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Thread: M.A.S.K Coming to the Big Screen

  1. #21
    Kranix is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
    Join Date
    15th Apr 2010


    I was a huge M.A.S.K nerd too, again second only to Transformers for me. I had a decent collection but no big ones like Rhino or Outlaw.

    Strangely, I loved the cartoon as a kid but can't enjoy it now, whereas I still really enjoy the transformers cartoon.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    25th May 2019


    I vaguely remember hearing about this back when it was announced, but I hadn't read the quote wikipedia's got (from 2018) that it'd be 'a contemporary subculture movie with a youth empowerment angle.' I don't want to read too much into it, but that kind of makes me suspect Scott was going to be the main character, so we may have dodged a bullet there.

    I'm kind of having a difficult time imagining a M.A.S.K. film, just on the basis that - and I say this with love - it was dumb as a bag of rocks. I mean Bumblebee showed pretty clearly that you do want to lean into the colourful 80s nostalgia, rather than redesign everything to be grey and military (looking at you, Rise of Cobra), but I feel like there's a really small audience for whom a straight-up live action version of Thunderhawk flying around on its stupid gull-wing doors is not a joke. Tough pitch.

    (That said, if you're reading this Paramount, the magic words are 'Eva Green as Vanessa Warfield'.)

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