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Thread: Toybot Importz feedback

  1. #421
    Join Date
    4th Jun 2016


    Not so much, they have thay every other month to help clear out old stock of unsold items.

  2. #422
    Join Date
    4th Nov 2013
    Epping, Sydney


    Took a chance with two in stock items on black Friday. Still no shipping notice after a week. Should I email them or just wait? Don't want to clog up the line...

    Scratch that-. I just checked my account and it shows shipment yesterday.
    Last edited by Dinkydarth; 9th December 2019 at 11:12 AM.

  3. #423
    Join Date
    4th Jun 2016


    I've had no issue ever with "in stock" stuff, usually ships out fine in 2-3 weeks.

    But due to having about $700-800 of stuff MIA right now, I'm just not buying anything new.

  4. #424
    Join Date
    4th Jun 2016


    Got a response today from my most recent query which was put in some time in last 4-6 weeks, not sure when exactly.

    Requested refunds on some overdue outstanding items that are not in stock, and have not had any updates on in months.

    Reponse was
    1. Not getting a refund /we don't do that.
    2. The items are coming

    But no hint as to *WHEN they will actually get them like will it be 1 month? 6 months? Who knows.

    *Not addressed in any of their "updates" on facebook. Not updated or mentioned on their site or order page. Still just "MIA" indefinitely with no end date in sight.
    ....I hate to say "shifting goal posts" cos we all know where THAT leads.

    I'll give it to feb 2020 at latest and TRUST that they will deliver the items (for items already 3-6 months overdue) and then I think I'll be forced to do bank chargebacks - only if 1. items never turn up (hopefully they will) 2. They don't what choice am I left with? Throwing more money in the gutter?

    Yeah They have lost my business for good that's for sure.

    Around 3 years as a customer and they clearly DO NOT value my business at all.

    Oh well, at least they responded - rather than not at all like two other aussie importer companies that did similar things that come to mind and pissed off a lot of people.

    NOTE: I only got a response (to my customer query) after having posted a comment on their FB page. Otherwise it was looking nice it would not get answered and I was wondering.. how long is reasonable before making new query? IS one a month too much? I've only put one at all in recent months, and that was not until the previous query (diff items) was settled.

  5. #425
    Join Date
    16th Nov 2009


    Once as week is not "too much" to be inquiring. They have the time to apparently source new stock, have sales, update their web site listings and respond to "positive" comments on their facebook page.

    They choose to prioritise their time in a way that results in customer contact being right at the bottom of their pile. And I would do a chargeback now - they have refused to provide a refund, and they cannot provide a date for the product to arrive - they are not fulfilling their end of the contract with you, the consumer.

    I only got a response after intruding with comments to other people's stories on their customer facebook page - they would not approve me posting queries after my initial, unanswered one.
    Catcon: sleeper agent of evil

  6. #426
    Join Date
    7th Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Batfan007 View Post
    Reponse was
    1. Not getting a refund /we don't do that.
    2. The items are coming
    Asking for a refund due to them constantly missing delivery dates is not you the customer asking for a change of mind refund, which they are entitled to say no to, it's you asking for a refund due to failure to deliver which is covered under ACCC guidelines.
    I've said it before but I'll say it again. They can put whatever they like in their terms but if those terms break Australian consumer laws then they are invalidated, no store terms can supersede a customers consumer rights.

    I mentioned this stuff before in the debacle with he who shall not be named. Businesses must not accept payment for products if they know, or should have known, they would not be able to supply the products within the timeframe indicated.
    And based on what is now at least a year of them failing to meet delivery dates for many customers they very well should know that they cant/wont meet the dates they have listed on their website.
    Them saying "those dates are just estimates" is not an acceptable excuse as far as the ACCC is concerned, if an item is a month overdue any customer is entitled to a full refund if they don't wish to wait and see how things play out.

    Wait as long as you wish but I suggest you keep in mind your chargeback deadlines, even if they say "the items are coming next week" if next week would put you over a deadline open the case.
    We've seen online stores use that tactic in the past as a way to make people miss their chargeback windows so it's not worth the risk even if they are being honest and it's definitely certainly in the mail.
    Chargeback cases can always be closed if the vendor delivers but they cant be opened if the deadlines have passed.

  7. #427
    Join Date
    8th Dec 2013


    It does make me wonder if all these unreliable Australian stores have had the same dodgy supplier, and if their arms have been tied in some fashion regarding non-disclosure of late delivery reasons.

  8. #428
    Join Date
    28th Sep 2013


    This is getting ridiculous - I have emailed them many times on my orders which I paid around June/July for items that supposed to arrive Sep/Oct/Nov and got no response even after I asked for a refund.
    This is also starting to remind me of our old friend PC and we all know how well that went.

    I am going to initiate the chargeback process before it is too late which is unfortunate.

  9. #429
    Join Date
    11th Dec 2012


    I’m still waiting on FansToys Berserk which I ordered in 2017. But this still hasn’t been released (even though I’ve asked for a refund with no reply). Also waiting on 3 Siege Refraktors which has August as an arrival date. And some NECA TMNT which has an October arrival date. Looks like I need to get in touch with the QLD Fair Trading. Considering I’ve spent over $8000 with these guys and to be fobbed off, is pretty disgusting in my opinion.

  10. #430
    Join Date
    26th Apr 2009


    they've failed to deliver their promised order update every 10th of the month in their exclusive customer only fb group (TBI Customer HQ)

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