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Thread: SPOILER THREAD - The Last Jedi

  1. #111
    Join Date
    29th Oct 2015


    It's sad when even a parody would've made a better movie:

  2. #112
    XMan's Avatar
    XMan is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    It's sad when people are still whinging about this.

  3. #113
    Join Date
    29th Oct 2015


    Seeing as I only watched the movie yesterday, I didn't realise I couldn't make a comment about how bad it was because others had done it already.

  4. #114
    XMan's Avatar
    XMan is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Seeing as I didn't know you had only viewed the film yesterday, I apologise.

  5. #115
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MEEEGGGAAATTTRRROOONNN!!! View Post
    Seeing as I only watched the movie yesterday, I didn't realise I couldn't make a comment about how bad it was because others had done it already.
    apparently you need to read the the last jedi novelisation and watch the deleted scenes and watch interviews with Rian Johnson in order to understand the movie.

    I personally felt some of his deleted scenes would have made the movie a lot acceptable and even half decent.

    I think they tried too hard and lost focus about what is Star Wars. Oh and if you hate it, you are considered a Sexist or the minority, pick one. lol

  6. #116
    Join Date
    13th Feb 2014


    I bought the blu-ray last week and watched it. It was only the 2nd time viewing. I have definitely appreciated it more the second time around, but I was not a "hater" to begin with. There are still a couple of things that bug me but I have come around on a couple I had after the first viewing.

  7. #117
    Join Date
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    I bought the DVD a few times and I have also come to appreciate and enjoy this movie more upon repeat viewings. The Canto Bite/Casino act is still useless though. :/


    * Bombs dropping in space - scientifically accurate! Simply put, this battle occurs above a planet where the Resistance Base was. Thus they are still within relative influence of that planet's gravity. The ISS is also still within influence of the Earth's gravity, as is our moon. The ISS remains in orbit not because it's weightless but because it's in perpetual free fall due to its sideways momentum, creating what is known as microgravity. If the ISS were to ever stop moving then it would plummet to the Earth, which is what happened to the old Mir station. As the bombs dropping on the Dreadnaught are only moving downwards, they do not have sufficient sideways momentum to generate microgravity, thus they would indeed fall to the ship's surface.

    * Resistance ships appearing to slow down after running out of fuel. This is criticised because in a vacuum, an object should continue to be in motion unless acted upon by another force. Running out of fuel doesn't slow a ship down since there's nothing like gravity or atmosphere to act upon it. However what we are looking at here is relative speed. In order for the Resistance ships to be burning fuel to outrun the First Order, they would have to be accelerating and not moving at a constant speed. Once the ship runs out of fuel, it ceases to accelerate. The First Order ships on the other hand are still accelerating, as are the Resistance ships which have yet to be fuel depleted. Thus the depleted ships would appear to "slow down" relative to the First Order and Resistance ships that are still in acceleration.

    * Rey being a nobody: this was deliberately done to make her new and different! Making her related to someone else has already been done and is still being done. Luke was Darth Vader's son and Kylo Ren is related to Luke, Leia and Han. When a protagonist is related to other characters, especially the antagonist, then the stakes are higher. They are bound to these other characters. Darth Vader was no longer just some masked bad guy that Luke could blindly hate, he was his father. He was part of himself. "I cannot kill my own father." -- there's a dilemma here. And we know that this dilemma still exists for Kylo. Killing Han was a difficult decision to make, and we know that Ren couldn't bring himself to kill Leia. Rey is a completely different concept. Here is a character with no ties to any of the other major characters. This then makes her motivation arguably more pure. She is not under any real obligation to thwart Kylo Ren, and she could choose to join him or just walk away from all this if she wanted to. This is not her fight, so to speak. But the fact that Rey chooses to continue to fight for the Resistance even after discovering that her parents were nobodies demonstrates an additional level of determination and moral resolution beyond that of even Luke Skywalker. She's like Wonder Woman in a way... she just wants to help people and do the right thing.

    * Luke being the fallen hero. Again, this was done to make something new. Luke needed to be a mentor for Rey, but Rian Johnson has made the decision to make him different from Obi-Wan Kenobi or Yoda. In his youth, Luke listened to his friends crying in pain and flew off the rescue them despite Yoda and Obi-Wan's warnings. And his friends suffered as a result. With the rise of Kylo Ren and the First Order, Luke can also hear voices crying for help again, but coupled with the personal shame and guilt that he felt, he also remembered how he made matters worse the last time he listened to this instinct. Luke has isolated himself and severed his connection from the Force in order to protect others as he has come to believe that the Jedi are just as bad as the Sith. He believes that his further involvement will only make matters worse, not better, and thus the best he can do is stay away. Ultimately Rey and Yoda teach him that this isn't true, but we can understand why Luke has fallen to this level, and it also gives him a journey to complete on his own.

    * Kylo the rage monkey -- I forget how young Kylo is supposed to be. Both Rey and Kylo Ren represent youth, with Rey personifying hope and Kylo personifying anger. He is the Yin to her Yang. And we see in the throne room battle how the two working together can achieve a balance, even if it was just temporary.

  8. #118
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    Don't try to bring science into Star Wars, if you want that go watch Star Trek or something, space in Star Wars is all about "pew pew" and explosions.

    I think those scientific explanations are a bit of a stretch to rehabilitate scenes that were written to look cool, not to be scientifically accurate. The whole space chase is kind of silly, however I wont hold it against the movie anymore, because all Star Wars space battles are pretty silly really.

    I too also watched the movie for the second time again, while I liked it a bit better than the first time I watched it, I do think it's a film with issues, namely that it's too damn long, that's mainly Canto Bite(s) fault, but it means the movie lacks the rewatachbility of the Force Awakens. Again my favourtie parts are still the Luke, Rei, Kylo arcs.

    I noticed a few extra touches and details I missed the first time, mostly the Falcon losing it's radar again, also that nice little touch where Hux is in the Throne room after the battle and reaches for his pistol when Kylo is momentarily unconscious.

    While I'm not super excited to see the next one, I'm curious to where they will take the characters.

  9. #119
    Galvatran Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I bought the DVD a few times and I have also come to appreciate and enjoy this movie more upon repeat viewings.

    *snip wall of text*
    ... Or you can actually buy just one DVD and re-watch the movie repeatedly to your heart's content.

  10. #120
    Join Date
    22nd Feb 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Galvatran View Post
    ... Or you can actually buy just one DVD and re-watch the movie repeatedly to your heart's content.
    A true fan will support Darth Maus by shelling out for each DVD viewing.

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