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Thread: M.A.S.K Coming to the Big Screen

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    Default M.A.S.K Coming to the Big Screen

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    23rd Sep 2010


    I like to see old properties like this get a modern development. Like everything else though, I'm sure there will be enough changing from the original material that it will be considered more accessable to the mainstream but frustrate those who are long term fans.

    I used to enjoy MASK a lot, but never to the point that I wanted the toys. I hope they do a good job with it, it has a lot of potential.
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  3. #3
    Kranix is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Wow! M.A.S.K along with Transformers and TMNT were my favourite toy lines as a kid, so this news means all 3 properties have modern movie releases. if done right this movie could be very cool! I wouldn't object if it lead to some toy reissues either...

  4. #4
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    Back when Hasbro was talking about its cinematic universe, I always thought M.A.S.K. was the easiest tech that could evolve from the Transformers. I mean they had a whole Stealth Force line (and convincing holograms if that helps).

    In later TF movies, I expected groups like Cemetery Wind to be riding in generic armored strike vehicles to aid them against giant robots.

    So set a new franchise somewhere else in the world, where some no-gooders who operate under a punchy acronym have acquired this tech and been secretly improving it for nefarious purposes, and the creation of M.A.S.K. was the do-gooder response. Transformers footage would only need to be shown or spoken about for 2 seconds.

    *I clearly know nothing on the canon M.A.S.K. backstory.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by UltraMarginal View Post
    I like to see old properties like this get a modern development. Like everything else though, I'm sure there will be enough changing from the original material that it will be considered more accessable to the mainstream but frustrate those who are long term fans.

    I used to enjoy MASK a lot, but never to the point that I wanted the toys. I hope they do a good job with it, it has a lot of potential.
    I liked the show and toys a lot when I was a kid. The toys mostly still hold up, but when I watched a few episodes several years ago I had to stop. Better left as a good memory , I'm completely happy for the synopsis to mostly change.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kranix View Post
    Wow! M.A.S.K along with Transformers and TMNT were my favourite toy lines as a kid, so this news means all 3 properties have modern movie releases. if done right this movie could be very cool! I wouldn't object if it lead to some toy reissues either...
    I doubt they would still have the vintage molds, but maybe they do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Deonasis View Post
    Back when Hasbro was talking about its cinematic universe, I always thought M.A.S.K. was the easiest tech that could evolve from the Transformers. I mean they had a whole Stealth Force line (and convincing holograms if that helps).

    In later TF movies, I expected groups like Cemetery Wind to be riding in generic armored strike vehicles to aid them against giant robots.

    So set a new franchise somewhere else in the world, where some no-gooders who operate under a punchy acronym have acquired this tech and been secretly improving it for nefarious purposes, and the creation of M.A.S.K. was the do-gooder response. Transformers footage would only need to be shown or spoken about for 2 seconds.

    *I clearly know nothing on the canon M.A.S.K. backstory.
    Some of the Human Alliance Basics sets could have passed for MASK vehicles too.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tober View Post
    Some of the Human Alliance Basics sets could have passed for MASK vehicles too.
    I completely agree with this. Aesthetic not so much but concept, definitely.
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  7. #7
    bowspearer Guest


    I have VERY mixed feelings. It COULD be good, but so many of these remakes have been hit and miss.

    I'm going to wait and see with it all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kranix View Post
    I wouldn't object if it lead to some toy reissues either...
    Only if the boxes and date stamping on the reissues are clearly different from the originals.

    I'm happy for people to get their hands on these toys because they're awesome, but I'd at least like my sealed and boxed stuff to hold some of its value.

  8. #8
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowspearer View Post
    I have VERY mixed feelings. It COULD be good, but so many of these remakes have been hit and miss.

    I'm going to wait and see with it all.
    A lot of such movies are bad nowadays, I like to be really surprise if it turns out well.

    Can you imagine Beebop? oh man is like another jarjar binks in Starwars, it wont work as real action movie but as a cartoon is fine.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post

    Can you imagine Beebop? oh man is like another jarjar binks in Starwars, it wont work as real action movie but as a cartoon is fine.
    Are you talking about T-bob? To be honest they could just leave him out of it.

    I'd dig a M.A.S.K live action film. Given that Hollywood likes to follow established formulas I wouldn't even mind if it was a Fast & Furious style film.

    But given it's Hasbro it'll probably end up like G.I Joe.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lint View Post
    Are you talking about T-bob? To be honest they could just leave him out of it.

    I'd dig a M.A.S.K live action film. Given that Hollywood likes to follow established formulas I wouldn't even mind if it was a Fast & Furious style film.

    But given it's Hasbro it'll probably end up like G.I Joe.
    Once movie rights are acquired, Hasbro tends to stay out of the creative process, as was seen with Paramount and the 2007 Transformers movie and sequels. They only really provided input on toys, the success or failure of their IP was left up to the studios.
    Which brings us to where we are today...

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