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Thread: Toybot Importz feedback

  1. #481
    Join Date
    4th Jun 2016


    Hey guys.

    End of the month now, has anyone here received ANYTHING at all in December 2019?

    No updates, nothing shipped (and I keep seeing posts on Facebook of people saying they received their SIEGE Omega Supremes).

    I'm at the point where I just want to cancel everything, but was waiting at least till end of the month to see if any of the half dozen long overdue items were shipped, or at least a site update from TBI like they did for last two months to say if the items were coming at all.......or ever.

    But nothing.

    Really Disapppointing!

  2. #482
    Join Date
    4th Jun 2016


    They won't LET you cancel anything.

    As I've found out the hard way. It's unfortunately the #1 reason not to shop there anymore. #2 is the not refunding for non-delivery of items. Which is basically like saying "hey I'll take free money"
    I mean anyone can do that.

    I've asked over last two months to cancel/refund for several times several months PAST ETA and they just flat out refused.

    and now its a couple more months, and still nothing (no item, no refund, no nothing).

    So yeah, not good form or business pratice imo.

    I'm like its reasonable to either
    (a) deliver item they took money for

    Just leaving stuff for 6-12 months MIA does not inspire confidence in their service and is really BAD customer service imo.

    It forces customers to not only get annoyed, but to have to ask about items that should have turned up months ago........and often get no response at all.

    Or it takes them like 2-3 months to get back to you, if at all. Which is ridiculous. That is for a single request, not this "multiple" request nonsense that somebody was supposedly sending every day (if that is even true..........).

    I primarily buy now from SHOW Z (3P) or Amazon (official) for my Tf stuff and found them super reliable. I used to dabble here and there with those stores, but now its like 80% of my TF stuff.
    Def burned on any small aussie import store -just avoiding them altogether.

    I do buy from bigger stores like popcultcha online - and found them very reliable too. But only in stock stuff.
    Last edited by Batfan007; 31st December 2019 at 11:34 AM.

  3. #483
    Join Date
    4th Jun 2016


    I've seen mentioned multiple times now that they have
    *Failed to get a particular item (the dist could not supply)
    *Ordered it elsewhere (as in TBI did) and STILL did not get it
    *Ordered from a 3rd distributor/supplier and STILL did not get it

    So at what point should that be MY (as in the customers) problem and not TBI's problem?
    What is reasonable to you guys? Not a rhetorical question, I'm asking asking.
    I've given TBI the benefit of the doubt, been lenient in not asking for refunds on items I reall should have (it was only a couple items I asked for refunds for, out of say 30 or so orders over a couple of years)

    I actually don't mind if something is 3-6 months overdue, but when its never confirmed if you will EVER get it, or its 6-12 months overdue.......(for products been and gone everywhere else, and sold out, months ago worldwide) and they won't refund - despite being unable to get an item at all - well then it just gets a bit....... silly.

    I mean why in good reason, would it take TBI twelve full months to get a hasbro product? As in one full year after retail and online stores wordwide had it in stock, and sold it etc. I really just don't get it.

    How bad can these suppliers be?
    Did they just sit out back and smoke all day?


    EDIT: For the record I have read all TBI "terms and conditions" in the past, and now and am aware of the basics for australian consumer law, and yeah the no refunds things is BS.
    In a short term, its reasonable, (but over the long term, its kind of absurd. I mean how long should someone wait 1 year? 2 year ? 5 years? past ETA.

    Also, none of this is said/typed in anger or anything like that. I've made my peace with businesses doing dodgy things like two years ago, when I accepted that ANY business out there can rip you off, but most of the time that doesn't happen and at least 95% of the things I order online (elsewhere) turn up, some get lost in post etc. It's just putting things in perspective.

    I mean its a hobby and its luxury toys for adults, but I don't throw my money on the ground ( I do donate to charities ) and even the money itself is not what bother me, its the unethical nature of saying "give me $ xx and I'll give you X" in return and then not doing it.

    At some point you say okay, I don't trust that Business Y can do I won't shop there. It's just makes sense, unless you REALLY like giving money away, or gambling.

    The same way that my local mechanic does not overcharge me, but if I go to Automasters, they want to charge me $1000 for changing some parts that are worth perhaps $100 at best (or dont even need doing in the first place, yes this actually happened, and I wanted to put a brick through their window.......I didn't ......and sure never went back there again, and told others not to go there).
    Last edited by Batfan007; 31st December 2019 at 11:35 AM.

  4. #484
    Join Date
    26th Apr 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Batfan007 View Post
    What is reasonable to you guys?
    I?d say 6 months max from release date. 6 months to give leeway for seamail (which would roughly be 2-3 months anyway but you never know if pirates will strike); Anything more is too much(unless the items were bought with other items not yet released).

  5. #485
    Join Date
    4th Jun 2016


    Yeah so .... THIS.....was just posted.

    Acknowledges various problems.............but *still no actual update about anything at all* Which was expected after their announcement couple months back that that is what they would be doing going forward.

    There was an "update post coming" back in the first week of December, but still not materialized.

    EDIT: Looking at older posts on the "pre-order update" and I found something..........under a comment (not a new post, an old one dated 11th December ) that linked to update pre-order stuff that was (New ETA only).
    you would think it would be stickied on the page...but no. Found it by accident despite checking the page every week for last 6 weeks.

    I'm not linking to it here.......because (and im not making this up) some folks have been banned from the TBI Customer page........for sharing the pre-order update information "elsewhere"

    Like WTF?

    If you want to find it yourself head over to the zen desk part of the TBI site to -- >TBI Help Centre -->TBI News and Updates

    *Hopefully* I wont get banned as I did not link to it only put down instructions.
    In an effort to help others who also may have missed it.

    I can see several items from my pre-orders are on the list as "Arrived" but no shipping notification and nothing sent at all this month. Today being 31/12/19

    So I'm clueless what to do now, given they dont respond to customer queries. Should I put a new one in and say "please ship the in stock items" Which they might not read/respons to for another month or two?
    Last edited by griffin; 1st January 2020 at 09:43 PM. Reason: obscenity removed

  6. #486
    Join Date
    21st Jul 2014


    Hey mate this seems to be really working you up and from the sounds of it I can understand why. Why not just put through PayPal disputes or chargebacks and be done with it? Remove the stress at least.

    Regarding the update, I'm pretty sure I posted the link to their Decemeber ETA update in this thread. That won't get you banned. What got someone in trouble I think was posting information before it was finalised that they said was specifically for their FB group and not to be shared.

  7. #487
    Join Date
    26th Jul 2016


    Agree with Raider. They obviously don't care about your business mate. Do your chargebacks. You paid in full, they are way way late (over 6 months wtf?!?).

  8. #488
    Join Date
    10th May 2008


    Just do a chargeback on your orders mate... not worth losing sleep over toys.
    It's all up to you... ranting here won't get you any progress.
    All the best.

  9. #489
    Join Date
    27th Jun 2008


    You do realise that they have been on holidays, and will be on holidays until the 7th....

    And omega is BIG.... they will take time to box up, get delivered/collected by whatever they are using to deliver....

    And once again complaining about not getting refunds... the money you paid is already in the hands of the supplier, and whether in TBIs hands or not yet, the stock on its way to you...

    And as the ACCC says...
    Retailers don’t have to give you a refund or exchange if you simply change your mind.
    TBI are intending to deliver... giving updates... trying to be transparent...

  10. #490
    Join Date
    18th Sep 2016


    Personally I wouldn't give TBI the time of day anymore not when there are reliable retailers like Saviers Toys to fulfill your transformer needs. They deliver 100% of the time and are usually 10-15% cheaper on most items. TBI are arrogant and full of excuses. Simply put, if they don't have the capacity to run a reliable business and treat their customers with respect then they shouldn't.

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