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Thread: Point of diminishing returns on Masterpiece

  1. #21
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by DELTAprime View Post
    The TM2 OP seems like it will be worse than what I already have which is the Super Class TM2 OP. That is another example of a figure I don't think would get much of an upgrade going to MP.

    Uh... there is no Transmetal 2 Optimus Primal. The only Super Class Optimus Primal toy was the Transmetal Optimal Optimus toy. But that is strictly a Transmetal, not a Transmetal 2. There are no Super Transmetal 2 toys, the largest TM2s were the Ultras - Megatron and Tigerhawk.

    Quote Originally Posted by DELTAprime View Post
    The original toy is already extremely screen accurate and has great articulation. Aside from making the armour panels connect in a more secure fashion what can you really improve on?
    Or more accurately, the screen models are extremely toy-accurate.
    For Optimal Optimus? The improvements would be fairly minor and cosmetic, such as making the chest guns retractable. There wouldn't be much that they could do to really make the toy better. Oh, biggest improvement would be to have a separate switch to activate the lights. Really sick of having that light switch being the same as the missile launcher and shooting missiles into my own face just to see the lights light up.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    19th Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Jellico View Post
    So for example (and this will get groans) I could see and be happy with finally getting a properly done Windblade.
    Actually, I was thinking yesterday that a well-done MP Windblade could be cool. I wouldn't put it as a priority or anything, but I wouldn't complain either.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    As a jokey answer, 2003 as I don't see them doing a MP Binaltech Smokescreen that is much better than the original toy.

    Beast Wars is a point where the line between needed upgrades and dimisishing returns kicks in. Dinobot and Cheetor are compromised beasts but are great robots. I don't see an MP Rhinox being hugely different from the Voyager CHUG Rhinox. I'd like to see what an MP Blackarachnia looks like, but the Takara Legends does the job for me on my shelf.

    As a personal preference I think the MP line is at it's best when it sticks to being Binaltech 2.0 - giving us realistic model cars that turn into cartoon accurate robots.

    The other MP figures can be nice (but for every Laserbeak who is brilliant there's a Ravage), but I'm not all that interested in seeing them doing futuristic vehicles or cybertronic animals. I don't want to see an MP Chromedome or MP Fangry or anyone from Beast Machines or Energon for example. I am happy with CHUG revisiting all those eras and giving us modern version of those figures. I'd like to see some newer franchise characters in a G1 style but happy to see that in CHUG.

    I'd prefer the MP makers to continue their focus on the remaining Autobot cars (Hound, Mirage, Trailbreaker, Hoist, Skids and then maybe the minibots) over anything else.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post

    Uh... there is no Transmetal 2 Optimus Primal. The only Super Class Optimus Primal toy was the Transmetal Optimal Optimus toy. But that is strictly a Transmetal, not a Transmetal 2. There are no Super Transmetal 2 toys, the largest TM2s were the Ultras - Megatron and Tigerhawk.
    Gee Gok, getting a little picky aren't you? Who cares if it's TM or TM2? Who cares if the toy is named Optimal Optimus while in the show he was still just Optimus Primal?

  5. #25
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    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Transmetals and Transmetal 2s are NOT the same thing. If you want to call Optimal Optimus "Super Transmetal Optimus Primal," okay, fine. That's accurate enough. But "Transmetal 2 Optimus Primal"? It just does not exist.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011


    From TFwiki:

    But "Optimal Optimus", who was upgraded in the same fashion (one body holding two sparks), was sold as a vanilla Transmetal.
    Sounds like he was upgraded in the show to TM2 but they left the "2" off the box art. Really it doesn't matter, it's splitting hairs. It's like Mega vs Voyager, it doesn't matter. As far as I'm concerned TM is season 2 and TM2 is season 3.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Hop in my time machine and let's travel back to 1998.


    *cough cough cough* Okay, I gotta do something about smoke. Okay, now go hang out with 1998 me...

    Hey, I got some new toys that I bet nobody else in the country currently has. They're called Machine Wars! You wanna see? Yeah, Optimus Prime is like a stunted form of Thunder Clash, but he does have nicer colours. Anyway, let's go toy hunting. Jump in my 1981 Holden Gemini while we wind down the windows manually because... that's "air conditioning" in my car.


    Hey, are you pumped for that new Star Wars movie coming out next year? That teaser looks sick, especially that dude with the double-light sabre. Phwoar! I tell ya, The Phantom Menace is gonna be the best Star Wars film EVAH! Here, you can play with my Transmetal Optimus Primal. Yeah, ours all have that little purple tinge in the blue chrome that apparently the Yanks didn't get. Funny that.

    <we arrive at Toys R Us>

    OOOOOOHH, HEY! It's the new Transmetal Optimal Optimus! $80??! Aw, bugger it. I'll buy it. You gonna buy one too? Cool. Let's go pay for ours.

    What's that? Transmetal 2? What the hell is a Transmetal 2?!? Season 3?!? Mate, they haven't even made Season 3 yet! But boy was that ending of Season 2 a massive cliffhanger! No man, Beast Wars is only up to Season 2. I'm telling you Season 3 hasn't come out yet. We can go back to my place and re-watch Season 2 if you want to. I'd lend the tapes to you, but mine are all NTSC. Does your VCR play both PAL and NTSC? I got American ads on mine. Lots of ads for The Nanny. Fran Drescher's kinda hot, but that voice... no, I keep telling you, there's no such thing as Transmetal 2s. Nope. Never heard of them. Well, we can go back inside Westfields and you can show me any store that stocks these so-called "Transmetal 2s" that you're talking about, cos I have no idea.

    And whaddaya mean The Phantom Menace is going to suck? Who the hell is Jar Jar Binks?!? Whoa, is that a DeLorean waiting at that corner for you?

    Quick, DELTAprime... get over here and don't let 1998 me see me. The paradox could rip my pants apart! Okay, okay, show me that toy you just bought. Yep. See? It says "TRANSMETAL," not "Transmetal 2." Transmetal 2s won't exist for another year, and Season 3 won't come out until a year from now either. None of these things you're talking about even exists right now. Optimal Optimus (or Optimus Primal if you want to call him that) is strictly a Transmetal, not a Transmetal 2. Also, it's not just a name thing. There are clear differences between Transmetals and Transmetal 2s, such as the lack of a tertiary vehic--, oh crap, 1998 me is coming towards us. Jump in!

    *cue Back to the Future theme*

    What do you mean you told 1998 me about Jar Jar Binks? You can't do that! When The Phantom Menace debuts, 1999 me will be attending the midnight premiere in fully cosplay with a carefully choreographed and rehearsed lightsabre fight sequence! That's the last time I take you time travelling!

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