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Thread: Toy Review - MP-34 Cheetus/Cheetor

  1. #1
    Join Date
    5th Apr 2008

    Default Toy Review - MP-34 Cheetus/Cheetor

    CHEETUS (a.k.a. Cheetor)
    Series – Masterpiece
    Size/class - N/A
    New/remould/redeco - New
    Wave - N/A
    Released here – No. Released in Japan in February 25 2017
    Approximate Retail Price - ¥7,560 (AU$88)
    Approximate Size - 16cm
    Allegiance - Maximal
    Alt-mode – Cheetah
    Main Features/Gimmicks – Expressive beast poseability, opening beast mouth, integrated weaponry.
    Main Colours – Yellow, Black
    Main Accessories – 2 additional robot & 2 additional cheetah faces/heads, gut gun & tail gun.

    The 2nd Beast Wars MP arrives a month later than originally intended, but i think everyone will agree, is much longer overdue!

    Cheetah Mode
    Just like Beast Convoy, Cheetor's show accurate beast paint looks fantastic. The spots appear mostly random in size and shape (though i can see an almost mirrored section on his left/right thighs, it is varied slightly), giving a very realistic look. The print has a halftone pattern on the edges of the dots, which from normal viewing distance gives a good impression of real fur. Up close it's only slightly noticeable so i wouldn't say it detracts at all.

    The only other Cheetor i have to hand is the Transmetals version. The MP is about a head longer, although the head itself is smaller. Most of the additional length comes from the body and more realistically proportioned neck. Poseability is improved in all areas! His hind legs rotate at the knee now and like Primal, the back end can lower, but his sitting pose is a little weak. The front legs rotate at the top which also helps cover some robot parts, and also splay outwards, rotate at the elbow (knee?) and even the paws rotate as well as tilt, so he can flat-floot the ground with ease! The waist has a folding joint that can be used to arch the back further. It could hold a little tighter (it tends to move during handling) but when posed, it's fine. The tail is connected with 2 pins and looks good, but unfortunately there's no rotation, so it's always pointing backwards.

    The headsculpts are all on point! You get 3 all up, all of which can open their mouth revealing moulded & painted teeth (varying degrees of ferocity!) and even his tongue. The green eyes have a beautiful metallic fleck, sharp black pupils with a speck of white reflection to really evoke the show look. The whiskers aren't really poseable, just short plastic wires. They don't look perfect, but I can't imagine how they could be done much better, since they have to be so thin. The head can rotate and actually extends at the neck to allow great freedom of movement up and down, with a bit of side to side as well. Just be careful extending the neck (and swapping the heads), since it's tighter than the connection of the back panels that connect to his neck - you'll want to hold the neck to avoid the back panels coming out.

    All in all, about as good a Beast mode as you could hope for! He looks natural in most poses, and while there's a touch of bot-foot kibble and hollowness on his hind legs, robot parts are for the most part hidden very well! Oh, there is a hole on the underside to facilitate transformation. It's right at the bottom so from most viewing angles, remains unseen. An Animated Grimlock esque tragedy it is not!

    So we start with his legs, which do a few rotates and flipping in and out at the calves, to very nicely conceal the beast paws. His shins are tastefully filled in with the smallest of pieces, showing some fine attention to detail. His tail gun detaches out the top and his gut gun... out from his gut! Note that if you mess with the beast waist articulation a bit too much, the gut gun can sometimes become dislodged. His groin piece flips over to reveal Cheetor's been hiding his freak nature - a second head has been in his lower back this whole time!

    His front legs rotate to the beast belly and clip into place, where the underside of their tops form the robot's shoulder pads. The legs themselves can clip together for a bit of extra stability in the kibble department. In a very Beast Wars way, his arms are next, folding out from the inside of the beast. The Beast head rotates up almost like it's going to do an Optimus Primal (revealing yet another head!) - only to stop, rotate on another axis and flip back down. The whole thing accordions into the cavity while a neck piece helps to hold everything together.

    Not a super involved transformation but does everything it needs to and holds together solidly with no clearance issues. There's a few tight joints but no risk of breakage. A slight concern are the whiskers, which kind of get jammed up inside. Given time they may end up affected, but they seem pretty resilient.

    Robot Mode
    Wow! If you thought the spots were the main event, prepare to be blown away by gorgeous metallic indigo and bronzy gold paint. The headsculpt(s) especially seal the deal - this is Cheetor, straight off the show. He's got the maximal symbol on the crest of his helmet, fantastic light piping for the eyes - which even extends to his open mouth faceplates (albeit slightly diminished by the neck). But the best detail has to be the spots under his eyes, they're so tiny! Or maybe just the general sculpt, which really captures the robotic feline look perfectly. His teeth are miniscule but still they've been painted silver. The Faceplates also sit nested into the helmet, so you really can't tell where they join, and it holds securely. The only fault here is, he can't really look down. I guess he's mostly gonna be looking up to big bot anyway - he'll have no problems there.

    The arms are fantastic. Double jointed at the elbows, rotation and outwards movement at the shoulders - but the pièce de résistance are the pegs attaching them to the body. They tilt in and out, and swivel front to back so you can bring his arms forward over his chest, and back some, as if he was stretching. The hands are typical MP style with 4 fingers moving as one, but can now bend at the wrist, and the sculpt is entirely new to match Cheetor of course! His gut gun pegs in tightly, though the tail gun is a little too bulky and sits off to one side so it's not quite as stable in the hand.

    Legs carry over the poseability of beast mode, and gain some sideways tilts on the feet, a bit of toe action - and you can also half transform them while still looking pretty decent, to get some more forward tilt at the ankle. He's got heelspurs, but he's also got those front legs on his back, so while balance is good for the most part, you'll still need to take that into account when posing him.

    Both guns transform themselves in a few steps and look great. The tail wraps around to clip into the handle which is a great touch to improve the look of the gun. Both guns can also store on his back, though you'll be adding a bit more back-heavyness in the process when you store the tail gun.

    From the pictures we saw earlier, i was a little worried his groin piece was overhanging his gut and would look weird. It actually looks fine though, from both front and side. We all knew there'd be some kibble here - they don't do much to transform the legs out of the way - but from the front, they're fairly unobtrusive. Cheetor's silhouette remains quite slender, so the only real downside is the attention you have to give to balancing his poses.

    Buy! He displays perfectly with Optimus Primal and he's great fun to fiddle around with in both modes. They're really knocking these out of the park!
    Last edited by kurdt_the_goat; 26th February 2017 at 01:02 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by kurdt_the_goat View Post
    Approximate Retail Price - ¥7,560 (AU$88)
    The official RRP is ¥7000 (AU$81).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    5th Apr 2008


    Actually it's 7560 like i said, because of Japan's 8% tax.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    19th Dec 2008


    I got mine for just over ¥6000 from Edion.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2009


    Looks to be another top release from the MP team. Can't wait to get him in hand.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011


    Got him today. I'm happy I finally have a season 1 Cheetor that's better than the Telemocha release, but still not a huge fan of the original character or design. I should note I removed the beast head from the toy for display in robot mode to avoid permanently bending the whiskers.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    11th Dec 2012


    Mine arrived today. Such an enjoyable figure. Good transformation and both modes look great. I've never been a BW fan so don't know much about Cheetor as a character but I'm liking the MPs from BW.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2009


    Cheetah mode:

    It's a beautiful looking cat. Aside from a few joint parts, he's painted all over. The fur colors and the tampo'ed on spots look great in person. I think the waist section is a bit too long to be anatomically correct, but overall the proportions are good. He doesn't have the big and powerful thighs you see on a real cheetah, but that's a compromise I'm willing to forgive (along with his robot leg kibble), because people often overlook the fact that for a slender cat like this, there's just not much volume to conceal extra parts/panels.

    Articulation in this mode is surprisingly good. He even has side-to-side rocker joints in his front paws. I had so much fun putting him in different feline poses. There are quite a number of pin joints, some of which very stiff (more on this in robot mode). But tight pin joints are always better than loose ones that are hard to tighten.

    All three heads are painted to perfection and have jaw articulation. Actually aside from the joint tightness, I have absolutely zero QC issue with this figure. And the eyes work well with different expressions. I'm also very happy with how the whiskers were done.

    He can assume a semi-decent cheetah running pose.

    My biggest issue with this figure is that the hinge joint for transformation in the cheetah mid-section has too much wiggle room, and the fact that the front and back halves don't lock together. In normal poses where his feet are planted on the ground it looks fine, but as soon as you pick it up, one half droops and creates a gap. If not for this, this cheetah mode would be nigh perfect for me.

    It has a few clever touches, but isn't as elegant as some the other top MP figures. The shoulders split in the middle to create an offset for the arms to hide in the cheetah back, but it's a step very tricky to execute, both from and to cheetah mode.

    Robot mode

    At this point in time I think everyone is used to the amazing show accuracy and attention to detail that the Masterpiece line entails. Aside from the fake cheetah head chest being a little on the small side (again, not a complaint considering it needs to hide in the slender cheetah body), the 'bot mode is spot on (get it?). Love the little sculpted details like the polygons on the inside of the cheetah thighs on his back, which were meant for the CGI model to approximate a round shape. All three face sculpts are perfect, with great light-piping effect through the eyes and mouth just like how they light up in the show.

    The paint apps are again perfect in this mode. I absolutely love the metallic colors, imitating the CGI metal texturing.

    His articulation in this mode is crazy good. To put into perspective, he has the similar amount and range of joints of a modern Marvel Legends figure (lacks an ab crunch, but gains toe and extra shoulder movement) which is arguably the benchmark of a mass production action figure. There's well known joint tolerance issues, and I assume parts that make up joints being painted is part of the cause. But be careful when moving things around and watch where you apply force, there shouldn't be any real problem.

    Love his guts gun and tail gun. For some reason the tail gun doesn't have pegs to fit in his palms so he can't hold it firmly, but no biggie cause the guts gun got way more TV time anyway. They can both store on the back of the robot.]

    Aside from the loose joint in cheetah mode, this is again a top MP release. The abundant articulation and combination of expressions makes the cheetah a great stand alone action figure. This is a great advantage that the beast-formers have. If done right, you get two great action figures out of one Transformer. Can't wait for Dinobot and more.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    2nd Dec 2010


    He's amazing, everything I ever wanted. What's the bet that people who voted "No" in the poll haven't actually played with one...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Well I finally got to play with one tonight! (courtesy of The_Scream_Man )

    Like MP Beast Convoy and other recent G1 MPs, MP Cheetus is slavishly cartoon accurate, which is great if you're into that sort of thing. It really feels like the character has just jumped out of your television and become a three dimensional toy. Much as with Convoy, Cheetus does a decent job in trying to conceal robot kibble in beast mode, but it's just not possible to completely cover all of it. And as I said with Convoy, this is due to the fact that a beast mode needs to look good from all angles, whereas vehicles typically only need to look good from above, front and sides. Many vehicular MPs have openly visible kibble on the underside. But all things considered, they've done a top notch job. The painstaking attention to detail is guano insane! I also like the choice of going with the light-piped eyes.

    I still don't know if this toy is my cup of tea, but technically speaking it is a great toy. It's well worth the 7000JPY RRP, although I don't know if I'd pay much more than that if I were to get one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shirokaze View Post
    He's amazing, everything I ever wanted. What's the bet that people who voted "No" in the poll haven't actually played with one...
    The poll question doesn't ask people, "Would you buy it?", it asks if it's worth buying or not. I don't know if I'll get this toy, but in answer to the question of "Worth buying?" my answer is Yes (at RRP or less of course). Although this is also why the standard poll format (as established by griffin) has the "Not even interested" option so that people who have zero interest in the toy can vote for that without skewing results based on whether people think that the toy is worth purchasing or not.

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