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Thread: McDonalds Happy Meal Transformers toys

  1. #61
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    I know that they only employ teenagers, but is there a rule that says McDonalds can only employ friggin idiots as well?

    Here is my encounter this afternoon

    Me: (in the drive thru after ordering two happy meals for my son and daughter) So which Transformer toy is it this week? If its a new character we will want an extra.
    Intercom: Um.. Bumblebee
    Me: Na, ya had Bumblebee a few weeks ago. Do you know which it is?
    Intercom: (10 seconds of silence)
    Intercom: Do you want anything else?
    Me: And a large triple cheeseburger meal please.
    Intercom: That will be $21.45, please drive through.
    Me: Hang on, so did you know which Transformer toy it is?
    Intercom: It's Bumblebee
    Me: Ok, never mind.

    I go through the drive-thru and get the food. Before I even leave the carpark I check my sons Happy Meal and sure enough there is a Drift in it. So I park and and go back in and take the Drift to the counter.

    Me: Hi, the guy on the drive-thru said you had Bumblebee Happy Meal toys but its this one so I want to grab an extra one.
    Cashier: Oh you want to swap it? Sure
    Me: No, I said if it was a different character I wanted another but he said it was Bumblebee. Since it's not I want to grab another one too.
    Cashier: Ok, I'll be right back (she disappears into a storeroom)
    Cashier: Sorry, we don't have any more Bumblebee's, its just that one.
    Me: (irate now but managing not to yell) I don't WANT a Bumblebee! I TOLD the guy on the intercom that if it was a NEW CHARACTER I would want a second! He said it was BUMBLEBEE so I didn't get one. It's NOT BUMBLEBEE so I WANT TO PURCHASE A SECOND ONE OF THIS TOY PLEASE! (holding it up)
    Cashier: Oh ok, sure, sorry.

    I mean, for frags sake! I'm guessing the idiot on the intercom only knew the name of one TF character so thats what he said which makes him lazy at his job, but she's a moron too. As it is Ive taken to getting reciepts since half the time I order a triple-cheeseburger and when I open the bag half way back to the farm it turns out to be a regular one

  2. #62
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    I'm not sure why you bothered to ask by name? I would have just asked is it the yellow and black one or the orange and black one?

  3. #63
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    I'm not sure why you bothered to ask by name? I would have just asked is it the yellow and black one or the orange and black one?
    I'll remember that tip for next week

    A few weeks ago I asked the same question and got told 'it's not transformers- it's a green dinosaur'

  4. #64
    Join Date
    14th Nov 2009


    +1 Paulbot's advice. Imagine how difficult it would be to explain to a new generation once the Bumblebee spinoff movie comes out with its inevitable sequels.

    変われ! ヘッドマスター! Kaware! Headmaster!
    戦え! ヘッドマスター! Tatakae! Headmaster!

  5. #65
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    I'm not sure why you bothered to ask by name? I would have just asked is it the yellow and black one or the orange and black one?
    Quote Originally Posted by SuspectimusPrime View Post
    +1 Paulbot's advice. Imagine how difficult it would be to explain to a new generation once the Bumblebee spinoff movie comes out with its inevitable sequels.
    Why can't Maccas just have a little sign up in their service booth saying 'this weeks Happy Meal toys are...' Cobsidering they must sell a giant amount each week it makes sense.

    I shouldn't know what toy they are flogging that week better than the people that are actually employed there. Sorry but it's just crap customer service

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