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  1. #1
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007

    Default The Clone Wars TV Series

    This isn't a review because I don't want to spoil it for anybody. Its just my personal comments:

    I have seen the first two episodes and I am VERY impressed.

    These two episodes were much, much better than the disappointing Prequel trilogy combined and the irony is that its more mature too. It is more within the tone of the original trilogy than the cartoony one of the prequels. This series so far feels more like an evolution of the original trilogy rather than a regression.

    These episodes are also very bold for a kid's cartoons, reminds me of 90s style of cartoon story telling. There is actually real injury, danger and death in this with no attempt at making it overly safe. It is still appropriate for children however but it doesn't underestimate nor is condescending to the audience like most modern cartoons are. It tells a story without making it overly happy and 'safe' *cough*Animated *cough*. It is a war and people do die tragically or needlessly.

    The writing is also much more intelligent and the Separatists are shown not like super villain cutouts (like the prequel trilogy) but smarter and truly menacing. They are trying to win the minds and loyalty of the neutralists so by blatantly acting evil, they would get no where and these episodes show us a much more sophisticated villain.

    The characters and tone are also much more in line with the original trilogy rather than the prequels. There is no random snappy one liners and Yoda actually behaves like the Jedi Master we knew even if they have retained his 'fighting capabilities' from Ep II but it is much more respectful and mythical than the hyperactive bouncy ball of the prequels. This Yoda is certainly the one we met in Empire Strikes Back.

    The characters also have superior actors behind them which is a contrast of the prequels and Anakin is actually likable and believable as a possible Darth Vader rather than that idiot what's his face from the prequels who can't act for crap.

    I am hyped up about this series now, these episodes have won me over as a fan and I hope it continues displaying this high grade level of story telling and maturity. Who knows, this could end up being everything that the Prequel Trilogy was not.

    I never saw the theatrical release of the pilot for this series so I cannot comment on that but If you have not seen these new televised episodes I recommend you do. You won't be disappointed. The first and second episodes have much better quality story telling and character portrayals than the prequel trilogy combined so even if you were dissatisfied with the last few movies like I did, watch this new series, the first two episodes will not disappoint.

    Wow, I can't believe that I am once again hyped about Star Wars. I honestly did not see that coming

  2. #2
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    And IMO, the animation style looks far better when on the smaller tv screen, compared to a cinema screen.

    The writing is stronger in these shorter bursts, the film really felt to me like a 3 part opener that was smooshed together, very much like the Transformers Animated opening.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    So is this a new TV series in the style of the Clone Wars movie?

    Was there another TV Clone Wars cartoon with a more "Animated" animated style, or are these the same thing?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    So is this a new TV series in the style of the Clone Wars movie?
    Damn straight. 22 minute episodes with there being two released last week. It's a direct follow on to the movie, same characters, same VA, the whole kit and caboodle.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    4th May 2008


    I enjoyed the first episode more than the second. I think I can bear the drippings of sentamentality as long as they keep up the awesome space battles. They were excellent, ableit short.

  6. #6
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    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    So is this a new TV series in the style of the Clone Wars movie?

    Was there another TV Clone Wars cartoon with a more "Animated" animated style, or are these the same thing?
    It is indeed a new series. The Clone Wars movie was actually its pilot episode but Lucas wanted a theatrical release.

    Although I have not seen the theatrical release I have read that it isn't as good as these new two episodes even though the animation style and voice actors are the same.

    These two new episodes are great.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    16th Jul 2008


    Looking forward to this now, thanks for your non-spoiler impressions on the first couple of eps Kup!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Watched ep 1, its pretty good, but god I hate the droids voices and piss-weak comedy. Galvatron knows what I'm on about!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    19th Sep 2008
    Okay, it's not Earth, but we may change it to Earth later on!


    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    I never saw the theatrical release of the pilot for this series so I cannot comment on that but If you have not seen these new televised episodes I recommend you do. You won't be disappointed. The first and second episodes have much better quality story telling and character portrayals than the prequel trilogy combined so even if you were dissatisfied with the last few movies like I did, watch this new series, the first two episodes will not disappoint.

    Wow, I can't believe that I am once again hyped about Star Wars. I honestly did not see that coming
    I did see the theatrical release, and I don't understand why everyone hated it so much. I mean, when Episode 1 (or was it 2?) came out, people whinged about the lack of space battles. All of a sudden, Clone Wars comes out, 90 minutes of epic battles, and everyone hates it!

    Admittedly, the Clone Wars movie did seem more kid-oriented than any of the prequels. Based on what you've said, the full TV series sounds way better. I was going to watch it anyway out of curiosity, but after reading your impressions I'm really looking forward to it!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    19th Sep 2008
    Okay, it's not Earth, but we may change it to Earth later on!


    I have to say, I watched the TV series on Ten and I like it. Some annoying bits, but generally it was very good, with tons of potential. And I agree, the guy who plays Anakin is way better than Hayden Christensen. It's good to see Anakin as a strong leader for once, as opposed to a whiny little boy.

    I was thinking about how great it would be later on if there was an episode where Anakin got shore leave and went home to Coruscant and they had an episode about his relationship with Padme. I know, the love story in Ep II was garbage, but I get the feeling the writers and directors of this show can do it better. Maybe after seeing Anakin being this awesome Jedi Knight and strong leader, we get this episode where once again he shows his vulnerable side (ie. a vulnerable side NOT written and directed by George Lucas ), which we all know is what turns him to the Dark Side. Too adult perhaps?

    Also, some nice foreshadowing of what's to come. 'One step ahead, Count Dooku always seems to be'. Hmm, I wonder why that is...

    Also, this show allowed me to demonstrate some of my Star Wars nerdishness. My brother was like:

    "This show is bullcrap! If the robots are all controlled from a central Command on the ship, why would they be disobeying orders?"

    After thinking about it, I came back with something like this:

    "Look, in the Episode 1 incredible cross-sections, or maybe it was Episode 2, but anyway, I'm pretty sure they said that as well as the regular droids, they built special 'Commander' droids, who had better AI and were capable of independant thought, so because one was yellow and one was green, the green one was thinking independantly..."

    EDIT: I just read throguh the whole thread, and instead of making a triple post...

    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    (I have a soft spot for Captain Rex who's now my acquisitions mascot )
    I'm just gonna come out and say it- Commander Rex was my favourite part of the whole movie.

    Quote Originally Posted by Goktimus Prime
    The voice actor for the clones doesn't seem to be holding up his attempt at an Australian accent so well here.
    Uh, the guy who played the clones in the films was a New Zealander, so I think that's more the accent they're going for.

    Quote Originally Posted by Goktimus Prime
    Maybe they're like Ballchinians...
    Oh geez, don't get me started on how terrible THAT movie is! The first Men In Black is one of my fave films of all time, but the second was just godawful from top to bottom.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gutsman Heavy
    Finally got around to watching Ep 2, it has PLO!
    I'll be honest, I didn't know who Plo Koon was until I saw that episode. Where did you first hear of him? I'll bet it was a book or comic, right?

    Also, why the hell is everyone in this thread ripping on TF Animated? I love Animated! It's my second favourite TF show after Beast Wars, and at one point I thought it was gonna hit the number 1 spot!

    Oh, and one more thing- when is Commander Cody gonna get some screen time?
    Last edited by Beast_Wars_Superior; 25th November 2008 at 01:56 AM.

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