wrong ways to look at this day of romance. Yes it may be a bit cheesy, it may be a bit stereotypical, but Valentine’s Day really can be a day to enjoy and show the one you love that you actually do care!

    Now, there are few that have met me that could deny I am a romantic soul. I have romance drippin out me various pores I do! When it comes to wooing the fairer sex there is me, Don Juan and Donald Trump. So here are Big Romantic Trev’s tips for romancin the arse off your beloved!

    Read Big Romantic Trev's Valentines Day Advice HERE

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