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Thread: Big Angry Trev's Website - articles of interest (Non-TF)

  1. #71
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Meaty Goodness

    Excerpt from Blog: Spoons. Not just a catch cry for the superhero ‘The Tick’ but also a riverside restaurant to be found in sunny Swan Hill.

    My wife and I have been eating at Spoons a few times a year since we moved to the area back in 2011. What I’ve always liked about the restaurant is the majority of what is on the menu are meals that you would never cook yourself or have little idea how to. I remember years ago when there eating slow-cooked pork belly on a bed of popped barley and warm grapes! While not the cheapest restaurant in town, you usually get value for money and rarely walk out of the place disappointed.

    Today for my meat review I will be looking at their latest offering: Pulled BBQ Wagyu on soft pretzel bun with slaw and fries.

    Read my review of The Pulled BBQ Wagyu Burger HERE!

  2. #72
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default VIDEOS

    I've started short 30 second videos called 'Big Angry Trev's Thought for the Day'.

    Thought for the Day #1

    About clowns and balls

    Thought for the Day #2

    A satirical look at how even positive racial stereotyping is still racial stereotyping.

  3. #73
    Join Date
    24th Nov 2009


    Looks like someone one-upped you mate...
    New Acquisitions:
    TR Astrotrain, Skullsmasher, & Hardhead
    Scouting For:
    G1 Boxes & Cardbacks
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  4. #74
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by 5FDP View Post
    Looks like someone one-upped you mate...
    Yeah I got that shared about 50 times by people on my FB page

    Excerpt from Blog: Mulch – wonderful stuff! Serves three main purposes around your garden:

    -It keeps the moisture in the ground by preventing direct sunlight hitting the soil
    -It helps to prevent weeds growing by covering bare earth
    -It beautifies an area by putting down a layer of woodchips rather than looking at either the ground or weed matting

    And of course you can pick mulch up most anywhere. If you have a tiny garden, then maybe it’s economically feasible to just grab a bag or two at Bunnings or your local garden center. But what if you have a big garden, or even like me a hobby farm? Suddenly a few bucks a bag doesn’t seem so cheap when you would need about 50 of them!

    Well, good news! There is a place you can go where you can not only get as much mulch as you want for free, but you will be helping the environment by doing so. That place is your local tip.

    Read Sustainability Tip: Get your mulch for free - from the tip! HERE


  5. #75
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Random Rants

    Excerpt from Blog: It’s Monday morning. I’m on my way in to town in the ute to do a few jobs before I grab a metric ton of gravel for the driveway. One of the jobs I’m doing is to drop off some unneeded clothing in the Salvo bins. 5 bags of maternity clothes that my wife has washed, sorted, folded and properly bagged up to donate.

    I drive in to town and head to the carpark where the donation bins are located. Only one problem…

    … I can’t get near them for all the crap that has been dumped!

    Read Random Rant - don't use the Charity Bins as your personal dumping ground! HERE

  6. #76
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Meaty Goodness!

    Excerpt from Blog: The culinary balancing act – tis a tightrope that any man who does his share of the cooking at home must walk. On the one hand you need to balance the needs of your wife or girlfriend (never invite both to the same meal – it can only lead to disaster) has in regards to dietary requirements against your need to not eat a meal that tastes like a rabbit took a fart in a meadow. This is not an easy task.

    However it is doable. Today I’m going to give you an example using a very simple dish which you can then apply the principles of to other meals. Today we will look at Big Angry Trev’s His & Hers’ Bangers and Mash!

    Read Meat Recipe #4 - His & Hers Bangers and Mash HERE

    Most definitely hers


  7. #77
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Hobby Farming

    Excerpt from Blog: Some Councils are looking at introducing green bins for their residents. These bins will serve the purpose the same way your current recycle ones do – separating items that can be reused in some fashion rather than it going into the landfill. In this case, green waste.

    That might be fine and dandy if you live in an inner suburb in a major metropolis. If you live in a house that has a big garden or like me, you have a hobby farm – then why pay to have this valuable stuff to be taken away? You can use it all yourself – and I do mean all! In fact so much so that it will can reduce your costs in other areas such as buying compost or animal feed.

    Read Sustainability Tip - don't let your green waste go to waste! HERE

  8. #78
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Tales of the Trev

    Excerpt from Blog: Back in the days when I still held hopes and dreams of being a brilliant actor – adored by the masses and mobbed by beautiful women wherever I went, I mainly scored the highly glamorous work of being an extra on different TV shows. Name a bad Melbourne-made Aussie cop show from the 90’s and chances are if you watch a few episodes carefully enough you will eventually spot me milling around in the background.

    I did however appear in three movies. One was ‘made for TV’ (On the Beach) and two went to cinema. In one I was just an extra (The Road to Nhill) but in the other I auditioned and actually scored a speaking role! This is the tale of how I ended up there and the immortal words I got to utter on the big screen.

    (Warning: my lines were not PC!)

    Read My immortal lines on the Big Screen HERE!

  9. #79
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog: International Women’s Day. A day to celebrate women everywhere. There have been three main women in my life – my mother, my wife and my daughter (an honorable mention to my older sister but I will be using my love for her to discuss a different recipe). I cannot express enough the depth of my love for these wonderful women. So on International Women’s Day I do my best to honor the three of them. I do this by cooking, in memory of my mother, the dish she would always cook for me whenever I came home to visit as she knew I loved it so much! I’ve carried this on by cooking it for my wife and daughter. Though it is not the most ‘feminine’ meal, it always reminds me of my mum and it satiates my 2-year old’s craving for meat as well as my wife’s enjoyment of not having to cook after a long day at work. So let me share with you Big Angry Trev’s mothers recipe for ‘Oven-cooked T-Bone Steak & Onions with Mashed Potatoes and Mushroom Gravy.

    Read Meat Recipe #5 - Mum's Oven-cooked T-Bone Steak & Onions with Mushroom Gravy HERE

  10. #80
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default RIP Murray Ball

    Excerpt From Blog:

    Today I shed a tear for a man I had never met.

    I woke up this morning to see on social media that Murray Ball had passed away. A minor celebrity that Gen Y or anyone outside New Zealand or Australia has probably never heard of. He was a Kiwi Cartoonist who had written a few books but was most famous for being the creator, artist and writer of Footrot Flats, a newspaper comic strip that ran for a few decades and inspired an animated movie.

    So why did this whom I never met mean so much to me?

    Growing up on a farm in Australia there was not a lot of media one could relate to. We only had two TV channels and I had no concept of Cable TV, let along the internet that would come along decades later. Everything on TV was from America or the UK, the exceptions seeming to be the news and soapies – neither of much interest to a young boy.

    But there was Footrot Flats.

    Read Why Footrot Flats meant so much to me HERE!

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