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Thread: Masterpiece Beast Wars Dinobot

  1. #151
    Join Date
    10th May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    Official MPs are becoming cost prohibitive. I am getting this because it's Dinobot. Chances are though that at this prices, I will probably not be buying many official MPs moving forward.

    Sadly, there is a line to cross when it comes to collecting and value for money. Sometimes as collectors we willingly cross that line for some rare or must have toy. However new mass produced toys even MPs shouldn't cost this much as that means we would be crossing that line every time there is a new release and it is asking too much.
    Totally agree.
    The sculpt and engineering on this bot is fantastic but I'll have to pass as the prices just seem to be going higher and higher.
    Gotta prioritise my purchases unfortunately.

  2. #152
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by 1AZRAEL1 View Post
    That is true, but I won't base everyone of them off my experience with PC. The owner has been in the fandom quite a while. Yes people are more cautious now, don't blame them either. I'm just going off my experiences
    Yeah well after a decade of buying from RK and after TLTC being part of the Star Wars collecting community for quite some time I am confident in them both. I could buy from more places but I'm able to get everything I want from them and HLJ combined.

    PC was a bit of a kick to the gut but most places are on the level. For me it just comes down to the fact I've never been fully comfortable paying up front which is why I goto HLJ first, then RK or TLTC.

  3. #153
    Join Date
    9th Apr 2008


    I love this but seems overly huge compared to op and cheetor. He wasnt that big in the show? And faux head used again on the chest. Looks great though

  4. #154
    Join Date
    4th May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Autocon View Post
    I love this but seems overly huge compared to op and cheetor. He wasnt that big in the show? And faux head used again on the chest. Looks great though
    Actually he was that big in the show only Megatron was bigger

  5. #155
    bowspearer Guest


    I've been giving this alot of thought and while the price doesn't have me jumping for joy, I can understand why it's the price it is. Size aside, I suspect this figure will be a serious contender for 'most complex Masterpiece figure ever released'.

    Looking at it, it looks like it's far easier to count the parts of him that don't invert or flip, and those parts look like they can be counted on one hand.

    I remember then MP-01 came out the joke was "Ages 40+ (and PhD required)", but I think this figure will take that to a whole other level. That said, it's a little disappointing about the side gaps and butt kibble in raptor mode.

  6. #156
    Join Date
    2nd Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Verno View Post
    However, my new theory: TT will surprise everyone by including the secretly developed MP Rattrap in the box with MP Dinobot!
    I would totally dig a transmetal Rattrap for Dinobot to ride.....just sayin'

  7. #157
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Quote Originally Posted by MayzaPrime View Post
    Actually he was that big in the show only Megatron was bigger
    Been wondering when people will start realising that MP Beast Wars Megatron price tag could likely be higher still.

  8. #158
    Join Date
    2nd Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    Been wondering when people will start realising that MP Beast Wars Megatron price tag could likely be higher still.
    Sadly if this sells well despite the price tag, I would envisage that this will become standard pricing across ALL MPs, not just limited to Beast Wars ones. By buying high-priced 3rd party figures, we have already given TT their business case, Dinobot will just determine whether they can make it stick.

  9. #159
    Join Date
    19th Dec 2008


    ^^ I'm not so sure. Sure, the price of MPs keeps going up, but looking at the complexity, size, electronics, and extra features of Dinobot then I'd suggest he's a bit of an outlier. Sure, BW Megs could be similar, but I doubt if all future MPs are priced that much 'because they can'. If they do an MP Jazz or Hound or Mirage, say, I'd expect them to be less gimmick-laden, smaller, with easier/less complex transformations (seriously, look at the pics of Dinobot, he looks almost as intricate as MP36 Megatron), without electronics, and priced more like MP Sunstreaker is supposed to be. Still expensive, but not quite so much so as Dinobot.
    Bear in mind also that TakaraTomy design things first and foremost for the Japanese domestic market, where 3P stuff isn't as widespread and the TF collecting market is a bit less of a niche market than it is here.

  10. #160
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    Sunstreaker, Beast Convoy and Megatron were all more extensive than similar sized MP's of the past so I'm not sure Dinbot is an outlier, we wont know till the next MP comes out.

    I also disagree that 3rd party stuff isn't as widespread in Japan, most of the collectors niche stores that target Transformers fans carry them. Having said that recently 3rd parties are trying to undercut each other on price, so their cost have stabilized (occasionally gone down), now it's Takara who are leading the charge on more and more expensive MP toys.

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