10 - Jazz
Series - Studio Series
Size/class - Deluxe
New/remould/redeco - new
Wave - "2"
Released here - Not here yet? (US?) (JP version released July 2018)
Approximate Retail Price - $29-35
Approximate Size - about 12cm
Allegiance - Autobot
Alt-mode - Pontiac Solstice custom hardtop
Main Colours - silver, grey
Main Accessories - crescent cannon

I bought my Jazz from comic book heroes in Chermside. Apart from some minor packaging differences the takara figure is identical. If you're having trouble finding Jazz locally there's a JP reissue due december.

I love this figure so much! It's such a good representation of movie Jazz, with lots of neat sculpt details, great headsculpt, plus he's a cute size haha. Seriously, he's a very small deluxe. Although, I always kinda hoped we'd get a scout sized Jazz and this is better than anything I expected. I used to say the premium deluxe was my favourite movie version but the studio series is way better.

He has tons of clever articulation which makes him a lot of fun to pose and play around with. He's a lot more detailed than a typical scout figure.

Transformation is pretty straightforward, as long as you get all the internal hinges lined up he should sit snugly as a car. The takara instructions are a bit clearer visually on how to achieve this.
I love the glossy finish on the vehicle mode and I wish they could have done the same for his robot mode. They got his arms and head though which is decent at least.

The "display stand" is... kinda tacky. It looks like something you should have thrown in the recycling bin by now. At the very least I think they could have used background that actually contrasts a little better with the figure, his head and shoulders get lost in it. I appreciate the thought of it though.

Overall: absolutely recommended!

I took a bunch of pics too so enjoy!

Three Jazzes by tiny jazz robot, on Flickr

3 sizes by tiny jazz robot, on Flickr

it's a small lightbox im sorry jeez

stock pose(!) by tiny jazz robot, on Flickr

He does the pose! From the branding! It's awkward but he does it!

kick test by tiny jazz robot, on Flickr

backpack by tiny jazz robot, on Flickr

oh no... the backpack.. how awful

gun part 5 by tiny jazz robot, on Flickr

my studio awaits by tiny jazz robot, on Flickr

just think about how bad this looks not lit by a lightbox

Movie Club by tiny jazz robot, on Flickr

Scout Classes by tiny jazz robot, on Flickr

Masterpiece Club by tiny jazz robot, on Flickr

i can have this? by tiny jazz robot, on Flickr

united jazz is my favourite jazz so they're gonna hang out

cool guys by tiny jazz robot, on Flickr
