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Thread: Just Joined...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    25th Feb 2017

    Default Just Joined...

    I joined because I always had questions to ask the TF base, and being proud of the level headedness of us aussies (in general lol) I prefer a local forum than overseas ones, from google search that has baggage with a lot of childish and petty arguments , how do they even log on with all that stress shooting on those forums?

    Most recently I was wanting to ask someone or anyone advice on buying my fav stunticons, combiner wars team MENASOR the 5 pack from target (with the cool colors)

    Obviously I bought the item as the sale was going to be finished and my registration did not yet activate my account, so about 2 weeks later I already bought the toy and my account only then became activated. So with no question to ask I remembered old questions.

    I am really glad now looking at all the combiner wars figures, titan returns, I am really glad of my decision. I just lacked the courage to spend 120 on a toy but I am glad I did as menasor was and is my fav combiner that I never had as a kid, and the one I have and could afford (justifiably afford) was a cheap ko G1 that was $20. Now I am glad I bought the toy as with all my other transformers a Menasor, fav combiner, should already be in my Robot Shelves! lol.

    TLDR - nothing much, just another transformer toy kid at heart writing about transformers.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    29th Jun 2011


    Welcome to the boards!

    G2 is not really my thing, so I passed on this set - but I did get the "G1 version" (CW) Menasor and I love him, even though I struggle to get Blackjack to stay on his chest in combined mode.

    I know sometimes as fans we can get a bit nit-picky about our toys and we love a good whinge ("too many repaints!," "toys are too simple!", etc) - but I can't help thinking we are pretty lucky to have decent modern combiners.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by M-bot View Post
    I know sometimes as fans we can get a bit nit-picky about our toys and we love a good whinge ("too many repaints!," "toys are too simple!", etc) - but I can't help thinking we are pretty lucky to have decent modern combiners.
    I think that overall the current offerings from Generations are fan-slagging-tastic! Just imagine if we had these kinds of toys around during the early years of Classics/Universe... we would be salivating all over 'em! And we're also getting heaps of characters being made beyond "Gee Wun" - some really obscure characters too. If you'd told me back in 2006 that we'd be getting Classicsverse toys based on Sixshot, Getaway, Overlord, Black Shadow, Lione, Jack, Sentinel Prime, Fortress Maximus, Scoop, Quake, Shuffler, the G2 Stunticons, Quickswitch etc., I would have laughed in your face. It was years from inaction from Hasbro which allowed the illicit Third Party knock off industry to spawn and grow. But now finally Hasbro's doing what they should've done years ago and are making products of character that fans want to see and are willing to spend money on. Only took 'em 5 years to work it out.

    But yes, we are very much being spoiled by Hasbro atm.

  4. #4
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  5. #5
    Smint is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    3rd Feb 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by VodooCaMo View Post
    I just lacked the courage to spend 120 on a toy
    Yeah i was here before, afterall it's just a plastic toy right. But as you start collecting more toys you start to get an appreciation for the design and engineering that goes into them, especially the MP line and 3rd party toys. And that helps justify the cost a bit. Thousands of dollars later my mp and third party collection is massive.

    You should check out Transformmission's 3rd party Menasor

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