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Thread: SPOILER THREAD - Avengers Infinity War

  1. #41
    Join Date
    9th Apr 2008


    Will it be a soul for a soul to retrieve them from the soul stone? I think there will be an easy undo feature as well. Good movie but can we sue for false advertising? There were scenes i wanted to see but werent in the movie. Its not just marvel but others too.

  2. #42
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    Okay, I've come to accept Strange's plan in allowing Thanos to take the Mind Stone in order for Stark to survive. Still unconvinced about the surviving 50% of life in the universe being able to survive. As I said before, Earth's environment would change a lot with the loss of half our biomass including (but not limited to) oxygen producing plants and phytoplankton. Surviving humans would be affected by losing 50% of their biome - that's the good bacteria that live inside you in symbiosis. You actually need them for things like digestion etc. This is why people can feel ill side effects after taking antibiotics because they indiscriminately kill all bacteria, good and bad, and I know doctors who recommend taking probiotics (e.g. Yakult etc.) while on antibiotics in order to replenish your supply of good bacteria. I think that entire ecosystems would collapse after losing 50% of their organisms. Critically endangered species would be utterly devastated and become practically extinct (i.e. although some individuals may survive, there would not be enough for the species to remain viable... they would become doomed species). From Thanos' POV it's truly a stupid plan. He needs to be a lot more discriminatory in terms of which species to target - i.e. those that have become overpopulated and are harmfully exploiting their natural resources. So yeah, in that regard there's logic in eliminating 50% of the human race. This would reduce the human race down to 3.5 billion people, which was the population of humans on Earth in the 1960s. Yeah... that's how crazily we've been overpopulating this planet in just 50 years. But half of all life on Earth? In the universe? That seems far too simplistic and doesn't make sense.

    Okay, okay, let's just say that he only eliminated 50% of sapient life and not all life (even though the film repeatedly and very explicitly states ALL life, but watevs)... that might make more sense. And the interesting thing here is that it's of course easy for us to see Thanos as a monster for randomly eliminating 50% of sapient life, but remember that White people did the same thing to Indigenous Australians by introducing smallpox. That disease alone wiped out 50% of the native Australian population (and 70% of the indigenous population of Sydney). The same thing happened when the Spaniards conquered the Aztecs and when Europeans arrived in North America -- 50% of each of those populations were killed off by introduced diseases. And it got even worse when White Americans deliberately infected Native Americans with smallpox in order to cull their population numbers. American soldiers distributed smallpox infected blankets to Native Americans... they were using the disease as a biological weapon.

    So as monstrous as Thanos may seem, bear in mind that...
    a/ Humans are just as bad or worse.
    b/ Thanos is fictitious character. The decimation of native populations through the introduction of diseases really happened - and in some cases, with deliberate malice.

    Arguably more malicious than Thanos' goal because Thanos' plan is to cull sapient populations in order to save the other half. The smallpox plan was to kill as many American Indians as possible -- it was genocide!

    “I will try to inoculate the Indians by means of blankets that may fall in their hands, taking care however not to get the disease myself. As it is a pity to appose good men against them, I wish we could make use of the Spaniards’ method, and hunt them with English dogs, supported by Rangers and some light horse, who would, I think, effectively extirpate or remove that vermin.” 
    — Col. Henry Bouquet, 13 July, 1763

    ^Native Americans were seen as little more than a "pest species." Thanos doesn't view other sapient species as pestilence. He sees what he's doing as a necessary evil because the needs of the many (in the long run) outweighs the needs of the few (in the short run). Culling the numbers will ensure long term future survival. And Thanos knows this to be true because he's witnessed his own homeworld of Titan become a wasteland from overpopulation. Thanos himself is possibly the last member of his species, meaning that his race is practically extinct.

  3. #43
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    29th Jun 2011


    Gok, I agree with your reasoning in general, but I think the bit that you’re missing is that Thanos is a bit nuts. To him, it all makes sense, it’s logical and reasonable, but in reality it is just mass killing that may very well have consequneces his wrong-headedness won’t or can’t comprehend. You and I can think it through rationally, Thanos cannot or does not. The film attempts to give him a clear motivation, however unreasonable, to make him more well rounded as a character.

    Consider people who holds racist views: despite any rational, reasoned and logical examination that tells us that we are all equal regardless of race, religion, orientation, etc, there are those who WILL NOT under any circumstances accept those views, and hold onto their predjudices no matter what, because it fits their twisted world view. I see Thanos the same way. To him, the cause is righteous. I know it isn’t, you know it isn’t, but like they say, no-one is the villain of their own story.

    Also, there’s a neat contrast in the motivations of the heroes vs. the villains - Thanos wants to kill half of everyone to “bring balance to the universe”, whereas the heroes (especially Cap) want to save every single individual they can. That’s the “needs of the many/needs of the few” argument you noted in your post.

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  4. #44
    Join Date
    19th Mar 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by M-bot View Post
    ...Thanos is a bit nuts.
    And that’s an understatement to say the least

    The reasoning and logic behind his plan is akin to Hitler’s final solution (without the specific biases)
    My wife asked me why I carry a gun?, I said "Decepticons"... She laughed, I laughed, the toaster laughed, I shot the toaster. It was a good day.

  5. #45
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Yeah unfortunately that’s how he believes in making a better place..

    This movie makes me want to buy the other mcu blue ray movies.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meister View Post
    And that’s an understatement to say the least

    The reasoning and logic behind his plan is akin to Hitler’s final solution (without the specific biases)
    I’d say Thanos and Hitler both used cognitive distortion and justification to rationalise their motives. But the actual motive and intent of their actions couldn’t be any more different.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralph Wiggum View Post
    I’d say Thanos and Hitler both used cognitive distortion and justification to rationalise their motives. But the actual motive and intent of their actions couldn’t be any more different.
    Not necessarily, Hitler’s ultimate goal in the end was to try to create a “better world” according to his own twisted sadistically psychopathic demented racist mind. Which is what ultimately appears to be Thanos’ goal as well through his “solution”

    Having said that, I agree that it’s pretty obvious there are considerably more differences between the two cases then there are similarities, just noting that they are both mentally unstable fanatics, and that trying to apply objective logic to their reasoning is not going to produce any favourable results into understanding their views
    Last edited by Meister; 14th May 2018 at 01:55 PM.
    My wife asked me why I carry a gun?, I said "Decepticons"... She laughed, I laughed, the toaster laughed, I shot the toaster. It was a good day.

  8. #48
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    In a previous post I mentioned how Thanos is like Ra's al Ghul in his goal to bring about balance.

    Well, here's another Batman villain that stands for balance. His name is Equinox and he stands for an accurate and precise form of balance like Thanos except that unlike Thanos, Equinox doesn't believe in the random selection of victims.

  9. #49
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    have been viewing the summarised comic version of this and Is different that Thanos was doing more out of trying to proof his worthy and love for Mistress Death.

    It will be interesting that I do expect a Marvel movie with Adam Warlock and is too good an opportunity to pass as he was introduced in Gardians 2

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