View Poll Results: TF5 Last Knight Movie - worth watching?

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  • Yes, the best one so far

    6 8.96%
  • Yes, but not the best one

    29 43.28%
  • No, it was disappointing

    18 26.87%
  • I don't plan to see it

    14 20.90%
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Thread: Movie Review - TF5 The Last Knight

  1. #21
    Join Date
    30th Oct 2012


    *Sigh* I had such high hopes for this movie and I don't know why when I think about it now maybe it was because of the writers room and them moving the franchise towards a cinematic universe direction thingy. But overall it was super disappointing. Me and my friends were standing in line at the Paramount event with our Last Knight cups and popcorn boxes unable to believe that the past year of speculating and re-watching trailers over and over again would come to a close. I've watch all Transformer movies on opening day and thoroughly enjoyed watching them all for the first time but I was completely lost and had no clue what was going on last night.

    Stuff I disliked:
    *All good of the good stuff was shown in the trailers
    *Too much Humans. At the beginning in the Junkyard I thought the Transformers had a very nice and generous amount of screentime but once Cade and Bee went to London it was all Human from there.
    *There were no proper fights in the movie other than Prime v Bee. AOE had Prime v Lockdown, Prime v Galvatron, Bee v Stinger and a couple more.
    I was honestly hoping for an epic Prime v Megatron battle at the end.
    *Characters showed up and vanished. Grimlock and Slug were last seen destroying a few TRF vehicles and are never heard of again. Drift and Crosshairs were seen prepping for the final battle but were nowhere to be seen in it. Barricade was at Stonehenge and was never seen after that.
    *Decepticons had a actual proper introduction and all half of them died 5 minutes later *cough* Onslaught. What a waste, especially when some of them looked to have actual character like Mohawk.
    *Megatron didn't feel like Megatron, every time he was on screen he was always just talking getting the staff, getting the talisman. He never talked about anything else so we didn't get any background information or any motives (other than fixing Cybertron).
    *Quintessa was maybe a highlight for me but they also didn't provide us much about her or why she was there, why she showed up now etc.
    *The plot was messy and confusing and the fast pacing of the movie didn't help at all. I don't understand why it was all happening like why did the horns start appearing, why did Quintessa bring Cybertron at the time she did, it all felt very coincidental.
    *Prime was evil for like 5-10mins. In my opinion he should've stayed at way until the end or sometime in the final battle.
    *Dragonstorm was very underused.
    *Score wasn't memorable.
    *Topspin with Leadfoot's head and a Latino accent?
    *I have a few more but I can't be bothered anymore.

    Stuff I liked:
    *Thought Cogman was funny a few times, would've been nice to see him kick some ass in the final battle.
    *Anthony Hopkins' character was pretty good, enjoyed him.
    *Visuals were far better than AOE.
    *Like I said before Quintessa was kinda cool, I liked the tease in the post credits scene.

    Questions I need answered:
    So what is the purpose of the Last Knight? Vivian was Merlin's decedent so she could use the staff but what was Cade's role as the Last Knight?
    Why did Megatron, Nitro and Barricade go to Stonehenge? Did they activate something there I don't remember? Because Megatron right after that fly away and gave the staff to Quintessa to begin the process.
    So Megatron had that red stuff on his face as well, was he being controlled by Quintessa?
    Why did Edmond Burton just try to shoot Megatron point blank like that?
    Why did TRF release Megatron and the Decepticons to go after the Autobots? TRF had their coordinates and knew they had the talisman why need the Cons?

    Maybe I set my expectations a bit too high, I don't why it is Micheal Bay after all. Hopefully I'll enjoy it more the second time around.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    14th May 2008
    Back in Brisbane


    I am glad i saw it but like most of the previous BayTF films it hurt my head like an extended brain freeze. There is so much good stuff going on in the film but some useless scenes drag on and the important ones look like they are edited with a confetti gun.

    Saddened once again by a TF movie I can't recommend to my non-Tf friends.

    And I need a quality animated gif of Cogman killing deep sea tuna. I didnt notice he fired himself out the torpedo tube but when he was back onboard it was such an unexpected scene (Cogman has a few of these) and long enough that I loved it and lol'd.

    In the future it would be a fascinating to learn about how these massive films are made between the Studio, Bay, writers, advertisers, military, and Hasbro.

    Last edited by Deonasis; 22nd June 2017 at 05:21 PM.
    "I am not a gun. I'm hitting people with a hammer. On Mars."
    The Iron Giant / David Wildgoose

  3. #23
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by ILikeSoundwave View Post
    *Megatron didn't feel like Megatron, every time he was on screen he was always just talking getting the staff, getting the talisman. He never talked about anything else so we didn't get any background information or any motives (other than fixing Cybertron).
    In all fairness, Movie Megatron's primary motivation was always about the salvation and restoration of Cybertron. This is why he hunted the AllSpark Cube, Solar Harvester and Space Bridge. Quintessa wishes to revive Cybertron, thus her goals align with Megatron's.

    Quote Originally Posted by ILikeSoundwave View Post
    *Topspin with Leadfoot's head and a Latino accent?

    Quote Originally Posted by ILikeSoundwave View Post
    Why did TRF release Megatron and the Decepticons to go after the Autobots? TRF had their coordinates and knew they had the talisman why need the Cons?
    To find the staff. Both factions had a common objective and were planning on betraying each other at the end. Not the greatest of plans...

    Quote Originally Posted by ILikeSoundwave View Post
    Hopefully I'll enjoy it more the second time around.
    I doubt it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Deonasis View Post
    And I need a quality animated gif of Cogman killing deep sea tuna. I didnt notice he fired himself out the torpedo tube but when he was back onboard it was such an unexpected scene (Cogman has a few of these) and long enough that I loved it and lol'd.
    I especially loved the scene where Cogman transformed and... oh wait... that never happened. Silly me for expecting these Transformers to transform.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    31st Jul 2008


    While DOTM and TF1 are still far and away my favourites, this one is a respectable 3rd.

    Just frustrates me how, with a little extra work in the editing room, they could be soooo much better. I particularly hate how these movies have a habit of characters just disappearing for no reason.

    Wouldn't Grimlock have been handy to have in the final battle?

  5. #25
    Join Date
    16th Jul 2014
    Central Coast


    New thought, why the f*** was Optimus just offline in space

  6. #26
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Sutton View Post
    While DOTM and TF1 are still far and away my favourites, this one is a respectable 3rd.
    Considering that the competition are ROTF and AOE, that's not hard.
    Quote Originally Posted by CaminusPrime View Post
    New thought, why the f*** was Optimus just offline in space
    Cos space is freakin' massive and he most likely ran out of fuel by the time he exited our solar system (let alone galaxy). My initial thoughts was, "Well that was stupid idea, wasn't it?" It's incredible that he even had enough fuel to escape Earth's gravity and make it into orbit, let alone embark on a long space voyage. Transformers have previously been shown to use spacecraft to travel between worlds such as the Ark, the Nemesis (where The Fallen was seen), the Xanthium etc. Only those with jet modes like Megatron and Starscream seem to have the ability of achieving and sustaining interstellar flight, and they can only do this in their alt modes.

  7. #27
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    16th Jul 2014
    Central Coast


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Considering that the competition are ROTF and AOE, that's not hard.

    Cos space is freakin' massive and he most likely ran out of fuel by the time he exited our solar system (let alone galaxy). My initial thoughts was, "Well that was stupid idea, wasn't it?" It's incredible that he even had enough fuel to escape Earth's gravity and make it into orbit, let alone embark on a long space voyage. Transformers have previously been shown to use spacecraft to travel between worlds such as the Ark, the Nemesis (where The Fallen was seen), the Xanthium etc. Only those with jet modes like Megatron and Starscream seem to have the ability of achieving and sustaining interstellar flight, and they can only do this in their alt modes.
    Well they did have their protoform modes capable of space travel.... but this is a whole new level of why? honestly he looked damaged or something but then he reaches cybertron and is just like ok cool I'm good. Just casually taking a space nap, sure...

  8. #28
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    31st Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post

    Cos space is freakin' massive and he most likely ran out of fuel by the time he exited our solar system (let alone galaxy). My initial thoughts was, "Well that was stupid idea, wasn't it?" It's incredible that he even had enough fuel to escape Earth's gravity and make it into orbit, let alone embark on a long space voyage. Transformers have previously been shown to use spacecraft to travel between worlds such as the Ark, the Nemesis (where The Fallen was seen), the Xanthium etc. Only those with jet modes like Megatron and Starscream seem to have the ability of achieving and sustaining interstellar flight, and they can only do this in their alt modes.
    Never mind the question, where the hell did his Astroboy boots even come from anyway? From that time he grabbed a sword and his forearms got excited?

    Probably the biggest disappointment with this movie is that there was all this BIG TALK that the writers were going to address all the inconsistencies of the previous movies, fix plot holes etc...when in reality they fixed very little and just added their own brand new continuity problems.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Sutton View Post
    Never mind the question, where the hell did his Astroboy boots even come from anyway? From that time he grabbed a sword and his forearms got excited?
    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    - Since WHEN did Optimus Prime possess interstellar flight capability in robot mode??? Maybe I missed something... maybe it was something he took from Lockdown. I hope so, because if he had the ability this whole time, then there's a lot of other stuff before that otherwise makes NO sense if he could freakin' FLY... without a Jetwing... in freakin' robot mode... wha--??
    And everyone's assuming that he only gained the power after the grabbed the sword - okay, fine. So why didn't he FLY into Hong Kong? It would've surely been faster than riding on Grimlock's back! Why didn't he fly while fighting the Vehicons? Cos air superiority rocks! Everyone knows that it's always easier fighting from the high ground. Sun Tzu also talks about this in "The Art of War," and there are countless historical and present day examples - e.g. mounted cavalry vs footman, modern day air strikes, fighting a standing opponent vs a grounded opponent (it's much easier to kick someone while they're down and you're standing!), Obi-Wan vs Anakin et al.

    And the scene where Lockdown was dragging everything into his ship with his super magnet. Optimus could've used his jets to just freakin' fly up and shoot that magnet with greater speed and accuracy. Then there was Optimus Prime vs Lockdown. On the ground, Optimus Prime nearly lost the fight to Lockdown... being impaled by his own sword and all. He would've died if not for Tessa and Shane's help. But alternatively, Optimus Prime could have flown and just shot Lockdown from the air! Then again, the last time Optimus Prime tried air-to-surface combat, he ended up dangling upside down in wires for 20 minutes waiting for the Wreckers to cut him loose.

    It was really such a daft plan. "I'm gonna find the Creators myself!" Really?
    How do you know where they are? Are you planning on just flying aimlessly through space calling for them until they hear you? What if you run out of power before that happens? And even if you don't, let's say he finds them and he still has a good amount of Energon left in his tank. What if their forces outnumber and/or are stronger than you? Shouldn't you, ya know, get some intelligence before just charging in? In The Art of War, Sun Tzu wrote an entire freakin' chapter called "The Use of Spies." Who knew that intelligence and counter-intelligence could win wars, eh? If only he had access to an advanced scout... who's yellow and black...

    "Know your enemy as you know yourself and you shall not fear the results of a hundred battles." - Sun Tzu
    "Screw that, I'mma comin' for yooouu!" - Optimus Prime

  10. #30
    Join Date
    14th May 2008
    Back in Brisbane


    Regarding the float through space and shabby look, I believe he went into a low power mode including a continual repeat of his transmission (like a beacon) to wait for contact. He did not know where his creators were so he was just out there with hope they would respond to his message.
    "I am not a gun. I'm hitting people with a hammer. On Mars."
    The Iron Giant / David Wildgoose

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