Series – Masterpiece
Size/class - N/A
New/remould/redeco - Redeco of MP33 Inferno
Wave - N/A
Released here – Released in Japan in late February 28, 2017
RRP - 14000JPY (AU$170) or 15120JPY (AU$183) incl. sales tax
Approximate Size - 25cm
Allegiance - Autobot
Alt-mode – Mitsubishi Fuso T951 crane
Main Features/Gimmicks – Retractable & elevatable crane arm, deployable anchors
Main Colours – orange (amber)
Main Accessories – cartoon-accurate grill, toy-accurate grill, dark grey helmet, orange helmet, neutral face for grey helmet, yelling face for grey helmet, neutral face for orange helmet, smiling face for orange helmet, hook attachment for crane, claw attachment for crane, scoop attachment for crane, screwdriver, dark grey arm barrel attachment, chrome arm barrel attachment, arc-welder rifle, miniature solar tower, solar tower blueprints, tech specs card
I'm still waiting for my PC preorder to arrive, so... *cobwebs*
But in the meantime, I managed to have a look at The Scream Man's MP Grapple. Brief thoughts:
* The toy is waaay tighter than Inferno
* The crane is much trickier/fiddlier to transform than the ladder. One thing to bear in mind when transforming to robot mode is to ensure that the crane is completely compacted before folding into the torso. It won't work if it's even slightly not pushed in all the way. The instructions text does explicitly state this in Japanese, but for those of you who can't read Japanese it isn't obvious if you only look at the illustrations.
* The rear part of the crane assembly is really tricky to transform when going back to truck mode.
Overall the toy isn't quite as intuitive or fun as Inferno, and much of this has to do with the extra bulk of the crane over a ladder. The bulkier robot mode does help Grapple look more different from Inferno though. It's still a neat toy in it's own right but it just doesn't work quite as well as Inferno. I'll be able to form a more detailed opinion whenever I get my MP Grapple. I'll also take comparison pics with my reissue Grapple. I took my 1985 G1 Grapple along to The Scream Man's place tonight and yeah... that toy has seen better days.
Worth getting? If you're not planning on completing the set of MP Cars and you only want to get one of the MP Mitsubishi Fusos, go with Inferno. So I'd vote "Only if" you want to complete the set.