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Thread: SPOILER THREAD - The Last Jedi

  1. #41
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    So all the other hundreds of Jedi before the purge were nobodies? I think someone being naturally gifted in the force is far superior than having to be related to a skywalker or other Jedi.

    The force is a connection of all living things, not just things connected to skywalkers. Otherwise it’s almost like a royal family for the force and that’s just boring!
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  2. #42
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    You dont have to agree, I am not agreeing with you, simple.

    Like I said, the story feels better if she was of more importance, regardless it was going to be hidden secret that she was related to someone else, didn't have to be Skywalker. < Yoda isn't Skywalker, so is Quigon, or Obwan.

    I don't like it. It just gives me the crap that oh wait Finn suddenly has the force. Oh wait Poh too. Let our powers combine. Oh give me a break.
    Connected to all yes, have the power and knowledge to wield the force only selected few who are trained or had some connection to another.
    General everybody have the force = mess

    There is MORE story to tell if she is someone, and thats where I am at.
    Right now, she is dead end.

    Snoke was the same, many felt cheated, not because he died, because nobody really knows who he is or how he became the leader. Story was just cut short.

    To summarize, The Force Awakens had the juice to make you ponder and is the two biggest questions in that episode.

    1. Who is Rey
    2. Who is Snoke

    The Last Jedi > Who cares? is the answer to that episode.

    Where the story is at now, there isn't actually anything pulling me to be excited about. Like who cares about who Rey is? Is nobody. Leia will die, and the only thing left is whether Rey is able to turn Kylo back to Ben. Is that exciting? Or shall we have another trip to the casino and maybe Lando will finally appear.

    Did anyone felt let down about the dark pit that Rey faced was nothing too?
    Gee that felt like worse than Luke facing the false darth vader.
    It doesn't do much as it was calling to her and she faced it to see nothing?

    Fight scene with the guards, now while everything looks good. My only take is that the two found it so hard to take them down being they both have the force and never even used it.
    Last edited by drifand; 20th December 2017 at 11:54 AM.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post

    There is MORE story to tell if she is someone, and thats where I am at.
    Right now, she is dead end.
    Or is the story how all these unknown force users move forward in a Jedi and sith free future?

    Lots of questions left at the end of the movie, where to now for the resistance? how long till Hux and Ren destroy the first order with their incompetence?, how will Phasma be wasted in the third movie? will Finn get the redemption he seeks?

    Just because the original trilogy characters bar chewier and the droids are gone does not mean the story cannot move forward. The skywalker saga will end with Ben coming around to not being a tyrannical Vader wannabe or he will be ended by the new “nobody” force users bringing an end (for now) of the Jedi and sith orders.

    It gives me hope for the franchise going forward that they will not be bound to the boring skywalker saga.

    We all just want different things from our Star Wars stories.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post

    On a side note I’m peeved about the LEGO set tie ins. The bomber is amazing as a set but were mostly crap, the destroyer barely features, Snokes ship and the big gun ship were more important. The gorilla walkers barely feature and the Crait scenes not overly good in their conversion to LEGO... at least Rens tie fighter is on the mark and the training set seems decent...
    That's probably a general timing and merchandising thing. Remember there was a Lego snowspeeder for the force awakens which only ended up in the background of one shot and also the black series constable zuvio who got cut completely. They only get access to concepts and design ideas not the finished movie.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by philby View Post
    That's probably a general timing and merchandising thing. Remember there was a Lego snowspeeder for the force awakens which only ended up in the background of one shot and also the black series constable zuvio who got cut completely. They only get access to concepts and design ideas not the finished movie.
    Fully aware of that, there are rumours of an upcoming LEGO sand speeder that may have meant to been on Crait, but considering the long and profitable relationship the two companies have had, you’d think they could do better!
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  6. #46
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    Lol I came across this guy losing it on TV, what a crack up
    My wife asked me why I carry a gun?, I said "Decepticons"... She laughed, I laughed, the toaster laughed, I shot the toaster. It was a good day.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by shockNwave View Post
    When the rolling intro came into view at the start it confirmed what I had suspected; that The Last Jedi will contain Empire Strikes Back easter eggs but little did I know that there'd be more than that. So here's what I can recall

    3. Snoke's throne room/ Emperor's throne room.
    3a. Snoke and the Emperor both say "Fulfill your destiny".
    3b. Snoke and the Emperor both point out to Rey/Luke that all is lost and show them the plight of their friends.

    PS I find The Last Jedi better than The Force Awakens.
    This is Return not Empire.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by shockNwave View Post
    When the rolling intro came into view at the start it confirmed what I had suspected; that The Last Jedi will contain Empire Strikes Back easter eggs but little did I know that there'd be more than that. So here's what I can recall

    3. Snoke's throne room/ Emperor's throne room.
    3a. Snoke and the Emperor both say "Fulfill your destiny".
    3b. Snoke and the Emperor both point out to Rey/Luke that all is lost and show them the plight of their friends.

    PS I find The Last Jedi better than The Force Awakens.
    This is Return not Empire

    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    You dont have to agree, I am not agreeing with you, simple.

    Like I said, the story feels better if she was of more importance, regardless it was going to be hidden secret that she was related to someone else, didn't have to be Skywalker. < Yoda isn't Skywalker, so is Quigon, or Obwan.

    I don't like it. It just gives me the crap that oh wait Finn suddenly has the force. Oh wait Poh too. Let our powers combine. Oh give me a break.
    Connected to all yes, have the power and knowledge to wield the force only selected few who are trained or had some connection to another.
    General everybody have the force = mess
    Finn isn't suddenly Force sensitive. He can't use the Force.

    here is MORE story to tell if she is someone, and thats where I am at.
    Right now, she is dead end.
    Are you serious? A character only has worth is they're related to a lore famous character?

    To summarize, The Force Awakens had the juice to make you ponder and is the two biggest questions in that episode.

    1. Who is Rey
    2. Who is Snoke

    The Last Jedi > Who cares? is the en used it.
    Who is Rey absolutely matters. Who she is and who she will become is the driving force behind this trilogy. You're just upset her past hasn't made her super duper important by revealing she's a Kenobi or a Skywalkers or a Solo or something. Her parents don't matter. Max even says as much in the Force Awakens.

  9. #49
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Finn isn't force sensitive but he is a NOBODY.

    I am not upset, I am just not in agreeing that she should be nobody, as nobody is everybody else.

    I don't get the WHY people seem to think when I say she should not be nobody immediately means she must be some related high profile character? There are many jedi that I dont even know or think about. My point is, someone with the force should have either inherited it, and not just hey you, yes you nobody, you now know the force. "Oh yes I do!", urm no doesn't really work, well for me anyway in story telling.

    Anyway, like I said, if you like it good on you, I just felt the story isn't properly done. but thats my take and my opinion. I don't see any point to be angry about it as any damage is already done, not sure what JJ does but in many ways JJ does the job better than this movie did.

    Who is Darth Vader? Nobody. yah? ur no.

    To me the movie isn't bad, but it isn't great either due to many plot holes.
    burning the books when in the end it didn't matter because Rey stole them anyway.

    After killing Snoke and at the falcon Rey still connected with Kylo. Probably Kylo hoping to catch Rey finally showering

    Leia flying was a bit over the top.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    9th Apr 2008


    Wouldnt the ships keep going at the same rate when it runs out of fuel as it is in space? The chase would never end

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