Put in an order for MB-07 Soundwave. You had the best price available, looking forward to it!
Put in an order for MB-07 Soundwave. You had the best price available, looking forward to it!
only $19
Easy to distinguish with Hasbro version, bigger size and different sh*t/mud mark pattern.
I cannot say what actually toys delayed as I don't want my post to be copied and pasted to other places since I only got this info privately.
Certain item with release date "Q3 2017" on in my store cannot be release on time, as Q3 2017 is just one week to go.
For those people if:
1. You preordered and paid deposit on any item, and:
2. when the time goes pass the "release date" on my store;
then you are free to decide to let the preorder stay as it is or ask me for deposit refund.
No one should take the "preorder release date" of any items from any companies as a serious promise on delivery.
As my store platform has no reminder function to inform me which item has passed the release date, so I might not be able to inform on each item to all preorders on time. Please do check for yourself and request deposit refund when needed.