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Thread: Pokemon Go

  1. #31
    Join Date
    3rd Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by laproblematique View Post
    Would if I could! Impossible to log in all morning. RIP servers.
    it keep freezing, seeing a lot of people killing and restarting the app in lunch time... me included. Break CP700 today

    Lost a pikachu today, even berries and great ball cant hold him and only 1 catch and its gone.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    Quote Originally Posted by tron07 View Post
    Lost a pikachu today, even berries and great ball cant hold him and only 1 catch and its gone.
    Had the same thing with a 227 Scyther and a 204 Staryu. Annoying but part of the "pokefun"!

    Hopefully these server issues with get resolved or turn off enough people that those of us who are willing to slog it out can get better access.

    Dropped into my school to do some programming for next term and sadly it is a dead zone, which makes sense, or students would be catching mons all day. However the streets and parks around it are doduo filled!
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  3. #33
    Join Date
    29th Nov 2009


    Today's new Pokemon catches were Meowth, Mankey, Exeggcute, Geodude, Abra, Pikachu, Golbat and Raticate
    I also caught several more Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Rattata and another Koffing
    As well as hatched my first egg. magikarp...
    Since I'm pretty much over my cold now I think tomorrow I'll be going for a nice long walk. And taking on my first gym. Hopefully I stand a chance with my not so powerful Pokemon

  4. #34
    Join Date
    21st Jul 2014


    Rest assured that you can defeat gym leaders with pokemon significantly under their strength. One on one my 600cp pidgeot knocked off a 1200cp dragonite.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    29th Nov 2009


    Oh that's good. I think the only local gym here is currently being reigned over by a 300-something CP Arcanine
    My strognest Pokemon is my Golbat at about 240CP

  6. #36
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    You can also team up with friends and take down gyms at the same time, if the game does not freeze, glitch or otherwise malfunction!

    Types also come into consideration, so if you have an under strength Laura's going up against a stronger arc anime, you should still have an advantage.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  7. #37
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Should some places be off limits for this game/app/thing? Apparently people have been "hunting" for Pokémon at a Holocaust Museum.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Should some places be off limits for this game/app/thing? Apparently people have been "hunting" for Pokémon at a Holocaust Museum.
    So long as it doesn't involve trespassing or any other illegal activity, so be it. People have been seen running onto freeways and other far more serious/dangerous areas chasing pokemon, so while it can be seen as inappropriate, I think walking through museums/graveyards/etc is the least of our concerns.

    Personally, I think the game should use it's GPS tracking to block itself from working whenever it detects movement of over say 20km/h, that way people can't use it while driving - this is becoming the most serious problem atm.
    "Sometimes, the wrong thing feels so right"

  9. #39
    Join Date
    21st Jul 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Borgeman View Post
    So long as it doesn't involve trespassing or any other illegal activity, so be it. People have been seen running onto freeways and other far more serious/dangerous areas chasing pokemon, so while it can be seen as inappropriate, I think walking through museums/graveyards/etc is the least of our concerns.

    Personally, I think the game should use it's GPS tracking to block itself from working whenever it detects movement of over say 20km/h, that way people can't use it while driving - this is becoming the most serious problem atm.
    Yeah the amount of people I see showing up to pokestops in cars is amazing. I just hope they arent trying to catch them whilst driving too...

    The problem is that it would be very difficult, i imagine, to program the game to prevent pokemon showing up inside buildings. I think people should just use commonsense and a bit of etiquette. I don't see an issue with a museum being a Pokestop (generally the location is outside such as out the front). If anything it is attracting people to the area who may be willing to go inside, not to hunt pokemon but to actually see the site they are there for.

    I know I have seen some interesting artwork throughout Surry Hills that I never would have seen if not for this game.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007
    Dunedin, New Zealand


    I've been having good fun with this when I am in a larger city for work, around home there isn't much to go after. I've been able to get to the wharf when lures were active so I could catch some water pokemon and at work I can sit on a PokeStop all day getting XP
    - and just as I was leaving someone added a lure to that PokeStop and I managed to get some very high CP Pokemon and some new additions to the team.

    Sadly what seems common in one area of the world is very rare in another

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