Quote Originally Posted by Raider View Post
Your first post in the community was to raise very serious allegations (with no proof) about a retailer. I find it highly unlikely that what you are saying is either truthful or accurate. Could a rep have said something they should not have? Sure, it is possible. But you have shown no proof to back up your claims and it seems suspicious that you created an account just to post this feedback.

Yes I agree that this is not an ideal way to address new members. However, most new members arent having their first post raise serious allegations with no proof. I welcome you providing evidence. Most will post a hello in the welcome section or something alike.

If you want to be part of this community other than for this feedback reason, welcome.by all means.
OK Fair call

* they do have multiple complaints against TBI - This I cant prove because it was said to me on the phone.
* they have been trying to contact TBI since Sept 2019 via email as they have no phone number - This was also said to me on the phone - however TBI do not have a phone number listed on their website. The only way to contact them is through the online support or email. So the 2nd part is true.
* they have tried to send agents to their physical address in Bundaberg to contact them but since they have moved address and not do not have their current address have been unable to contact them. First part was said to me on the phone - We know they moved as this is on their Facebook page. Not a secret.
* current person living TBI's previous address details is frustrated with all the inquiries as to TBI's new address as they do not know. - Extra information I was told. This has no bearing on anything. Just extra information.

You are free to believe what you like this is the internet after all. I am just telling you my experience. Everything should be taken with a grain of salt I agree however this is my experience. Everyoene's experience with TBI maybe different.