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Thread: Toybot Importz feedback

  1. #251
    Join Date
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    The end result for the consumer feels the same as PC: a failure to deliver products that we have already paid for. And while it's unfortunate that personal crises may happen, as a business it would really help if they just made a few posts or updates here and there to keep people informed.

    I've heard from other people who are FB friends with Stuart that they can often see that he's online and notice him reacting to posts... and yet he doesn't bother replying to messages? And I get that responding to every individual message is too time consuming, but even just posting a single update post on their FB page that would answer most if not all queries would go a long way. Or as UltraMarginal said, just post regular updates.

  2. #252
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    7th Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Jeffatron View Post
    I can see why they are starting to get that comparison. I ordered IN STOCK items pretty much a month ago.
    This is the main reason I stopped buying from them, if they can't send out IN STOCK items that are paid for and ready to be shipped until a month after the fact what faith can we have that they will deliver on pre orders?
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeffatron View Post
    I sort of agree with this, if you're going to compare retailers then at least compare them with someone in the same country.
    People who ordered MP-36+ from RoboToyz (another Australian online retailer) have been receiving theirs without issue, so any delays would seem to be exclusively related to TBI.
    Quote Originally Posted by danny-boy View Post
    Well they’ve got a new estimate - delayed March 2019.

    Yeah these guys have Premium Collectables written all over them. I’m expecting March to come and go and the inevitable ‘delayed April 2019’.
    Time to start taking screenshots of the original ETAs I think, you'll need them if you have to proceed with credit card chargebacks.
    Not saying TBI is doing this but PC removed old ETAs from product pages to trick the banks into thinking that the original ETA was later then it was.
    Those original ETA screenshots helped a lot of people get back money that otherwise would have never been seen again.
    Better safe then sorry after all, even if it's all just a misunderstanding it's best to protect yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I've heard from other people who are FB friends with Stuart that they can often see that he's online and notice him reacting to posts...
    See and that's the thing isn't it, if he has time to comment on silly facebook threads surely he has time to write a short newsletter once a month explaining what's going on with the store.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeffatron View Post
    If you choose to start running a business, whether it be for plastic toys for man children like ourselves or be it for something else... you're a business. If they don't have enough staff or time to run the business then that's something they either rectify, or deal with being compared to someone like PC.

    Like I've said before, delays happen. But if those delays in communication and / or shipping are in part due to not having enough resources to run the business, then there has to come a point where they expand or close down. I'd prefer it to be the former as I think they do have good intentions (see my point on the comparisons with PC and RK), but they losing the risk of losing customers.
    So much this, I want TBI to be "one of the good ones" but after PC any large delays in communications and shipping are red flags.
    I said it so many times in the PC threads but I'll say it again, most of us are fine to wait things out but communications and transparency are key.
    If you're having issues such as overselling, not having enough stock secured, transport delays etc say so and offer people a full refund, don't just make excuses and hide.

  3. #253
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    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    Speak for yourself, you assume too much.

    I gave a suggestion you went anal about it that isn’t the way.
    Yeah Az, what's going on? You went totally anal...

    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

  4. #254
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    In case anyone didn’t notice, the only retailer that is actually active here in octa isn’t local. Lol

    And I think they pretty much update you whenever they close for a certain period.

  5. #255
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    For those that don't have Facebook

    Just the 2 of us.........
    This is TBI, Stuart and Kylie Flynn. Not a company just 2 passionate people who also have a family and full time jobs, no we are not PC we are not sitting in Bora Bora sipping on cocktails not replying to anyone please take a minute to remember that. Oh and words hurt too.
    We love our business and our customers. We are trying to put a new form of messaging in place so we can offer better customer service. All the while I’m nursing an injury and have had sick kids left right and centre.
    I know I should not read negative threads and comments but it really sucks when you think your doing your best and all people can do is put you down.
    We are far from perfect and we have delays because distributors let US down and we have to find alternate means.
    We try and update our website as often as possible with eta’s on items if they are delayed.
    Again I sincerely apologize for the delays and we appreciate you all.

    This post isn’t to bring out all the negative I just feel like I never get a say so this is mine.


  6. #256
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    I'm going to post something which I'm sure someone will take the wrong way but here goes. I have reservations about the true nature of that facebook post.
    It's easy to say TBI aren't PC, but PC also made posts on social media specifically tailored to get the "loyal" customers up in arms, and this is exactly what this post has done (whether intentional or not).
    I see several negative posts about the TBI "haters", aka people that have concerns about their orders or those who have had a less then reliable shopping experience, under that post so it's easy to think that it could have been done to silence the "vocal minority".

    I for one don't want to post this "publicly" on facebook nor feel I am welcome to share my negative experiences there as I'll just be labelled a "hater" or "crazy" purely because of the "well I didn't have that experience so you're lying/exaggerating" mindset.
    Please take note of this, I am NOT saying TBI did this intentionally (so guys if you're reading this please don't take anything I've said as a personal attack). What I am saying is that I have reservations and that they need to be careful to listen to peoples worries.

    Most of what I've said and seen others say about the TBI issues aren't meant to put anyone down it's just concern and constructive criticisms with maybe some frustrated venting.
    If those concerns can be addressed and TBI can be more transparent about the issues they might be having I for one have no problem becoming a customer again, I'm all about second chances.

  7. #257
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    I sent an email the other day and Scott replied in a few hours. He said that stock is hopefully arriving end of the week, latest Monday and hope to be on track from there.

    He also apologised for the delays and thanked me for my business.

    I’m gonna leave it there, I won’t send anymore emails, I’m happy with his response.

    I know we’ve all be burnt by PC and I’m really trying not to let that effect me with TBI

  8. #258
    Galvatran Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by XMan View Post
    I sent an email the other day and Scott replied in a few hours.
    Not Scott Dwyer?

  9. #259
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    The recent FB post makes TBI look more like an amateurish side "hobby" business rather than a more proper/professional business. I suppose there's nothing inherently wrong with running a side business, but as a matter of professionalism you've got to run it properly. Scale down the business (or shut it down altogether) if it's something that you cannot cope with. Know your limits. People shouldn't be slaves to their jobs and if balancing their FT work life with family life with TBI life is too much then by all means scale or shut it down.

    Family would be their #1 priority as it should be, but then their regular day jobs are their second priority which leaves TBI as being a pretty low priority, which in turns means that TBI customers are very low priority and don't feel valued as customers. I sure don't feel valued. Do it properly or not at all IMHO. There's no shame in acknowledging one's limitations.

  10. #260
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post

    I've heard from other people who are FB friends with Stuart that they can often see that he's online and notice him reacting to posts... and yet he doesn't bother replying to messages? And I get that responding to every individual message is too time consuming, but even just posting a single update post on their FB page that would answer most if not all queries would go a long way. Or as UltraMarginal said, just post regular updates.
    Sorry, no offence gokky but why are you posting online and not teaching

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