View Poll Results: TR Topspin - worth getting?

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  • This all kinds of cool! Hells yeah!

    22 91.67%
  • Only if cheap

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  • Na

    1 4.17%
  • For some reason I don't care for this figure

    1 4.17%
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Thread: Toy Review - TR Topspin with Freezeout

  1. #1
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Toy Review - TR Topspin with Freezeout

    Topspin with Freezeout
    Series – Titans Return
    Size/class - Deluxe
    New/remould/redeco - New
    Wave - 4
    Released here – not yet
    Approximate Retail Price - $28
    Approximate Size - 14cm
    Allegiance - Autobot
    Alt-mode – Cybertronian Hovercraft
    Main Features/Gimmicks – Titan Master
    Main Colours –Blue, Grey
    Main Accessories – two guns, Freezeout TM Partner

    Robot Mode

    Bloody excellent! What a great looking robot! Colour scheme and proportions are a big shout out to the original toy whilst making him look as cool as he did in the comics. The Titan Master head is great – everything about this toy is great, including his two guns (though they could have stood to not be hollow). I know I should say more here but its hard too when there are no glaring faults to point out.

    Vehicle Mode

    There are not many Generations characters where you think ‘this is all the original toy should have been’ but Topspin encapsulates this sentiment. They have taken the essence of the original toy and expanded it to be a brilliant looking alien vehicle repleat with guns, cockpit and a bunch of huge thrusters on the back. This is to my mind the definitive Topspin – certainly makes me glad I skipped that awful FOC version of him released a few years ago.

    To my mind this is by far the best Topspin toy we have ever gotten! Never mind the Headmaster (sorry - Titan Master) gimmick - his robot mode and alt-mode are both damn fine indeed! If you are a G1 or Wreckers fan you would be hard pressed to pass up this awesome toy - highly recommended!

    For a more in-depth review of Topspin as well as the rest of the Wave 4 TR Autobots please see my blog post HERE!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2009


    My review:

    Cybertronian jet-thingy mode:

    Not much to say really except that they really nailed this one. It captures the 80's space vehicle design perfectly, right down to the bold ignorance of how aircraft's actually work. The stubby wings are compensated with humongous thrusters on the back, 4 of them to boot. The color scheme is perfect and the paint apps well executed. The wings are only soft-locked by detent. I wish there was a more solid locking mechanism but it's a really minor gripe.

    Titan Master dude

    It's a new mold he will be sharing with Twin Twist's little TM dude. I also like how combined gun looks like an engine block.

    His upper body transformation is an unlock and twist trick similar to Triggerhappy's, and the arms form solid chunks to fill in the space where the front intake thingies used to be. Very intuitive and satisfying.

    'Bot mode

    I never had the G1 Jump starters but this robot looks to be a great update to an 80's robot design. The molded details on the chest, shoulders and forearms are all there. I'd imagine people who owned Topspin back then would look at this robot with a smile, just like I did when I held Combiner Wars First Aid for the very first time. I also like how he's slightly bigger than your average deluxe figure with a powerful looking build. His thighs are huuuge! They're even bigger than some of the voyager figures'. The paint on his eyes is a nice metallic blue. All the joints are solid and tolerance spot on. The wings sort of just hang there off his arms, which is toy accurate, but same with the jet mode, I do wish they have a locking point. Due to how the hinge is designed, you can't fold them all the way back either like you can with Twin Twist' treads.

    Articulation is above average, as he has double-jointed elbows thanks to transformation.

    Deluxe Wave 4 turns out be a big win for me as all three new molds are excellent, but this one is my favorite. I'm confident to say Topspin will be on a few people's figure of the year list, and I can't wait to get his twin brother, as Twin Twist looks like a great remold.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    I don't own this toy (yet) but I had a look at dirge's and took some pics.

    This toy is beautiful! I really can't wait until I can find one for myself! WRECK AND RULE!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Finally got a Topspin for myself after a productive trip to Big W this morning. There is just so much to love about this toy. The transformation is intuitive, fun and brings in many new features as well as some elements from Masterpiece. This toy feels like what an MP would be if it were given a Deluxe size price point and budget (which obviously much smaller than a typical MP budget/price point). As others have pointed out, the colours on this toy are really well done. The various highlights accentuate the mould quite well and nothing is really left feeling bland like with some other Deluxes.

    Also just as a note, the knee panels are supposed to be flipped out (as seen in doublespy's photos) according to the official transformation (re: instructions & packaging pic), but like Trev I also prefer to keep them tucked in.

    Unintended G1 accuracy: both have their heads visible in alt mode (although only G1 Topspin has a visible face)

    I don't often photograph toys from behind, but this toy just looks so damn good for every angle that I couldn't resist.

    Now get off your computer/device and go buy this toy!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    4th Jun 2010


    Classic TR: a dude I barely cared about becomes an absolutely phenomenal toy. Definitely one of the best TR Deluxes, and quite possibly number one.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Maruten View Post
    Classic TR: a dude I barely cared about becomes an absolutely phenomenal toy.
    Replied here

  7. #7
    FatalityPitt Guest


    I cracked this guy open last night. My thoughts; he's lives up to his namesake! His transformation involves spinning a part of his torso in a way that's different and interesting (like Triggerhappy), and he has waist articulation He's also well and truly deserving of the hype he's received.

    The transformation is clever without being too complex or frustrating. Its a very fun transformation that's different from other transformations we've seen in the past. There's also no glaringly visible gaps in either mode.

    The alt-mode is a big step-up from the original G1. The original G1 looked like a robot on it's back with it's legs folded over it's head, trying to pass off as a forklift. However, this TR version really looks like a spacecraft, even more so thanks to the presence of a functioning cockpit. As mentioned in my random thought, this is one of those toys that benefited from the Titanmaster gimmick.

    TR Topspin is a gem of a Transformer. If you see this figure in stores and you have the money, treat yourself and buy it Even if you don't like G1 transformers (let alone this character), nor had any plans on getting any TR figures; you should buy this guy just for the design itself. The design is the real highlight of this toy.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    I personally think that this toy could be just as good without the Titan Master gimmick. The head would simply tuck away (e.g. fold back into a compartment). And the loss of a functional cockpit is no big deal - you can just as easily have a non-functioning cockpit as the majority of jetformers do. This toy has benefited from being updated with contemporary CHUGUR-style engineering. The fact that it's a Headmaster is pretty superfluous.

    I don't care for the Headmaster gimmick, but the rest of the toy is an absolute delight. And the gimmick doesn't hurt the toy either.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    7th Feb 2013


    Yeah, that was me that voted

    For some reason I don't care for this figure
    I finally saw him today, picked the card up, had a look & all I felt was an overwhelming sense of meh.
    After reading the glowing reviews that this guy has been getting, I thought I would have felt a bit more excited than I was. So, yeah, did nothing for me.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    23rd Jul 2015


    What an impressive toy. I'm looking forward to the release of Twin Twist (cause I've always found Topspin's brother to be the better of the two).

    By the way the FOC Topspin is atrocious due to the fact it's just a repainted Blast Off.

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