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Thread: Rogue One

  1. #41
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    12th Jul 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    Is this worth watching from a story telling point of view?
    I mean, we all know where it's going, but is it a meaty story which makes you go ahhh, hmmmm, or... yes, that was interesting, all while quietly stroking your goatee, or is it going to be another Disney safe movie with the occasional fan nod and fight scenes thrown in? I just don't want to see Fast and Furious: In Space, if you know what I mean.
    Spoiler: There is that one scene in where they jump a TIE from one building to another

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    Is this worth watching from a story telling point of view?
    I mean, we all know where it's going, but is it a meaty story which makes you go ahhh, hmmmm, or... yes, that was interesting, all while quietly stroking your goatee, or is it going to be another Disney safe movie with the occasional fan nod and fight scenes thrown in? I just don't want to see Fast and Furious: In Space, if you know what I mean.
    Absolutely. One thing I love about Rogue One is that in the absence of any Jedi, the story focuses entirely on non-Jedi characters as its protagonists. One of the protagonists is Force-sensitive, but not a Jedi. The only proper Force User we see is Darth Vader. And this is accurate to the way that the Galaxy is set up in A New Hope, because as Tarkin says to Vader, "The Jedi are extinct, their fire has gone out of the universe. You, my friend, are all that's left of their religion."

  3. #43
    CoRDS is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Saw this yesterday with my 12yr old son
    it was amazing. the feel was very starwars, it was definitely a WAR movie

  4. #44
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    I can confirm that this film stands up to a second viewing.

    After the second time around though I feel even stronger that all the bits with Saw Gerrera and his insurgents were reasonably pointless. The part with the mind reading squid monster was probably the low point of the film.

    I'd have much preferred that time to have gone to getting to know a bit more about some of the tertiary protagonists. The film would be stronger if that time was used to give some character to the commando squad and Blue Squadron.
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  5. #45
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    The Saw parts were weak, I wonder if they trimmed some. The whole mind reading beast made no sense and I am not sure why it was left in when the rest was ignored.

    I also was a fan of the ending even though some of the deaths were dull, but not everyone can go out in a blaze of glory. That being said Blazes death was very underwhelming, considering that there was a battalion of troops firing moments before who should've still been firing after Chirrut had been wiped out. Blaze shouldn't have made it to Chirrut let alone another 20 metres up the beach.

    I do wonder if the set designers and effects designers were pulling their hair out at having to keep the 1970s look to the Death Star when everything else was made to look so much better!
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  6. #46
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    While Saw's role could've been smaller, I wouldn't say that they're useless - unlike say Jar Jar Binks in Phantom Menace. Saw does play his part in the story, namely...
    * Saving Jyn and raising her. This also showed who Saw used to be as opposed to who he became later on. Apparently Saw originated from the Clone Wars series (season 5?) but I have yet to watch it, so I guess the character may make more sense for those who are more familiar with the TV series. At least it's not just an "insert Expanded Universe character for the sheer heck of it," as we saw in the Prequels with Aayla Secura etc.
    * It allowed Galen to send an Imperial defector (the pilot) to the Rebels. Galen had ties with Saw's Rebels but not with the actual Alliance themselves. The Alliance initially sought out Saw and the pilot in order to find Galen and assassinate him.
    * Demonstrating how disorganised the Rebels were, which would have contributed to how it's been so difficult for the Rebels to overthrow the Empire. It's also more realistic in terms of how rebellions/terrorist organisations work. Just look at Al Qaeda, the Taliban, ISIS etc. - these organisations all hate each other and may even fight each other, but they certainly aren't united. And this isn't a new thing either. Even Monty Python's Life of Brian parodied this phenomenon with all the various rebellions keen on overthrowing the Romans to liberate Judea - the Judean People's Front, the People's Front of Judea, the Popular Front etc. And that brilliant scene where the two Centurions just stand and watch the People's Front of Judea and the Campaign for Free Galilee wipe each other out! It's stupid but it happens!

    Ultimately, if you removed Saw from the story, the outcome would change. Jyn may have fallen into the hands of the Empire (or died on her own), the pilot would never have made contact contact with the Alliance and the Death Star plans would never have been stolen. This makes Saw an important piece, even if he is kinda weird. Boss Nass and Jabba the Hutt and even Yoda when we first meet him (he's a mischievous imp who steals Luke's food!) are all weirdos, but they all contributed to the plot. Jar Jar Binks on the other hand contributes nothing to almost the entire story of The Phantom Menace. The Jedi would have found their way to Theed without him - it may have taken a bit longer, but they would've gotten there. And Jar Jar's entire presence on Tatooine was completely useless. He didn't do ONE thing that was remotely important on Tatooine. Stepping in animal dung? Stealing food with his tongue? Sniffing animal farts? Getting a numb tongue from a pod racer? Being told not to eat with his tongue at the table? NONE of that is remotely relevant to the plot. They advance nothing in the story and are completely useless.

    While I understand that Saw Gerrera may not be the most likable character around, I just wouldn't put him in the same "useless to the story" basket that Jar Jar is in. The brain slug scene to me was meant to show just how utterly paranoid and mentally unhinged this man had become, and why he was no good as an ally to the Rebellion any more. Even Saw realised that he had become redundant to the cause which is why he elected to stay and die on Jehda. Not even Jar Jar had the decency to drown himself at Ohta Gunga.

    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    I also was a fan of the ending even though some of the deaths were dull, but not everyone can go out in a blaze of glory. That being said Blazes death was very underwhelming, considering that there was a battalion of troops firing moments before who should've still been firing after Chirrut had been wiped out. Blaze shouldn't have made it to Chirrut let alone another 20 metres up the beach.
    I actually liked that as it lent more realism to the movie. As CoRDS said, it's definitely a war movie. And yeah, people die in really undignified ways in warm, just look at Saving Private Ryan or any other movie which accurately portrays warfare. It sucks.

    Rogue One takes Star Wars away from the swashbuckling fun adventure that we typically see and moves towards a more realistic war movie. Just as well these super-hot blaster rounds cauterise wounds on impact and we don't see blood gushing everywhere! One incredible scene was seeing that Rebel Commando, the one who tried to take the bunker, later die from his wound.

    And I gotta say... K-2SO may be my favourite droid in the Star Wars universe. He's even funnier than See-Threepio (and not nearly as lame/camp - remember that before fans hated on Jar Jar they hated on Threepio) and possibly more versatile than Artoo Detoo. And he can shoot better than an entire squad of Stormtroopers! K-2SO's destruction was one of the most heart-wrenching moments in the Star Wars films IMO. Seeing his eyes flicker out, it felt as though K-2SO's sacrifice was every bit as noble as the other Rebels... it made you momentarily forget that droids are non-living in Star Wars. Losing a droid in the SW universe is like losing an iPhone with Siri.

  7. #47
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    So I just got to see Rogue One.

    Whilst if I had to be critically honest I would have to admit it's not a "perfect" movie, however as a Star Wars fan (particularly of the original trilogy) I personally found it extremely enjoyable, particularly that final act.

    I'm a fan of Gareth Edwards, I think he has a unique talent for the visual build up and climax of a scene (I.e. The hologram scene between Jin and her father during the first test of the Death Star is a prime example of this, which I think was executed superbly). I think he did a good job overall, even though the final product apparently is an altered form of his original vision (really hope they release the original directors cut of this at some point inthe future)

    Anyway, for anyone who would be asking what is the purpose of this movie, I think the best way I could personally answer is:

    - It just makes Star Wars better.

    And to me that is something special In itself and worth the watch.

    Now please excuse me as I need to put on A New Hope. May the Force be with you
    My wife asked me why I carry a gun?, I said "Decepticons"... She laughed, I laughed, the toaster laughed, I shot the toaster. It was a good day.

  8. #48
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    For me, growing up with the Lucasarts games, especially with the X-wing series and Dark Forces, this was a match made in heaven.

  9. #49
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    I predicted everything as it was. I knew many lives were lost and I expected it.
    I was kinda hoping for a twist that Vader was not entirely turned and actually turn over the plans to the rebellion lol.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    I predicted everything as it was. I knew many lives were lost and I expected it.
    I was kinda hoping for a twist that Vader was not entirely turned and actually turn over the plans to the rebellion lol.
    Lol. Huh? You "predicted"? "Expected"?
    You're not the biggest Star Wars fan, are you?

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