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Thread: TF5 Box office performances

  1. #11
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Megatran View Post
    Is there any mention on how much they made from product placement?
    I doubt that would ever be made public... but I've always wondered if that money is part of the official "budget" that websites list as US$217-220 million, or if that declared amount is just from the movie studio, and the product placements & cross promotions are in addition to that amount.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011


    Well TLK has ended it's box office run with a combined US and International total of only $604m USD.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    That's still a great figure for any movie... and would have made Paramount a little bit of money after all its expenses and marketing.... but it will be seen as a failure just because it is so much less than the previous two (by almost half).

    If this had been the second Transformers Movie, and earned that much back, it would be seen as an acceptable shrinkage of return (as most sequels do), and still be deemed as a very bankable franchise for future movies. Unfortunately, it put the brakes on future budgets, and scheduling (the Bumblebee movie was pushed back 6 months, and there have been no official announcements of the 2019 movie, even at SDCC, and it should have been greenlit by now).

  4. #14
    Join Date
    19th May 2010


    To be fair, this is the fifth movie in the franchise in ten years. Some sort of drop-off was inevitable.

    It's far from alone: this year, War for the Planet of the Apes has so far brought in just over half of what Dawn of the Planet of the Apes brought in, and both The Fate of the Furious and Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales have had ~$250m drops from the previous instalments in their respective series.

    What bugs me about the talk about the box office returns is that people (reporters, bloggers, forum users, commenters) are somewhat gleefully talking about 'the death of the Transformers movie franchise', as if this result is somehow bad or a failure (and yes, I know that AoE brought in $1.1b). Maybe I haven't been paying attention, but are people calling War for the Planet of the Apes a commercial failure or crowing about Pirates 5's box office receipts being some kind of 'death knell'?

    This sort of thing leaves me with a suspicion that there's some kind of anti-Transformers bias where anything that makes the franchise look bad must be 'good'.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    14th May 2008
    Back in Brisbane


    ^I think it has more to do with the quality of the movies and people losing faith in Michael Bay to make a great one despite all his assets. Without a mediocre (for the franchise) profit none of that would change with the movies. People are like this because they care about the future of Transformers–just the same as other people care.

    My personal thoughts are Bay could shoot an amazing film but he would have to stick to an amazing script which he either hasn't had yet or hasn't had anyone make him stick to one.
    "I am not a gun. I'm hitting people with a hammer. On Mars."
    The Iron Giant / David Wildgoose

  6. #16
    Join Date
    19th May 2010


    The exchange rate of the American dollar could have been a factor - Jerry Bruckheimer cited it as a reason Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales brought in less money from overseas markets. If it's true for Pirates, then it's true for other movies, too.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    7th Oct 2015


    Many of the poorly-reviewed big blockbusters this year have been box office disappointments - Transformers 5, The Mummy, Pirates 5, Valerian, King Arthur. The better received blockbusters like Wonderwoman, Spiderman and Baby Driver have done a lot better in the box office.

    I think audiences are catching on and are only wanting to pay more for the cinema experience for something worth seeing. Piracy and the shorter cinema-to-home-video cycle further makes audiences more picky.

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