Amazon has lowered the price of Star Optimus Prime to $249.95. Probably to make it a little closer to JBs $235.00
Amazon has lowered the price of Star Optimus Prime to $249.95. Probably to make it a little closer to JBs $235.00
Finally. New smaller cheaper titans that retail for the same in Australia felt like a mistake and was not very sexy
Star Convoy is currently $212 if you preorder at amazon (15% off)
Sales thread:
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But note that you only see the low price at checkout - until then you will see $250.
There are other Transformers in that 15% off promo too like Red Alert and the Sonic set.
You can search for items from this page or if the link does not work look for info on the promo at Star Convoys page, should be a qualifying items link that takes you there