Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Zed View Post

I have mixed feelings about this film, after thinking about if for a day I came to the conclusion, I love this movies themes, but dislike the plot.

I like that this movie takes a different spin on my Star Wars expectations, I like the whole Luke, Rei, Kylo dynamic, all those actors were on top form. I feel that unlike most Star Wars films this one has quite a lot of thematic depth, particularly when it comes to ideas of heroism, and legends. The story arc sort of turns the traditional idea of the great hero on it's head for once daring against all odds heroics don't save the day. I like the duality between Kylo and Rei, one longs to escape the past and the other desires it. Also the Rei parents reveal = awesome.

I also noticed that this was the First New Star Wars not to have forced nostalgia Easter eggs in it, I mean they were there, but they weren't as in your face as they were in the two previous films.

Things I don't like, the escape from the First order plot, IE: the slowest chase in the galaxy. This made no sense to me, sure the Resistance ships were faster, but the callous Fist Order were afraid to send their fighters in without cover even though the Resistance had no fighter cover? does the First Order not have it's own bombers? Couldn't they have just done short hyperspace jump to put a capital ship in front of them? Couldn't they have called in reinforcements to trap them? Whatever happened to tractor beams?

And on the resistance side, if only one ship was tracking them couldn't they have split up, or if hyperdiriving your ship into the enemy causes so much damage why didn't they do that earlier when they had more ships? These rebels are not very smart, no wonder most got wiped out.

The other thing I dislike was the whole arc with Finn and Rose that achieve nothing, it really made the move drag in those parts.

As said above some of the humour was misplaced, not bad, just used at the wrong time.

Anyway that's my rant, I'm still stewing over what my overall thoughts are, I would kind of like to see it again, however there are parts I would like to fast forward through.

That's my major gripe, admittedly Empire Strikes Back has the same flaws, Luke seems to be off for weeks while for Han and Leia it seems like a day.

My main annoyance is that with all the tech and military power the First Order has been show to have, they just decided to sit back and let them run out of fuel, I guess they only had one dreadnought.

It kind or reminded me of the 2000's Battlestar Galactica yet more silly, or perhaps the steamroller scene from Austin Powers.
Not much I can disagree with there, the countdown plot device gave an interesting non-traditional flare but is ultimately riddled with holes. Although I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, and thought the acting really was superb by the main cast, there was a lot of bits that didn't make sense to me (even if they were admittedly cool). I can give you a list right now of all my awesome! vs wtf? scenes (i.e. since you've already mentioned it the "light speed collision" was pretty awesome, but that whole "Finn and Rose mission" was wtf for me for a number of reasons) but I remain hesitant to lay it all out on the line yet seeing its only the first day its been out (I would be basically spoiling all the major parts of the entire movie)

I think what stood out the most to me was that it wasn't shot like your traditional Star Wars movie, there is a significantly noticeable difference between directing styles, particularly from The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, especially in the combat scenes, it was quite noticeable to me right from the get go, I think that threw me off the most, not that it was bad, just different.

WARNING MAJOR SPOILER AHEAD, I'm about to drop a big one here, if you continue on from here you only have yourself to blame!


Ok so what I really did like the most was Kylo's story line, I love the fact that it is in a way Anakin's (Darth Vader) alternate universe, what would have occurred if Anakin's plan from Revenge of the Sith had come to fruition i.e. if he had defeated Obi-Wan and deposed Palpatine as he intended, becoming the Ruler of the Empire. We get to kind of experience that "what if" now with Kylo's story since Kylo succeeded where Anakin (Darth Vader) failed. I thought that was a pretty cool trajectory to go with, and totally did not see it coming. Needless to say I am super keen to see how they intend to explore this in the next installment.

Anyway, a lot more to discuss