Quote Originally Posted by 1AZRAEL1 View Post
People need to work. People in retail are always needed. I deal with self entitled people every day in transport. Is it as simple as retraining and moving on? No. Customers need a wakeup call and not flip out at the workers
I'm not sure what it's like in Transport, but I can tell you that the customers you refer to aren't the reason I said what I said. Have a good read of what I just posted, including my conversations with former colleagues who have confirmed that it isn't just me when I spoke to them. Retail is an exercise in masochism not just because of the customers, but because retail employers these days are generally scum and treat their employees like slaves.

Like I said, the best thing someone in retail can do these days is do whatever it takes to re-skill so they never have to work in retail again. Sure, people might get a great retail employer, but they're well and truly becoming as rare and mythical as the abominable snowman these days!