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Thread: Toybot Importz feedback

  1. #551
    Join Date
    7th Feb 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by drunkm0nk View Post
    Saw a FB post where TBI customer sharing pics of their well packed haul from TBI with a buy from tbi hashtag.

    Post is littered with comments which seem to be bagging out TBI... comments are turned off by admin...

    Poster seemed a little annoyed with others who seem to be bagging out TBI on his post...

    I check poster's friend list and to my surprise the owner of TBI's is one of his friends on Facebook.

    Not that there's anything wrong with this but hey, just sayin...
    That "member" is also a very good friend of mine & I have no reason to doubt his motives when it comes to posting a TBI haul.

    As for yourself, don't hide behind thinly veiled insinuations, it makes you look weak... Jus' sayin', sweetheart.

  2. #552
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast


    He did just say "not that there's anything wrong with that" and there certainly isn't, but nobody should consider posts from this company's friends to be any kind of indication of this company's reliability or trustworthiness.

  3. #553
    Join Date
    24th Sep 2008


    It's not like there's any need to justify ones actions in completely different communities, but as the TCCA admin who turned off commenting on that thread I'll just throw in here that it was done to stop the thread devolving into a shitfight of members accusing each other of being shills/friends/enemies/having an axe to grind/general shenanigans. The OP seemed frustrated at what it had become. *shrug*

  4. #554
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast


    And unfortunately, that's the exactly intent behind the posts (to promote reliability or trustworthiness)

    - sorry for the double-post - trying to avoid edits.

  5. #555
    Join Date
    21st Jul 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by jaydisc View Post
    And unfortunately, that's the exactly intent behind the posts (to promote reliability or trustworthiness)

    - sorry for the double-post - trying to avoid edits.
    I wouldn't attribute intent to the post. You don't know what his reasons are for posting. It may have been as simple as letting people know that he has received items. People can take from that what they want. It is not fair to assume that those posts where people are saying they received items as having the intent of promoting "reliability or trustworthiness".

    I haven't wanted to comment on this thread anymore as it is devolving into a slinging match between those that have a gripe with the business and those that are either defending the business or even just making a post about receiving items. Suffice to say the constant negativity in the fandom of late has really seen me pull back from posting.

    Let's try keep it civil people and be more factual and less emotive.

  6. #556
    Join Date
    7th Mar 2012
    The Moon


    I love lamp!
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

  7. #557
    Join Date
    21st Jul 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Trent View Post
    I love lamp!
    Classic Brick!

  8. #558
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Mikael View Post
    Hi drunkm0nk, the address they use in their mailings is 24 Baker Street · Kepnock, QLD 4670.
    BTW. Posting in this forum is almost certain to get their attention. Wouldn't be surprised if certain posters are affiliated with TBI. It would seem plausible given repeated recurrences of dissent throughout the thread.
    But as a customer don't expect any responses to emails.
    Quote Originally Posted by drunkm0nk View Post
    Saw a FB post where TBI customer sharing pics of their well packed haul from TBI with a buy from tbi hashtag.

    Post is littered with comments which seem to be bagging out TBI... comments are turned off by admin...

    Poster seemed a little annoyed with others who seem to be bagging out TBI on his post...

    I check poster's friend list and to my surprise the owner of TBI's is one of his friends on Facebook.

    Not that there's anything wrong with this but hey, just sayin...
    So anyone who hasn’t had a negative experience with the company is either in their pocket or a crony eh?

    Yep, and the government puts fluoride in the drinking water to keep the populace docile, Autism is caused by vaccinations and all the bushfires were caused by arsonists.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    That "member" is also a very good friend of mine & I have no reason to doubt his motives when it comes to posting a TBI haul.

    As for yourself, don't hide behind thinly veiled insinuations, it makes you look weak... Jus' sayin', sweetheart.
    I’m close friends with that poster too and I find any thinly veiled implication that he is being disingenuous to be insulting to a wonderful human being.

    Quote Originally Posted by jaydisc View Post
    Well, the definition of shill is: "a person who pretends to give an impartial endorsement of something in which they themselves have an interest"

    If someone is friendly with the business owners, they are not impartial. By not acknowledging or admitting that, they are pretending to be impartial. It's not a good look.
    Neither is having your own Aussie-based Transformers sales webpage and not stating it openly to new members in this thread so they know that impartiality may be compromised as less business for TBI may equate to more sales for you.

    I’m sure you genuinely are impartial and there’s nothing wrong with this but hey, just sayin...

    Quote Originally Posted by Raider View Post
    I wouldn't attribute intent to the post. You don't know what his reasons are for posting. It may have been as simple as letting people know that he has received items. People can take from that what they want. It is not fair to assume that those posts where people are saying they received items as having the intent of promoting "reliability or trustworthiness".

    I haven't wanted to comment on this thread anymore as it is devolving into a slinging match between those that have a gripe with the business and those that are either defending the business or even just making a post about receiving items. Suffice to say the constant negativity in the fandom of late has really seen me pull back from posting.

    Let's try keep it civil people and be more factual and less emotive.
    Well said. For the record I’m not friends with the TBI owner and I have never done business with them so have no positive or negative feedback to give. The only reason I check this thread fairly often is to see if their sales/deliveries have become more consistent. Living in the bush I have to do 99% of my TF shopping online so am desperate for a reliable operator in this country.

    So it would be nice to come to this thread and read actual feedback based on experience, instead of all this paranoid BS

  9. #559
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast


    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    So anyone who hasn’t had a negative experience with the company is either in their pocket or a crony eh?
    I've tried combing Twitter and Facebook to find success stories from people that aren't friends, but I can't. That doesn't mean they don't exist. I just haven't seen any in a loooong time.

    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    Neither is having your own Aussie-based Transformers sales webpage and not stating it openly to new members in this thread so they know that impartiality may be compromised as less business for TBI may equate to more sales for you.

    I’m sure you genuinely are impartial and there’s nothing wrong with this but hey, just sayin...
    1. Firstly, it is in large red type at the bottom of every one my posts.
    2. Secondly, my website is more akin to a sales thread here than a business. I just happen to have the programming chops to turn my sales threads into an automated website. Virtually everything is a mere quantity of 1. A reseller / business / competitor I am not.

    Quote Originally Posted by Raider View Post
    I wouldn't attribute intent to the post.
    You don't think "#iBuyFromTBI" shows intent? OK.

    Even so, I get it... if I was in the same boat, I too, would be trusting and supporting my friends. But I'm curious at what point do these friends take on board the sheer scale of legitimate grievances against this company, and consider that they might be (unwitting) accomplices in all of this? You can't seriously believe that every single "whiner" is just an impatient collector? That would be a mathmatically challenged opinion.

    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    So it would be nice to come to this thread and read actual feedback based on experience, instead of all this paranoid BS
    Sure... here's some feedback from experience:

    History has a funny way of repeating itself. TBI was a business that had great prices and great support. Then, things started slipping. Then, there was a loyalty program. Then, the 20% off sales were extended to pre-orders. Then there was hashtag for "everyone" (i.e. friends) to promote their packages on TBI. The sequence of events is sadly identical.

    This week, my disputes for ~ $1,000 with my credit card companies finalised, and I have now gotten that money back (with interest!). My attempts to contact them before disputing were thorough. I can still see my pending posts at Facebook. There was not even as much as a response to the disputes put forth by my bank. No self-defence. No offers of rectification. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada. That does not seem like the behaviour of an honest company to me.

    As such…

    As I did with Premium Collectables, I am happy to offer advice and assistance to anyone wanting to down the same route.

    I understand that the dispute process might seem daunting, but it really isn't, and I'm happy to help anyone I can. I am making myself freely available to assist anyone in either understanding these processes, knowing where they stand, or in doing what is required to do to achieve a successful chargeback. If you'd prefer to not ask publicly here in the thread, my DMs are open, and I am very happy to keep things confidential.

    Too many of us have given the benefit of the doubt for too long. Put the burden back where it should be. This company took your money. The burden is now on them.

    And don't be put off by their Ts and Cs. It does not trump consumer law, or more importantly, the Ts and Cs they signed when accepting credit card payments.

  10. #560
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Wow - what a completely impartial post from a member of the board staff.

    I’m sure you didn’t make the members that have posted positive feedback - from basic members right through to deluxe - feel remotely marginalised or intimidated. Or accused of being cronies and liars.

    Do you really check out every positive post by someone and then trawl cyberspace to see if they are a friend of TBI/Stuart? Again, I’m sure that as a Lvl 9 admin that won’t remotely intimidate any members here. *cough cyberstalking*

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