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Thread: Has the Masterpiece line come to an end?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by CHILENO20 View Post
    Was going to say Beast Machines but there was a Generations Tankor
    Even Machine Wars got another outing via Funpub

  2. #22
    Join Date
    2nd Dec 2010


    I don't think the MP line is going anywhere, if anything they've expanded its reach. At the end of the day Takara Tomy is a business, so as long as there is demand (in Japan) for G1 MPs and they can make a profit then the line will continue. Some people feel that the focus has switched to Beast Wars but as Gok's statistics have shown, the scope has simply expanded to satisfy the demand.

  3. #23
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    Considering that Takara are doing US G1, JP G1, and BW they have plenty of characters still to work with not to mention the fact that with the MP24 poll they seemed open to everything up to Cybertron. Also as Griff pointed out this is a slow period of the year for Takara.

    I'm far more concerned about Takara skipping CHUG characters than anything else in the TF collecting scene.

  4. #24
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    The only US G1 MPs that I can think that Takara's ever done are:
    * the limited exclusive variant of MP Grimlock (with the Marvel US colours and crown).
    * MP G2 Sideswipe - the face sculpt and accessories based on the G2 US comics.
    But these are both variants of already existing MPs that they made. I cannot think of a single new-mould MP that Takara have ever made based on a US G1 character that was never released in Japan.

    The closest that's ever been done would be MP Offshoot, but that was technically done by Hasbro as an accessory for their version of MP Rodimus Prime. Otherwise all MPs are based on what is essentially what has been released in Japan.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by kurdt_the_goat View Post
    Has any TF line ever really ended with all the re-releasing they do?
    Yeah, I'm still hoping forEncore to make a comeback in another name for the line, though I do hope they produce some of the ones that only had a few re release like Blitzwing, Hound and maybe attempt even retromoulding some of the skipped figures due to mould destruction like Sunstreaker , Mirage , Reflector...

    As for MP line, I dont think it'll end or has reached its end. Theyve got a lot of material yet to work on , plenty of characters to do and release. It's not like g1 rereleases coz they do not have the mould hence only a finite number of characters can be made. Apparently retromoulding is expensive. But with MP line its all new moulds so they can choose making any of the whole gamut of characters yet to be done... the only drawback is the licensing and more complicated moulds and models they have to make which take time for the engineers to create and it has to be selected well for lucrative purposesas well... Im still wating for Trailbreaker 😊/Hoist to come out as I think with all the thrust that the 3rd parties have been giving attention to these two somehow makes me think theyre churning them out now coz once Takara releases theirs, sales price on their items will drop.
    Wanted AM partner Vanguard, Myclones Dirge, G1 Victory Leo, e-hobby Dark scream ( the black version), e-hobby Magnificus
    Parts- AM partner Basher-side guns, G1 Actionmaster Elite Windmill's blades[I][B]

  6. #26
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    As far as G1 goes TakaraTOMY tends to focus on "Gee-Wun" over G1 as a whole. The only post-GeeWun G1 MP moulds that we've seen are:
    * Rodimus Prime
    * Hot Rod
    * Ultra Magnus
    * Star Sabre

    That's it. It's not a lot. And even then, 3 of them are from 1686, just one year after "GeeWun", and only one G1 MP was bold enough to have been drawn from an era well after GeeWun (although it's still a G1 cartoon character from a Japanese POV - they've never created a new MP mould based on a G1 character who's never appeared in the cartoon*). And it's understandable, GeeWun is the most nostalgic period and thus the most bankable period of G1.

    And to be fair, I think that Takara's done pretty well in hitting a lot of these GeeWun characters. As we can see in the MP catalogue that I made, all of the first year Decepticons and nearly half of the first Autobots have been done as MPs.

    Although granted that "first year" for Japan was 1985, and from their POV it looks like this (excluding toys that never appeared in the cartoon)...
    Original toy was not released in Japan
    Has been or will be released as an MP

    Omega Supreme
    Optimus Prime
    Red Alert

    ↑26/58 (approx. 45%) of GeeWun characters have been done as MPs, so we're getting there. The MP line has always been more about quality over quantity. TakaraTOMY's team will work on developing each toy as an individual figure rather than in assortments like they do with mainline figures (which means that they are working on multiple toys in that line at the same time). Having said that, bear in mind that the people who design MPs are also working on other TFs like The Last Knight, Robots in Disguise etc. - it's not as if TakaraTOMY has a dedicated MP team. There's a chance that MP5 was developed in a rush because TakaraTOMY had a greater focus on developing the first live action movie figures (just a theory).

    And it also makes sense for TakaraTOMY to prioritise characters with greater redeco potential for obvious reasons. So I think that the more likely candidate for an upcoming MP would be Trailbreaker/Hoist. Many of the other characters don't have popular redeco potential. Wheeljack was redecoed as Exhaust, but "Marlboor Wheeljack" already had a fan following long before MPs came along. You could argue that characters like Hound and Skids could be redecoed as Detritus and Crosscut respectively, but Road Rage reportedly shelfwarmed in Japan (and is still shelfwarming here). Yes, Inferno is being redecoed as the extremely obscure Artfire, but not before the mould was redecoed as Grapple. Stepper is an equally obscure character and Jazz doesn't have another more popular redeco potential. Ultra Magnus was redecoed as Delta Magnus who was still shelfwarming when I was in Japan late last year. What could Sunstreaker and Mirage be redecoed as? And before you answer this question, see it from the eyes of a CASUAL collector, not hardcore collectors like ourselves who would lap up characters like MP Clampdown or an MP redeco of Police-Car Sunstreaker or red Mirage etc.

    I'm not saying that these characters cannot be done per se - Star Sabre has had no redeco yet it seems to have sold (I haven't seen it shelfwarming either in Japan nor at my local TRUs) - I'm just saying that from a business POV it makes more sense for them to prioritise characters with greater redeco potential. And hopefully if these redecos sell well, they can help to fund the release of these "less bankable" characters. That's why I think it's important for collectors, if we really want to support the MP line, to consider buying the redecos as well. I can understand skipping obscure characters that you have no sentimental attachment too, but for example there are people who are skipping Grapple because they already have Inferno. Or people who skipped Smokescreen because they have Prowl and/or Bluestreak etc. Again, these are more casual collectors - they are happy to just collect a small sample of figures and don't feel the need to get multiples of the same base mould. So I think it's up to us more hardcore collectors to consider investing in these redecos to help convince TakaraTOMY that it's worth their time and money to release more MPs.

    It's all about us voting with our wallets.

    *Alas, poor MP Time Warrior!
    Last edited by GoktimusPrime; 23rd April 2017 at 11:53 AM.

  7. #27
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    The MP line has always been more about quality over quantity

    I don't really agree with this as we seen so much quality issues on the recent masterpiece is not funny.

  8. #28
    Megatran Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by kurdt_the_goat View Post
    But I also think it's very likely this month's hobby magazines will reveal Dinobot in full for a release by the end of the year, making it 6.
    And/or perhaps redeco(s), remould(s) as well. Or perhaps not (). Anyone know which day of the month these JP hobby mags get released?

    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    The only US G1 MPs that I can think that Takara's ever done are:
    * the limited exclusive variant of MP Grimlock (with the Marvel US colours and crown).
    * MP G2 Sideswipe - the face sculpt and accessories based on the G2 US comics.
    But these are both variants of already existing MPs that they made. I cannot think of a single new-mould MP that Takara have ever made based on a US G1 character that was never released in Japan.
    You've reinforced what DELTAprime had stated ... That is, Takara MP releases included US characters. There was no mention of specifics relating to 'new-mould' or US characters derived from an existing mould... until you brought that up.

    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    That's it. It's not a lot. And even then, 3 of them are from 1686, *snip wall of text*
    A bit before my time but we know what you meant.

    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    The MP line has always been more about quality over quantity

    I don't really agree with this as we seen so much quality issues on the recent masterpiece is not funny.
    That topic has been brought up numerous times & debated extensively elsewhere.

    Same goes with MP5 Megatron's dubious product development timeline (which many do not give a baboon's backside).

  9. #29
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    I'm spending way less on MP's this year than last year. Which is not bad because I went nuts last year (buying doubles and catching up). Still, it's getting kinda boring. And I don't count / didn't pre order MP-38 so shoot me.

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    The only US G1 MPs that I can think that Takara's ever done are:
    * the limited exclusive variant of MP Grimlock (with the Marvel US colours and crown).
    * MP G2 Sideswipe - the face sculpt and accessories based on the G2 US comics.
    But these are both variants of already existing MPs that they made. I cannot think of a single new-mould MP that Takara have ever made based on a US G1 character that was never released in Japan.

    The closest that's ever been done would be MP Offshoot, but that was technically done by Hasbro as an accessory for their version of MP Rodimus Prime. Otherwise all MPs are based on what is essentially what has been released in Japan.
    What about the 'US' MP Starscream, which was Takara's release of the Hasbro MP Starscream with toy-accurate colours? Would that count?

    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    ↑26/58 (approx. 45%) of GeeWun characters have been done as MPs, so we're getting there.
    I'm nitpicking, but you left out Smokescreen, and Thrust has an MP release, taking your total to 28/59, or just over 47% of those 1985 cartoon characters. Your point still stands, though - they're getting there.

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