A loose Transformers Adventures Swoop (Animated redeco) for the dinosaur-fan son of some people I was helping learn English back in Tassie, and a BWII Thrust for me. For some reason the store had ~10 MIB Thrusts all for sale at 1000 yen.
Now to look for a BWII Dirge to keep him company.
Not a heap of TFs in Akihabara btw, I'll try the Mandarake stores in Shibuya and Nakano tomorrow.
picked up my platinum edition Unicron. the box looks amazing. I hope we can get that artwork as a high-res image like they did with the bus stop posters.
I haven't transformed or anything but it looks pretty cool so far. The connections for the stuff on his back are pretty loose.I haven't tried any of the play features yet either. I think he looks great in bot mode
My wallet proceeds on its way to oblivion...
I gotta Getaway :P