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Thread: Gimmicks that you really enjoy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    5th Feb 2010

    Default Gimmicks that you really enjoy

    @TaZZerath, I'm being oppositional.

    What are some gimmicks that you've really enjoyed?

    I'll lead the charge with some

    • Studio Series robot mode scale - after a few years of Generations releases where every robot in every size class had to be basically the exact same size and dimensions, it's refreshing to have a display shelf full of robots of incredibly varying heights and bulk.
    • Fuzors - When I was 7 these seemed like the coolest things. I'd love to get my hands on a few of them now without paying through the nose (or having them crumble in my hands hello Torca). Also, how haven't we had an update or indeed reissue of Silverbolt?
    • Mech Alive - For those that don't remember, this is that ROTF era gimmick where parts were layered or geared so when you moved a limb it looked like there were layers of armour plates or robot bits moving. This was a much better gimmick than the TF07 Automorph or the DOTM MechTech.

    That's it for me. Everyone else go nuts.
    I'm really just here for the free food and open bar.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    9th Aug 2018
    Allendale North, SA


    Oooooh I like this!

    Well, I really enjoy the Headmasters/Titans Return gimmick despite its flaws being if you lose the little guy (or girl) you're left with a useless body. By extension I also used to enjoy Powermasters and Targetmasters. I think it was just the fact that you had additional robots to play with in one neat package so the playability increased, and having multiple guys team up as one unit to take on the opposition brought a message of teamwork. I still like playing with my toys even as an adult rather than just static displays so thats probably the appeal

    I also enjoyed the Micromaster Transformers (as I used to be a huge fan of Micro Machines) so I'm glad that Siege is 'remastering' some of these guys with a few nifty additional features. The fact that the Generations line packed in some similar Micromasters with triple-changing forms was fantastic. I unfortunately missed out on Cosmos with Payload, but did get Swerve with Flanker at least.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    My favourite gimmick was the Unicron trilogy minicons. Some of the minicons themselves were very bland or uninspired but the idea of having smaller bots power up or unlock weapons and modes were good fun, plus the extra bot was always good. The Cyber keys to do the same thing were not quite the same but some of the best gimmicks were the unlocks they provided. I think along the same lines as Tazzerath, the extra small bots provide lots of extra fun, ala micromasters.

    The auto-morph technology that came with some of the movie lines were a great idea, again not always executed well...
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    4th May 2013


    Targetmasters - G1
    Headmasters - G1
    Powermasters - G1
    Combiners - G1 and Combiner Wars
    Minicons - Armada
    Titan Masters - Titan Returns
    Prime Masters - PoTP - (surprisingly )

  5. #5
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    The oldest gimmick of all that still remains today: the 5mm post!

    It is such a simple but awesome gimmick. A universal weapon post and fist hole size that allows Transformers to interchange and share weapons and accessories. The original G1 Optimus Prime and all of the first year Decepticons have 5mm post weapons, and thanks to Armada for standardising the 5mm post, now almost every Transformer uses 5mm post weapons. Just the other day I put my MP Grimlock's gun in my POTP Nemesis Prime's fist.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Clever, elegant transformations.

    Really, the only gimmicks on top of that I enjoy are weapons that integrate in both modes (which ties into the statement above) and gestalts.

    Eagerly waiting for Masterpiece Meister

  7. #7
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    I think gimmicks show how much kids enjoy things more than adults.

    For instance, my TLK Dragonstorm. When he roars he puts out a blue light that makes different symbols and patterns show up on many of the TLK one-step changers.

    Zero interest for me, but my 5-year old thought it was awesome! Just like he loves taking all the Titan Masters and swapping them around whereas I just leave them with their originals.

    Personally my fav gimmicks have been Combiners and Targetmasters.

    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    My favourite gimmick was the Unicron trilogy minicons. Some of the minicons themselves were very bland or uninspired but the idea of having smaller bots power up or unlock weapons and modes were good fun, plus the extra bot was always good.
    Yeah I did quite like the Mini-Con concept when it was introduced in Armada - it gave characters like Megatron a lot more play value.

    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    The oldest gimmick of all that still remains today: the 5mm post!

    Just the other day I put my MP Grimlock's gun in my POTP Nemesis Prime's fist.
    Yeah, I find it's one of the few appeals of the POTP Prime figures. You can turn their Pretender suits into their weapons mode and pretty much any recent toy can wield them

  8. #8
    FatalityPitt Guest


    For me; Triple-changers (it's three toys in one instead of the usual two), anything with cockpits/driver seats (by extension, that means Titan/Headmasters, because someone has to sit in those chairs ), and of course; the 5mm peg-holes (Optimus Prime needs his weapons dammit! )

  9. #9
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    Main gimmick is Transformation, followed by
    ~Masters, Head\Target\Power, I don't care!

    Oh, lightpiping eyes!

    One other one that I would like to see expanded (but will prove unpopular) would be Stealth Force.

    I loved that the vehicles had armed modes. I'd love to see TRANSFOrming toys with vehicle modes where you could have them also transform into weapon bearing vehicles.

    Make them Headmasters and I'd be in heaven!!

    A final one I'd like to see is Transformers wwith glow int he dark/lighty lines ala War/fall of Cybertron. Slap some Tronnage on those bots for me will ya HAsbro!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    14th May 2008
    Back in Brisbane


    Only a few years ago I transformed G1 Optimus Prime and was pleasantly surprised by the legs spreading as you fold them. Hello automorph!
    "I am not a gun. I'm hitting people with a hammer. On Mars."
    The Iron Giant / David Wildgoose

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