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Thread: Toybot Importz feedback

  1. #441
    Join Date
    26th Apr 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    it wasn't all that long ago that TBI was still reliable. It's actually quite astounding how they've allowed everything to fall down so quickly, and the reason why many customers tolerated them for so long is because they used to be trustworthy. And the reason why so many customers are angry now is because they feel that TBI have betrayed that trust.
    Wasn't PC the best thing since sliced bread the first 2 years they were in operation?
    TBI have definitely gone down the route of PC with their non updates, very poor customer service response time, and they are outright banning ppl from their TBI customer HQ PRIVATE facebook page.

    They also keep posting new products like PC did. How hard is it to be transparent with ur customers?

    I feel sympathetic to people that purchased from TBI, I had my doubts with them with their Terms and conditions. I remember when they first started, their T&C were a cut and paste from PC? which led to many believing they were a 2nd PC.

  2. #442
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by yoshi594 View Post
    That's a bit much. There are other aussie online toy shops with no problems like robo toyz. You just need to do your research before purchasing. How responsive they are, how transparent they are, how detailed are their updates, and you have to read their policies! Tbi has one about no refunds, sorry mate, consumer law overrides ur bull****.

    They still haven't posted their update and the non update they gave said some items are en route. What does enroute even mean in this case. one of the items en route was mp-43 megatron and that came out in march LOL.
    I've had one interaction with Robo Toyz on ebay for an in-stock order and it was positive so no knock on them. Problem is for every good one I can name so many ones that started well and then went downhill. Off the top of my head, first it was TFI Downunder, then PC and now TBI and TLTC.

    I've never had any issues with Nippon-Yasan, Robot Kingdom etc and I've not had to do all that research. These are very large sellers and they deliver quickly at very competitive prices.

    Each to their own but I'm just tired of seeing all these people screwed out of their hard earned.

  3. #443
    Join Date
    4th Aug 2008
    The 'Riff


    Gok, I think he was probably talking about people spitting venom and bile at TBI, personal attacks and such. Also imo, whilst I understand frustration, those kinds of people don't make good customers. You can criticise, but as soon as you descend to that level then their true colours show. Ask anyone who works in customer service.

  4. #444
    Join Date
    4th Jun 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by yoshi594 View Post
    That's a bit much. There are other aussie online toy shops with no problems like robo toyz. You just need to do your research before purchasing. How responsive they are, how transparent they are, how detailed are their updates, and you have to read their policies! Tbi has one about no refunds, sorry mate, consumer law overrides ur bull****.

    They still haven't posted their update and the non update they gave said some items are en route. What does enroute even mean in this case. one of the items en route was mp-43 megatron and that came out in march LOL.

    Yeah, and that was added in later on when it was not well known about this "policy". I could be wrong, but it was not anywhere clearly visible and then they started playing it up and mentioning it more and more.
    As if mentioning a BS policy more often - that is not legal in Australia to begin with - makes it more valid.

  5. #445
    Join Date
    4th Jun 2016


    Personally I will not be buying from smaller oz import places now or in the future, and if I get the odd purchase (elsewhere, never again at TBI) it will be in stock stuff.

    I don't mind delays. I don't care if something takes 6-12 months. But when something does not turn up at all - and they refuse to refund - that's just total BS. Like get out of town with that sort of attitude.

    ***Most reliable I have found this year have been amazon and popcultcha - never had any issues, if an item becomes not availble for any reason - it's an automatic refund that I don't have to even ask about, let alone spend six months chasing after.***

    Those are "real" businesses imo, these smaller ones are so fly by night with their nonsense that I have just had a gutful of it over the last 3 years, and the thing that stings the most is the never ending excuses.

  6. #446
    Join Date
    4th Jun 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Everything is very reminiscent of what happened with Premium Collectables. Also, that Jonathan Sorensen guy was previously backing TBI to the hilt -- which in itself is fine -- but was also being really belligerent towards any would-be critics of TBI! In a previous post he said:

    I can understand singing TBI praise if his personal experience has been nothing but positive. That's perfectly fine. But to go and attack other people for criticising them? Really? Everyone's entitled to their opinion, and all of our opinions are going to be based on our individual experiences with TBI. But to rubbish other people's views just because they're contrary to his own? It also makes this person look silly now that he's singing a different tune, as according to his very own words, he is now a venom-spitting troublemaker (his words, not mine).

    This is why emotive language and logical fallacies like ad homina should just be left out of discussions. Had this person just said all those positive things and left it there, then he wouldn't look silly. Basically the positive words he said at the time were true, and the negative comments that he's saying now is also true. Both are true in the context of when they were posted, because really - it wasn't all that long ago that TBI was still reliable. It's actually quite astounding how they've allowed everything to fall down so quickly, and the reason why many customers tolerated them for so long is because they used to be trustworthy. And the reason why so many customers are angry now is because they feel that TBI have betrayed that trust.
    I did indeed say that, and there WERE SOME people talking trash, long before there any issues, this goes back well over a year ago. Like complaining that something was like one week overdue, repeadly. Very different than say 2-12 months overdue, or not turning up at all.
    their complaints are still "valid" imo, but yeah some people were being borderling trolls and just talking nasty BS - back when thing were pretty good and reliable at TBI.

    I don't care about one retailer over another. If amazon delivers something I'll say "here it is, amazon delivered it" Like it's a fact that they delivered it. An I appreciate that they did.

    I recommend any place/store is RELIABLE (like the comics ship I went to in person, on foot for over a decade)
    But if a service delines, or FACTUALLY does things different, or just is not doing what they should be doing - I'll open talk about that.

    But only here in this thread, and on the TBI pages - and nowhere else (other than private message if someone asks me about it, which some folks have)

    At the end of the day I don't care about one store over another. But if a place is goor and reliable, I will go / shop there for years on end - unless there is a good reason not to. I mean it's more convenient, I don't like having to looks at like 12 diffs possible stores and sources to buy 1 product - it's ridiculous. But at least its easier with online stores and people posting sightings in threads etc.

  7. #447
    Join Date
    21st Jul 2014


    Just got notification on a huge number of bots headed my way just in time for Xmas. My money is on my wife intercepting the packages and I will find them wrapped under the Xmas tree on Xmas day. No complaints here

    I know everyone is having mixed experiences at the moment but I have nothing but positive things to say. Yes that may annoy some who appear to have been waiting a long time (and understandably so) however my experience remains positive and I would encourage people to give them a chance.

  8. #448
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Everything is very reminiscent of what happened with Premium Collectables. Also, that Jonathan Sorensen guy was previously backing TBI to the hilt -- which in itself is fine -- but was also being really belligerent towards any would-be critics of TBI! In a previous post he said:

    I can understand singing TBI praise if his personal experience has been nothing but positive. That's perfectly fine. But to go and attack other people for criticising them? Really? Everyone's entitled to their opinion, and all of our opinions are going to be based on our individual experiences with TBI. But to rubbish other people's views just because they're contrary to his own? It also makes this person look silly now that he's singing a different tune, as according to his very own words, he is now a venom-spitting troublemaker (his words, not mine).

    This is why emotive language and logical fallacies like ad homina should just be left out of discussions. Had this person just said all those positive things and left it there, then he wouldn't look silly. Basically the positive words he said at the time were true, and the negative comments that he's saying now is also true. Both are true in the context of when they were posted, because really - it wasn't all that long ago that TBI was still reliable. It's actually quite astounding how they've allowed everything to fall down so quickly, and the reason why many customers tolerated them for so long is because they used to be trustworthy. And the reason why so many customers are angry now is because they feel that TBI have betrayed that trust.
    Quote Originally Posted by Batfan007 View Post
    I did indeed say that, and there WERE SOME people talking trash, long before there any issues, this goes back well over a year ago. Like complaining that something was like one week overdue, repeadly. Very different than say 2-12 months overdue, or not turning up at all.
    their complaints are still "valid" imo, but yeah some people were being borderling trolls and just talking nasty BS - back when thing were pretty good and reliable at TBI.

    I don't care about one retailer over another. If amazon delivers something I'll say "here it is, amazon delivered it" Like it's a fact that they delivered it. An I appreciate that they did.

    I recommend any place/store is RELIABLE (like the comics ship I went to in person, on foot for over a decade)
    But if a service delines, or FACTUALLY does things different, or just is not doing what they should be doing - I'll open talk about that.

    But only here in this thread, and on the TBI pages - and nowhere else (other than private message if someone asks me about it, which some folks have)

    At the end of the day I don't care about one store over another. But if a place is goor and reliable, I will go / shop there for years on end - unless there is a good reason not to. I mean it's more convenient, I don't like having to looks at like 12 diffs possible stores and sources to buy 1 product - it's ridiculous. But at least its easier with online stores and people posting sightings in threads etc.

    Excuse me if I'm wrong, and I may well be, but I think there are Ozformer guidelines about quoting what members have said on other forums on here. A senior member (Deluxe) shouldn't be quoting what a Dedicated Member has said on another site or referring to them as 'that guy'. Pretty disrespectful.

    I think we've all had enough of whats said on the Aussie FB forums being quoted here, and certainly the other way round, eh Goktimus Prime? Lest we forget how tetchy that makes other members or how cross it makes them at the perpetrator.

  9. #449
    Join Date
    24th May 2018


    ^ I don't think members should just go about name dropping like that, also.

    Props to the target for stepping up on his words, as he had no obligation to identify himself publicly on a pen-name message board.

  10. #450
    Join Date
    28th Sep 2013


    Anyway, back to topic ... TBI is now having a 20% sale with free shipping and they could barely handle the existing orders. Is this guy crazy or what?
    And isn't also what PC did when shit was hitting the fan?

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