Hi, long time lurker first time actually posting, been lurking since there was talk of reject shop getting generations jetfire (never got one, you guys were too fast, only now got one...the legends version ) and from time to time I've always had a question that only people in the same country as me may know, so here I am!

Grew up with transformers as a kid, went off it for many years and went back in with a vengeance, admittedly I'm contemplating quitting altogether but only once my holy grails are complete (once that mp megatron 2.0 is out I just need a trypticon, scorponok, hasbro mp skywarp and a mp galvatron) but until then I'll be mixing it up with the recent TR line and imported legends versions.

I'll be reporting my findings in store where possible, I may one day quit the hobby but not the interest