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Thread: Masterpiece Convoy 3.0 Revealed

  1. #431
    bowspearer Guest


    The other thing is that trying to censor a reasonable discussion just because you don't like what is being said, isn't going to make things go away.

    I honestly don't think anyone wanted the situation with MP-44 to be like this- I certainly didn't - and it deeply saddens me that this figure release, which should have been divided between opions of "I'm happy with MP-10" and "shut up and take my money" has instead turned into a painful experience on the wallet, a financial turn-off and a spouler fest by Takara, whwn ordinarily they keep transformations top secret. It's not just the price that irks me, it's that this experience is so different from the hypefest that past MP releases have been. Then to make matters worse, the price gulf between TT and 3P has now gotten so large that 3P actually looks like it's a way better deal. And I'm saying that as someone who's been opposed to KO and 3P alternatives.

    And no, I'm not saying I want the 3P option; I'm saying I want my Masterpiece golden era back dammit!

  2. #432
    Join Date
    10th Mar 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by bowspearer View Post
    The other thing is that trying to censor a reasonable discussion just because you don't like what is being said, isn't going to make things go away.
    Don't get carried away, nobody is trying to censor you. I have not reported any posts and Daptodog explicitly said he didn't want to shut down discussion either, but said perhaps there are more relevant areas of the forum to discuss 3P.

    Quote Originally Posted by MEEEGGGAAATTTRRROOONNN!!! View Post
    A similar issue has already come up earlier in the thread, and the site owner responded in post #157:
    Well if Griffin is cool with it being mentioned in this area then I won't bring it up again. In future I'll just keep scrolling.

  3. #433
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    7th Feb 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Galvatran View Post
    You need your eyes checked Sinner. Looks nothin' like Divine Brown. Perhaps it's those sexy lips... oh wait that's the mouth plate.
    You've got to admit, as far as head sculpts go, it's damn sexy.

  4. #434
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    If you guys don't compare and contrast with 3p figures then you never know whats good or bad with the MP-44. I am not going to object to comparisons, but just make sure the focus is still MP-44 and not go overboard.

    IMO, the 3p of both MS and TE doesn't cut it for me.
    1. Both lacked paint on red
    2. TE has a not great sculpt on the head

    Price wise they are great but ultimately comes down to design and finish.
    Too early to praise MP-44 as I wont know if the red is painted or bare red plastic.

    There are consequences for this move by TT. I might have bought my last MP and call it quits. For me, I only will wait for a Jazz MP if it ever happens, but anything else, I lost interest in supporting.

    The argument for which is better 3p or TT, is not a topic in this thread. There are a lot of issues on both and it will derail the topic.

    Overall I am very disappointed in the pricing and is more like a suck it up.
    Rather than being negative I just hope TT does a good job on this piece.

  5. #435
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  6. #436
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    Quote Originally Posted by MEEEGGGAAATTTRRROOONNN!!! View Post
    Have to admit, he's looking better and better all the time... that price is still killer, though.

  7. #437
    Join Date
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    It's beautiful.

  8. #438
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    It's beautiful.
    It really is, isn't it?

    I largely agreed with many of Bowspearer's arguments about the jetpack and extras being too expensive. Then Megatron HAD to go and post those damn pictures..... and now I'm in love. I desperately want it, I crave it, I needs it my precious! Yessss.....

    But I don't know how I'm going to afford it, I really don't. And the voice clips wouldn't be Peter Cullen in English either, would it? Maybe I should just wait for Hasbro to do it, IF they ever do it. I still have a stand though with voice clips..... really on the fence with this one.
    On the lookout for MISB Headmaster Highbrow, Takara or Hasbro. I'm sure I could make you a sweet deal!

  9. #439
    Jellico is online now Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Electric. Straddled.

  10. #440
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    Quote Originally Posted by reillyd View Post
    It really is, isn't it?

    I largely agreed with many of Bowspearer's arguments about the jetpack and extras being too expensive. Then Megatron HAD to go and post those damn pictures..... and now I'm in love. I desperately want it, I crave it, I needs it my precious! Yessss.....

    But I don't know how I'm going to afford it, I really don't. And the voice clips wouldn't be Peter Cullen in English either, would it? Maybe I should just wait for Hasbro to do it, IF they ever do it. I still have a stand though with voice clips..... really on the fence with this one.


    I think there's no harm in sitting out this first run -- maybe Takara (or Hasbro Asia) will release a stripped down version in the future. I can definitely see Hasbro Asia doing something like that (like what happened with their Soundwave and five included tapes).

    Plus this a Prime figure, and it's not as if it won't be re-released in the future multiple times.

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