Design & messing with Transformer lore was the major flaw for me. Too many bits & pieces made them look like they were experiments grown in test energon cubes in Shockwaves lab. Didn't mind the vehicle modes so much but in robot mode none of them looked like they could handle a fight. If Meg's smashed Optimus in the chest I swear bits would fly everywhere. I get trying to establish a new look, but not a new look where it's obvious someones stapled the creative artists drawing arm to the the drawing board while they're looking through a kaleidoscope. Reminds me of when the G2 comics came out & most fans who wrote in wanted Manny Galan's head under Omega Supreme's foot when he took over from Derek Yaniger. Was so hoping some Autobot would just step on Frenzy & Wheelie. I think lore was the major problem for die hard fans. You cannot take a well loved franchise & rewrite the whole history the way you see fit! You're disrespecting the creators, the fans & anyone else that brought a contribution to the Transformers. After the G1 comic came out I think any fan would find it hard enough to draw up a Transformers timeline let alone all the other directions writers have taken Transformers & then this happens! Was open to a non G1 take (kinda expected it as we know movies are not made to cater to fans but are aimed at the general public) but I am not open to a hollow piece of crap. Overall this was just a bad movie. But I only pay out Bay & not the fans as each to their own. Hell, alot of fans hated Beast Wars & I love it. I must admit though, Bay had me at the beginning with Blackout's opening scene (How epic was that!?!), then the movie died for me. The only thing that kept me in the theater were the easter eggs & a bit of hope that the movie would get better. 2 cents anyway.