@TaZZerath, I'm being oppositional.

What are some gimmicks that you've really enjoyed?

I'll lead the charge with some

  • Studio Series robot mode scale - after a few years of Generations releases where every robot in every size class had to be basically the exact same size and dimensions, it's refreshing to have a display shelf full of robots of incredibly varying heights and bulk.
  • Fuzors - When I was 7 these seemed like the coolest things. I'd love to get my hands on a few of them now without paying through the nose (or having them crumble in my hands hello Torca). Also, how haven't we had an update or indeed reissue of Silverbolt?
  • Mech Alive - For those that don't remember, this is that ROTF era gimmick where parts were layered or geared so when you moved a limb it looked like there were layers of armour plates or robot bits moving. This was a much better gimmick than the TF07 Automorph or the DOTM MechTech.

That's it for me. Everyone else go nuts.