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Thread: Masterpiece Beast Wars Megatron

  1. #91
    bowspearer Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by FruitBuyer View Post
    You sound very condescending here, whether you intend it or not. Just because you're someone that spends a lot of money doesn't mean you speak for everyone with your bank account.

    You have reasons for thinking it'll shelf-warm and I have my reasons for thinking it won't shelf-warm so lets just agree to disagree.
    You don't get to claim "let's [respectfully] agree to disagree here", when in a case of the pot calling the kettle black here accuse me of being condescending. I never said I spoke for everyone who had a wallet; I said that this is going to be a bridge to far in terms of cost for many of the people who would normally have jumped at this, as someone who arguably has typically fallen into the "fans with more money than sense" category.

    I said it from the perspective of someone who has thought nothing of shelling out hundreds of dollars on actions figures, spent close to $1500 in one hit buying a lot of MISB and MIB MASK figures a few years back, has shelled out hundreds of dollars a hit on boxed G1 and pre-Tf figures and who resolved the dilemma of whether to open my Diaclone 2.0, Legends and Masterpiece figures (where I own almost all of them since MP-10), by buying one to keep sealed and one to open.

    If I step back and take an objective look at my collecting, I think it's pretty safe to say that I fall under the category of "more money than sense".

    Yet your response was essentially to accuse me of specious reasoning, by invoking the very group of fans that I'm a textbook example of, which is in and of itself, highly patronising and condescending.

    Yet when that predictably blows up in your face, you have the gall to accuse me of being condescending?

    Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

  2. #92
    bowspearer Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Trent View Post
    No, it was open for preorder. I know because I preordered one only a week or two before Megs was announced.
    That might have been when it went off order stop, because as Griffin has also noted:

    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    It's been "order stop" the last few times I've checked the site... as I was hoping that they would be stuck with a lot of stock and discount it when it is released.

  3. #93
    Join Date
    16th Sep 2014


    You're really taking this personally. If you think I'm being patronising or condescending then that's on you for interpreting it that way because I sure as hell didn't mean it as an insult. Either way I'm done. I agree to disagree, end of story.

  4. #94
    Join Date
    7th Mar 2012
    The Moon


    Quote Originally Posted by bowspearer View Post
    That might have been when it went off order stop, because as Griffin has also noted:
    That is what I said:

    Quote Originally Posted by Trent View Post
    HLJ have had Dinobot back up for preorder for a few months now. Long before Megs was announced.
    I dropped my original preorder but later regretted it. I was checking back hoping it would reopen and it did. Before Megatron was announced.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

  5. #95
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    I have MP Dinobot on preorder at HLJ. I'm 99% sure I don't want it and am very likely going to cancel it.

  6. #96
    bowspearer Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by FruitBuyer View Post
    You're really taking this personally. If you think I'm being patronising or condescending then that's on you for interpreting it that way because I sure as hell didn't mean it as an insult. Either way I'm done. I agree to disagree, end of story.
    You accuse me of taking this personal, yet you were the one to actively make it personal and I find your double standards here somewhat quaint.

    After all, you said:

    Quote Originally Posted by FruitBuyer View Post
    You sound very condescending here, whether you intend it or not. Just because you're someone that spends a lot of money doesn't mean you speak for everyone with your bank account.
    This was in response to me saying:

    Quote Originally Posted by bowspearer View Post
    Certainly I could be wrong, but I don't think my read on things is that off. The crowd that can treat this as a drop in the bucket are simply too small to support this run and when it fails to sell, it'll be forced to go on sale. Even BW Dinobot now has cancellations on HLJ and I'm saying this as someone who still has their preorder up.

    I'm saying this as one of the "more money than sense" fans you're trying to cite to kill off the argument of one such fan. Heck, I've bought MISB and MIB preTFs and $700 prototypes, to put my spending habits in context.
    You would have actually seen that if you weren't so busy seeing what you wanted to see, being passive aggressive and engaging in veiled ad hominems.

    Imagine if I behaved the way you did.

    Imagine if I wanted to look for excuses to take it personally. I could have cried victim right from your first response to me here, and accused you of being condescending and patronising from the moment you used the "fans with more money than sense" group of fans, which my purchase history and buying habits would lump me into, to claim that I had no idea what I was talking where those fans were concerned. After all, if you want to talk about being condescending and making assumptions, using a fan demographic to tell a member of that demographic that they don't know what they're talking about where said group (and by extension myself) is concerned, is very patronising and condescending.

    Yet I didn't play that card when I very easily could have.

    I simply pointed out that I was speaking from the perspective of the very group of fans you were attempting to cite.

    Yet for doing so, you were the one to make this personal by passive-aggressively accusing me of being condescending whilst claiming to want to respectfully disagree.

    Like I said, you can't cry foul about someone taking something personally, when you make it personal.

  7. #97
    bowspearer Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Trent View Post
    That is what I said:
    I caught what you said, however I'm sure I saw it on order stop as recently as a few weeks ago rather than months ago.

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