Identify each of these incarnations/versions of Optimus Prime as quick as you can without looking anything up!
Identify each of these incarnations/versions of Optimus Prime as quick as you can without looking anything up!
Challenge accepted.
All of these are left to right.
Top: Don't know, War Within (Just remembered), Don't Know, Fall of Cybertron, G1 Cartoon, G1 Marvel Comics, Not sure, Marvel Comics G2, Not sure, G2 Laser Prime.
Middle:G2 Go-Bot, Beast Wars Convo-bat, Machine Wars, RiD Car Robots, Don't know, Don't Know, G1 Star Convoy, Don't Know, Alternator Kiss Players, Don't Know.
Bottom: Movie!, Animated, Comic Adaptation of Animated, Binaltech??, Transformers Prime, Prime Beast Wars, ROTF, RiD 2015, Not Sure.
Yeah... I don't know Prime like I thought I did.
Orion Pax, War Within, War for Cybertron, Fall of Cybertron, G1, G1 comic, don't know, G2 comic, don't know, G2 Laser Prime
Go-Bots, Beast Wars Convo-Bat, Machine Wars, RID (2001), Armada, Energon, Cybertron, Henkei? (Not sure), Alternators, I can't make out the picture
2007 movie, Animated, don't know (something Animated related ) GT Convoy, Prime series, season 2 of Prime series? (no idea), don't know, Revenge of the Fallen, new RiD, don't know - but looks familiar so I'll probably kick myself when I find out what it is
Took a guess on a few
Nice effort, guys.
Here are the answers (spoiler tagged):
Top Row: Orion Pax, War Within, War For Cybertron, Fall of Cybertron, original G1, Powermaster, Action Master, original G2, G2 Combat Hero, G2 Laser
Middle Row: G2 Gobot, Convobat, MW, CR/RiD, Armada, Energon, Cybertron, Henkei (Classics), Alternator, Movie (Protoform)
Bottom Row: Movie, Animated (Cybertronian), Animated (Earth), Alternity, Prime (original), Prime (Beast Hunters), Go!, Age of Extinction, RiD (original), RiD (reformatted)
Yeah, I need to re-enroll back to TF school. haha
First Row:
Fall of Cybertron, War Within, G1, don't know, G1 Commerical?, Hearts of Steel comic? (Not sure)
Middle Row:
G2, G2 Hero, Go-Bot, Amazon Japan exclusive alligator Megatron, don't know, RID (2001)
Third Row:
Aramda, Energon, Cybertron, don't know, don't know, Classics 2-pack
Fourth Row:
2007 movie, Animated Cybertronian mode, Animated Earth mode, ROTF, don't know, DOTM
Last row:
Prime, don't know, don't know, AOE, IDW comic, Last Knight
See how I go this time. haha
Your Score: 20/30 (67%)
1: War for Cybertron 2: War Within 3: G1 Megatron 4: G1 Galvatron 5: Action Master 6: Super/Ultra Megatron
7: G2 8: Combat Hero 9: Gobot 10: Megalligator 11: Machine Wars 12: CR/RiD
13: Armada 14: Energon 15: Cybertron 16: Robot Masters Reverse Convoy 17: CHUGUR (Voyager) 18: Ultimate Battles
19: Movie 20: Animated (Cybertron) 21: Animated (Earth) 22: RotF 23: Alternity 24: DotM
25: Prime 26: Generations Bomber 27: Cloud 28: AoE 29: CW (Generations Tank) 30: tLK
1: I also accepted FoC - close enough
10: it's not an Amazon exclusive, it was a regular store release. But it was a Japanese exclusive, so half a point!
18: I accepted "Classics 2 pack"
23: Half a point because technically both #26 & #29 appeared in the IDW comics
A Pass. I'll take it
A couple of the ones I didn't know smacked me square in the face when I saw the answers
I almost put that answer for First Row #4, but I didn't see any other "versions" of him in the other photos, so I thought it might have been a comic thing. Transformers comics are (regrettably) my biggest weak points in TF lore.
I didn't realise that about #10. Did we see that release here too? I only ever knew it as a JP exclusive.
Thanks for the answers!