View Poll Results: TF5 Last Knight Movie - worth watching?

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  • Yes, the best one so far

    6 8.96%
  • Yes, but not the best one

    29 43.28%
  • No, it was disappointing

    18 26.87%
  • I don't plan to see it

    14 20.90%
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Thread: Movie Review - TF5 The Last Knight

  1. #51
    Join Date
    16th Mar 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I want to make a massive apology to you. What Fatality said was what I actually meant. It was stupid of me to include that question, but the point was that taking Megatron out of the movie wouldn't make any changes to the film's plot. I edited my comment with the pros and cons as well because I had a different thought after watching the movie a second time. Again, I apologise for the confusion I've caused.

    Quote Originally Posted by MayzaPrime View Post
    I thought Drift was driving the Autobot ship... thats why he wasnt in the final scene
    Oh yeah, I didn't even think about that. It makes sense now

    "Autobots, roll out!"
    "We rollin'"

  2. #52
    Join Date
    5th Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by reillyd View Post
    I mainly have more questions than comments.

    But the gravity/Cybertron thing. Given that we have frequently seen mass-density shifting and size shifting it didn't bother me so much, plus it looked to be largely hollow anyway. I thought it was just a broken shard of Cybertron (because, DoTM space bridge) and not the planet proper.

    Questions which I am hoping someone smarter can answer

    Q1: Does the spark reside in the head, and so can Starscream be revived.
    Q2: How on earth did Starscream die in the first place (Lockdown?)
    Q3: What happened to all the sparks Lockdown harvested. I had hoped to see them get revived, if Megatron can come back for the umpteenth time.
    Q4: Did anyone else think Quintessa looks adorable (in her shimmering metal mode) and have unnatural thoughts? #justaskingforafriend
    For 1 and 2, the spark of Ratchet and Optimus were both shown in their chest, as well as various transformers in the films leaking bright blue stuff and dying from chest shots, so probably the chest.

    Starscream died in DOTM after having a bomb go off in his head that blew up his head and upper torso.
    I'm really just here for the free food and open bar.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Although Mega-Galvatron was revived just from his head. Ah, let's face it, there's just no coherent logic between these movies.

  4. #54
    Join Date
    10th May 2013


    So a buddy and I went to see this last night (free tickets from a local comic shop that had a competition).

    The story - just awful. As expected.

    Visually? Some of the best VFX I've seen in cinema. The car chase through the UK was far more coherent than a lot of Bay's other TF work. The shifting ratios didn't bother me (although I assume it would look better on a real IMAX screen). The look was incredible.

    But man, that script. Impossible to overcome.

  5. #55
    Join Date
    26th May 2010


    I really enjoyed it. I saw it in 3d and the visuals were stunning, I found myself literally saying 'wow' out aloud as I felt I was actually in some of those scenes. One thing Bay does well is cinematography and attention to detail with lighting etc to get realism in the scenes.

    Sure, the plot had more holes in it than a sieve but seriously, who went along expecting a solid storyline? I did enjoy the reference at the end about working together in order to rebuild the planets. To me it seemed like a hint towards climate change action. Nice little subliminal message in there.

    It did feel as though some of the characters were built up to play more of a part than they did, but I suspect they figured that the more characters they include the in movie, the more toys they can sell. And essentially, that is what G1 was all about too.

    I thought Cogman was quite a humorous character and I loved the fact that they included a chase scene with a McLaren P1, my favourite car (next to the F1).

    It did seem that we saw more of Mark Walberg's flesh in this film than the female lead, but oh well at least there was plenty of robot fighting action to detract from it.

  6. #56
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    Sydney NSW


    The thing that gets me with, "It's a good movie if you switch your brain off" is... it shouldn't be. Why can't the movie be both an exciting action film and a good story? (e.g. The Empire Strikes Back, Beast Wars, Lord of the Rings etc.) It's not as if action and story are mutually exclusive. What I find odd is how so many people are forgiving of Michael Bay despite making no real effort to improve, yet are incredibly harsh against George Lucas, despite notable efforts to improve from past mistakes.

    e.g. Jar Jar Binks
    * Phantom Menace: totally annoying and screen-time wasting character who contributes almost nothing to the plot
    * Attack of the Clone: only appears in a few scenes and role is far more significant to the plot (i.e. helps Palpatine to pass the Clone Army creation Act).
    * Revenge of the Sith: only makes a single cameo appearance during Padmé's funeral. No dialogue.
    And there are numerous other examples, but I'm not gonna derail this discussion with an essay-long post about the Star Wars Prequels.
    The point is that with the Star Wars Prequels we can see progress being made. Bay on the other hand keeps on taking one step forwards and three steps back, but everyone's like, "Oh well, that's Bay." But when Lucas tried to improve, everyone's like, "THE PREQUELS SUCK! THERE ARE NO PREQUELS! (except for Rogue One)" etc. Not to mention that Lucas ultimately sold the rights to Star Wars and then donated the US$4 million that Disney paid to fund children's education. #onionninjas

    Quote Originally Posted by AJ_Prime View Post
    I really enjoyed it. I saw it in 3d and the visuals were stunning, I found myself literally saying 'wow' out aloud as I felt I was actually in some of those scenes. One thing Bay does well is cinematography and attention to detail with lighting etc to get realism in the scenes.
    That's true. One of Bay's strengths is definitely, "Giant Effing Robots."

  7. #57
    Join Date
    14th Nov 2008


    Absolute garbage. I walked out after 50 minutes.

  8. #58
    Join Date
    14th Oct 2009


    I finally watched it today and it is not as bad as I thought but still felt it was a poor movie. I put it slightly better than Age of Extinction, 4/10. It felt sloppy and scenes were cutting too fast that made it disjointed.

    I had to roll my eyes at the Transformers being yet again responsible for several major points in human history. I liked Unicron being Earth and Cogman (although he got tiring as the movie went on).

    Not many people were watching in the same session but I noticed that there were plenty of gasps of disbelief and sighs at various points in the movie where it felt cliched and awkward.

    Not sure how to word it properly but wished they toned down the "fantasy" element and went back to how "grounded" the first film was. I honestly would not be disappointed if they stopped making these films for a few years and rebooted it.
    "sometimes the things you see might not be real and the things that are real you might not see"

  9. #59
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    I think one way to gauge if a movie is any good or not is to see what the Honest Trailers boys do with it. I just watched Logan for the first time (missed it in cinemas but rented it on Blu Ray) - this is an example of what an action movie should be like. Thrilling action with a character-driven story that elicits emotional investment from the audience. The Honest Trailer for Logan really couldn't find anything bad to say about it, and the Honest Trailer guys live to rip films apart! (that's the whole fun of their videos ) Wonder Woman is another movie which is really well done IMHO - again, loads of cool action coupled with an excellent character-driven story.

    Is it weird that I'm looking forward to the Honest Trailer for The Last Knight more than I was actually looking forward to the film itself?

  10. #60
    Join Date
    18th Jun 2012
    St Clair


    So I got around to watching it on the weekend.

    Now before I rate it let me say yes I am a G1 fanboy however I do not hate the Bay films in general (AOE was close though) and actually am a fan of movie 1 & 3.

    The Last Knight from start to finish is a trainwreck, a dogs breakfast, a turd.
    I could think of almost no good comments to make... it was a decent shot when Megs holds Screamers head and makes his comment.. Um Onslaught looked promising and then gone... Um .... Um

    I would go 2/10 and it only gets 2 cause the Baysplosions look good

    Reboot time
    Dapto Dog for 2017

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